ABSTRAKSyamsul, 2015. Kohesi Gramatikal Pengacuan Persona Pada Cerpen  terjemahan - ABSTRAKSyamsul, 2015. Kohesi Gramatikal Pengacuan Persona Pada Cerpen  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ABSTRAKSyamsul, 2015. Kohesi Gramat


Syamsul, 2015. Kohesi Gramatikal Pengacuan Persona Pada Cerpen Lukisan Perkawinan Karya Hamsad Rangkuti (Analisis wacana). Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh H. Tjoddin SB dan Haslinda.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk pengacuan persona serta kaitannya dengan yang ditulis oleh penulis dalam cerpen lukisan Perkawinan karya Hamsad Rangkuti ditinjau dari analisis wacana.
Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara penelitian pustaka (Library Search), yaitu dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: (1) penulis membaca berulang kali sehingga terjadi kejenuhan. Maksudnya, tidak ditemukan lagi bentuk-bentuk kaitannya dengan pengacuan persona, baik beruapa anafora dan katafora yang tercatat dalam objek data yakni berupa cerpen. (2) mengidentifikasi data yang mengandung bentuk-bentuk pengacuan persona yang berkaitan dengan pengacuan persona, baik beruapa anafora dan katafora. (3) Mengklasifikasikan data yang termasuk dalam bentuk-bentuk pengacuan persona serta kaitannya dengan pengacuan persona, baik beruapa anafora dan katafora. (4) setelah itu dideksripsikan dan dikomentari data-data yang berasal dari cerpen Lukisan perkawinan karya Hamsad Rangkuti. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Berdasarkan penjelasan hasil analisis data maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam wacana cerpen Lukisan Perkawinan ditemukan dua aspek kohesi gramatikal berupa pengacuan, yaitu pengacuan persona yang bersifat anafora dan katafora. 2) pengacuan persona berupa anafora dan katafora, penggunaan aspek pengacuan yang mendominasi ini adalah sebagai upaya pengarang untuk memperkenalkan karakter dari tokoh-tokoh ceritanya sehingga memudahkan pembaca mengenali lebih dekat para tokoh cerita pendek. 3) Analisis wacana ini membuktikan teks dan konteks adalah dua hal tidak dapat terpisahkan dalam sebuah wacana.
Kata kunci: Kohesi Gramatikal Pengacuan Persona, Cerpen Lukisan Perkawinan
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
ABSTRACTSyamsul, 2015. Grammatical cohesion Pengacuan Persona on a Short Marriage Painting Paper Hamsad Rangkuti (Discourse Analysis). Thesis. The Department of education of language and literature University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia. Mentored by h. Tjoddin SB and Haslinda.This study aims to describe the shape of the pengacuan persona and relation to written by authors in the short story the painting work of Marriage Hamsad Rangkuti reviewed from the analysis of the discourse.The collection of data in this study done by the research library (Library Search), with the following measures: (1) the author read repeatedly until saturation occurs. That is, not found the forms related to the pengacuan persona, good beruapa anaphora and katafora recorded in data objects i.e. the form of the short story. (2) identify data that contains forms related to the persona pengacuan pengacuan good beruapa persona, anaphora and katafora. (3) Classify the data included in the forms pengacuan persona as well as the connection with the pengacuan persona, good beruapa anaphora and katafora. (4) after that dideksripsikan and commented upon data that comes from the short story the painting work of marriage Hamsad Rangkuti. Based on the results of data analysis it was concluded that: 1) based on the explanation of the results of data analysis it can be concluded that in the discourse of short story Painting Marriage found two aspects of grammatical cohesion in the form of pengacuan, i.e., pengacuan persona that is the anaphora and katafora. 2) pengacuan persona in the form of anaphora and katafora, the use of aspects of the pengacuan that dominates this is the author's attempt to introduce the characters of the characters the story is making it easier for the reader to recognize more closely the character of short story. 3) analysis of the discourse is proving the text and the context are two things cannot be separated in a discourse.Key words: Grammatical Cohesion Pengacuan Persona, Short Marriage Painting
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
ABSTRACT Syamsul, 2015. Grammatical Cohesion Persona At this reference Cerpen Marriage Works Painting hamsad rangkuti (discourse analysis). Essay. Department of Language and Literature Indonesia Muhammadiyah University Makassar. Guided by H. Tjoddin SB and Haslinda. This study aims to describe the form of persona and its relation to this reference written by the author of the short story masterpiece painting Marriage hamsad rangkuti terms of discourse analysis. Collecting data in this study conducted by the research library (Library Search) , namely with the following steps: (1) the author read repeatedly, causing saturation. That is, there was no longer forms a persona relation to this reference, both beruapa anaphora and katafora recorded in a data object in the form of short stories. (2) identify the data containing this reference forms associated with this reference persona persona, both beruapa anaphora and katafora. (3) Classify the data included in this reference forms and its relation to this reference persona persona, both beruapa anaphora and katafora. (4) after the dideksripsikan and commented upon data derived from short stories hamsad rangkuti Painting marriage work. Based on the results of data analysis is concluded that: 1) On the basis of the results of the data analysis it can be concluded that in the discourse of short stories Painting Marital cohesion was found two aspects of grammatical form of this reference, namely that the reference persona that is anaphora and katafora. 2) that the reference persona in the form of anaphora and katafora, use this reference aspect that dominates this is an attempt to introduce the character of the author of the characters making it easier for the reader to identify more closely the character of short stories. 3) Analysis of this discourse proves the text and context are the two things can not be separated in a discourse. Keywords: Grammatical Cohesion Persona this reference, Cerpen Painting Marriage

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