THE WORKING PROCEDURE OF INSTALLATION OF INFUSION 1.0 purpose of the installation of infusion 1. Restoring and maintaining the body's electrolyte and fluid balance2. provide drugs and chemotherapy3. Blood transfusions and blood products4. parenteral nutrition and Providing nutritional supplements2.0 coverageState of emergency (e.g. on actions of CPR), which allows direct dispensing into Intra Venous to provide a fast response against the granting of the remedy (such as furosemid, digoxin) patients who received drug therapy in large doses on an ongoing basis through Intra venous patients who need fluids and electrolytes disorders prevention patients who get blood tranfusi the efforts of prophylactic (preventive action) before the procedure (for example on a major surgery with the risk of bleeding intravenous lines, was installed for the preparation in case of shock, also for easier dispensing) prophylactic Efforts on patients who are not stable, for example the risk of dehydration (lack of fluids) and shock (life threatening), before collapsing veins (not palpated), so it can't be mounted line infusion. To lower the patient's discomfort by reducing the need of injection with intramuskuler.3.0 responsibilities Inflamasi (bengkak, nyeri, demam) dan infeksi di lokasi pemasangan infus. Daerah lengan bawah pada pasien gagal ginjal, karena lokasi ini akan digunakan untuk pemasangan fistula arteri-vena (A-V shunt) pada tindakan hemodialisis (cuci darah). Obat-obatan yang berpotensi iritan terhadap pembuluh vena kecil yang aliran darahnya lambat (misalnya pembuluh vena di tungkai dan kaki). 4.0 Persiapan Alat 4.1 bahan- Standar infus- Ciran infus dan infus set sesuai kebutuhan- Jarum / wings needle / abocath sesuai dengan ukuran yang dibutuhkan- Bidai / alas infus- Perlak dan torniquet- Plester dan gunting- Bengkok- Sarung tangan bersih- Kassa seteril- Kapas alkohol dalam tempatnya- Bethadine dalam tempatnya4.2 Prosedur kerja- Perawat cuci tangan- Memberitahu tindakan yang akan dilakukan dan pasang sampiran- Mengisis selang infus- Membuka plastik infus set dengan benar- Tetap melindungi ujung selang seteril- Menggantungkan infus set dengan cairan infus dengan posisi cairan infus mengarah keatas- Menggantung cairan infus di standar cairan infus- Mengisi kompartemen infus set dengan cara menekan ( tapi jangan sampai terendam )- Mengisi selang infus dengan cairan yang benar- Menutup ujung selang dan tutup dengan mempertahankan keseterilan- Cek adanya udara dalam selang- Pakai sarung tangan bersih bila perlu- Memilih posisi yang tepat untuk memasang infus - Meletakan perlak dan pengalas dibawah bagian yang akan dipungsi-Choosing the right vein and right-Install the torniquet-Disinfection of the vein with the right engineering with alcohol with the dwarf in a circular or from top to bottom once delete-Open the catheter (abocath) and check for damage-Menusukan catheter/abocath on the chosen vein with what direction from the direction of the side-Pay attention to the presence of blood in the catheter in the blood compartment, if there is then the mandrin little by little pulled out while the catheter is inserted slowlyTorniquet-repealed-Connect with the tip of the hose that has been first issued the fluid for a bit, and while it is left dripping a little bit-Gives the plaster on the tip of a plastic catheter/abocath but do not touch the area of the stabbing for fixation-Wrap with bethadine kassa seteril and covering it with dried seteril kassa-Gives the plaster correctly and maintain the security of the catheter/abocath so as not to cut out-Set the tetasan infusion in accordance with client needs-The tools are dealt with and notice the client response-Nurse hand-washing-Note the actions taken5.0 REFERENCESUR & feature = related
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