The Enchanted Fish

The Enchanted Fish"The Enchanted Fi

The Enchanted Fish
"The Enchanted Fish" menceritakan tentang seorang nelayan yang mendapat ikan laut saat sedang memancing. Ikan tersebut meminta agar nelayan melepaskannya karena dia adalah seorang pangeran yang berubah dalam bentuk ikan. Nelayan itu melepaskannya lalu menceritakan hal tersebut pada istrinya. Kemudian istri nelayan tersebut menyuruhnya untuk meminta permintaan pada ikan yang dilepaskan nelayan tadi. Permintaan pertama adalah rumah yang lebih baik dari tempat yang ditinggali nelayan dan istrinya yaitu gubuk tua. Ikan tersebut mengabulkannya. istri nelayan itu tidak puas dan kembali menyuruh suaminya untuk meminta pada ikan tersebut agar mengubahnya untuk menjadi seorang ratu. Nelayan tersebut, dengan berat hati, kembali pada ikan laut dan meminta agar istrinya menjadi ratu. Ikan tersebut pun mengabulkannya lagi. Tapi istri nelayan tersebut masih tidak puas dan memikirkan kembali permintaan lainnya. Hingga pada suatu hari, istri nelayan itu melihat betapa indahnya matahari dan bulan. Maka ia pun menyuruh suaminya untuk pergi ke ikan laut untuk mengabulkan permintaannya yakni mengatur matahari dan bulan. Nelayan pun terkejut dan marah akan permintaan yang kelewatan itu, karena hanya ada satu yang mengatur matahari dan bulan yaitu Tuhan. Namun istrinya marah dan mendorongnya agar pergi menemui ikan laut tersebut. Saat nelayan memberitahukan keinginan istrinya, ikan laut tersebut mengatakan "Hanya ada satu yang mengaturnya yaitu Tuhan. Pulanglah, kau akan menemukan istrimu berada di dalam gubuk tua dekat pantai." Nelayan tersebut pun pulang dan menemukan istrinya dan gubuk tuanya kembali seperti semula.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The Enchanted Fish"The Enchanted Fish" tells the story of a fisherman who got the fish of the sea while fishing. The fishermen requested that fish was let go because he was a Prince who turned in the form of fish. The fishermen were let go and then tell it on his wife. Then the fisherman's wife told him to ask for a request on the fish that the fishermen were released earlier. The first request is a better home than the place that had the fisherman and his wife, i.e. the old shack. The fish grant it. Fisherman's wife was not satisfied and return her husband sent to ask the fish in order to convert it to become a Queen. The fisherman, with a heavy heart, back in the fish of the sea and asked that his wife be Queen. The fish any grant it again. But the fisherman's wife is still not satisfied and rethink other requests. Until one day, a fisherman's wife saw how beautiful the Sun and moon. Then she told her husband to go to the sea to fish granted his request i.e. set the Sun and the moon. Any fisherman was surprised and angry requests that will miss it, because there is only one who set the Sun and the Moon that is God. But his wife is angry and pushed it so went to see the sea fish. When the fisherman tells his wife's wishes, the marine fish says "there's only one hoarding that is God. Go home, you will find your wife is in the old hovel near the coast. " The fishermen ever came home and found his wife and his old Shack back as before.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The Enchanted Fish
"The Enchanted Fish" tells the story of a fisherman who got sea trout while fishing. The fish is called for fishermen to release it because he is a prince who turns into a fish shape. The fishing was let go and told it to his wife. The fisherman's wife then told him to ask the demand on the fish that fishermen released earlier. The first request is a better house than a fisherman and his wife who live in that old shack. Fish the grant. fisherman's wife was not satisfied and told her husband returned to request to the fish in order to change it to be a queen. Fishermen, reluctantly, back to the fish of the sea and asked for her to be queen. The fish was granted it again. But the fisherman's wife is still not satisfied and rethink other requests. Until one day, the fisherman's wife saw how beautiful the sun and moon. So she told her husband to go sea fishing to grant his request that regulate the sun and moon. Fishermen were surprised and angry will demand that miss it, because there is only one that regulates the sun and moon is God. But her anger and to encourage him to go see the ocean fish. When fishermen tell her desire, sea fish, said "There is only one set is God. Go home, you will find your wife was in the old hut near the beach." The fisherman went home and found his wife and his hut restored.
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