ABSTRAKMemasak merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan seseorang untuk mengh terjemahan - ABSTRAKMemasak merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan seseorang untuk mengh Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ABSTRAKMemasak merupakan kegiatan y


Memasak merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan seseorang untuk menghidangkan suatu masakan, resep masakan sangat di butuhkan sebagai suatu sarana yang dapat menuntun pada saat penyiapan bahan- bahan masakan, cara pembuatan serta cara penyajian agar menghasilkan masakan dengan cita rasa yang lezat, nikmat, dan menarik. Resep masakan yang dapat di akses setiap saat sangat di butuhkan, sehingga dapat mempermudah dalam proses memasak,apalagi memasak masakan khas daerah tertentu sudah tentu kita lupa akan resep resepnya. Seiring perkembangan teknologi informasi khususnya telepon seluler yang sangat cepat dan pesat, mengubah telepon seluler yang dahulu dikenal dengan kemampuan terbatas, seperti mengirim pesan, melakukan pangggilan atau menerima menjadi telepon seluler (ponsel) yang serba bisa (multitasking) yang disebut dengan ponsel cerdas (smartphone). Android merupakan toolkit perangkat lunak open source baru untuk perangkat baru mobile masa depan. Berbagai macam aplikasi ditawarkan dari sistem android. Pengguna smartphone android dapat memilih segala aplikasi yang sesuai kebutuhan yang diinginkan. Makanan tradisional merupakan suatu bentuk identitas dan ciri khas suatu provinsi. Sebagian besar masyarakat di pulau Jawa masih banyak yang belum mengenal makanan-makanan yang ada di daerah mereka sendiri. . Oleh karena itu, penulis membuat aplikasi mobile berbasis android. Aplikasi ini bernama APLIKASI INFORMASI RESEP MASAK MAKANAN TRADISIONAL PULAU JAWA PADA SMARTPHONE BERBASIS ANDROID. Aplikasi tersebut dapat membantu untuk memecahkan kesulitan dalam memasak makanan tradisional Pulau Jawa.
Kata Kunci : Resep Masak,Pulau Jawa, Smartphone, Android, Aplikasi Resep Masak
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
ABSTRACTCooking is an activity that is done to a person to make a cookbook of dishes, very in need as a means that can be brought up at the time of the preparation of ingredients, preparation and presentation of the way in order to produce a cuisine with delicious flavours, delights, and interesting. Cooking recipes that can be accessed any time very in need, so that it can make in the process of cooking, especially cooking specialties of certain areas is certainly a recipe will we forget the recipe. As the development of information technology, particularly mobile phone very quickly and rapidly, turning the cell phone that was known for its limited capabilities, such as sending a message, do a pangggilan or accept being mobile phones (cell phones) are versatile (multitasking) called smart phones (smartphones). Android is an open source software toolkit for new mobile devices of the future. A wide range of applications offered from the android system. Android smartphone users can select all applications according to your needs. Traditional food is a form of identity and characteristic of a province. Most of the people on the island of Java, there are still many who do not yet know the foods that are in their own areas. . Therefore, the author makes android-based mobile applications. These applications are called APPLICATION INFORMATION RECIPES COOK TRADITIONAL FOODS of JAVA on ANDROID-BASED SMARTPHONE. Such applications could help to solve the trouble in cooking traditional food of Java island.Keywords: Recipes Cookbook, Java, Smartphone, Android, Application Cookbook
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
ABSTRACT Cooking is an activity undertaken for someone to serve a dish, the recipe is in need as a tool that can lead during the preparation of food ingredients, way of making and presenting ways to produce dishes with delicious taste, delicious, and interesting. Recipes that can be accessed at any time is in need, so as to simplify the process of cooking, especially cooking dishes typical of certain areas of course we forget the recipe recipe. Along with the development of information technology, especially mobile phones very quickly and rapidly, changing the cell phone formerly known as limited capabilities, such as sending messages, make shorter calls or receiving into cellular phones (mobile phones) versatile (multitasking) called smart phones (smartphones ). Android is an open source software toolkit new for new mobile devices of the future. Wide range of applications offered on the Android system. Android smartphone users can select any appropriate application demands. The traditional food is a form of identity and characteristic of the province. Most people on the island of Java, there are still many who do not know the foods that exist in their own areas. , Therefore, the authors make the android-based mobile applications. This application is called APPLICATION INFORMATION FOOD COOK TRADITIONAL RECIPES OF JAVA ON ANDROID BASED SMARTPHONE. These applications can help to solve the difficulties in cooking traditional foods Java. Keywords: Recipes, Java, Smartphone, Android, Application Recipes

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