SDN Suka Asih is an institution that is engaged in the field of education. Unlike other schools in general every year SDN Suka Asih also make the process of accepting new students for the new school year. Obstacles arise because until now SDN Suka Asih not have registration information system that can be easily accessed by the parents of new students. Therefore, to overcome these problems, we need a system design that is capable of supporting the information using a computerized system and internet site services. The tools used to describe the general model of the system is in the form of Data Flow Diagram (DAD), and in database design using a data dictionary and Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Results of this thesis is the design of information systems new admissions are expected to help the SDN Suka Asih in particular the committee PPDB in managing in managing the process of admission of new students each year, as well as to facilitate access for parents who would mendaftrakan his son as a student Suka Asih new SDN.
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