Kontribusi Korean Wave selain berperan besar dalam kegiatan ekspor ter terjemahan - Kontribusi Korean Wave selain berperan besar dalam kegiatan ekspor ter Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kontribusi Korean Wave selain berpe

Kontribusi Korean Wave selain berperan besar dalam kegiatan ekspor ternyata juga sangat berpengaruh dalam peningkatan jumlah pariwisata ke Korea Selatan yang setiap tahun naik selama Korean Wave berlangsung. Apa yang ditonton orang terutama orang-orang di luar negeri dalam tayangan film-film drama Korea Selatan yang selalu menunjukkan bagaimana keindahan Korea dan nilai-nilai sosialnya, mampu menarik mereka untuk datang langsung melihat lokasi syuting film-film tersebut. Hal tersebut kemudian mampu menjadi pembangkit perekonomian yang baik bagi Korea Selatan.

Sektor pariwisata jelas sekali menjadi pembangkit perekonomian Korea Selatan yang kala itu sempat jatuh karena krisis yang melanda Asia. Hal tersebut dimanfaatkan pemerintah Korea Selatan untuk mendatangkan turis dengan sajian film-film drama dengan lokasi syuting-nya yang menunjukkan keindahan dan budaya hidup orang-orang Korea itu sendiri. “Data tahun 2005 menunjukkan bahwa Hallyu menyokong GDP Korea Selatan sebanyak 0,2%. Hallyu menyokong $1,87 miliar atau 2,14 triliun won pada sektor ekspor dan pariwisata pada tahun 2004. Di kategori penjualan barang-barang lokal, Hallyu mampu menyumbang $918 miliar.”

Mungkin dapat digambarkan pertumbuhan sektor pendapatan ekonomi Korea Selatan dari grafik berikut:
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Contributions to the Korean Wave in addition plays a major role in export activities was also very influential in an increasing number of tourism to South Korea who each year ride during the Korean Wave in progress. What is watchable people especially those abroad in drama films South Korea always shows how the beauty of Korea and its social values, able to attract them to come see the filming locations of such films. It is then capable of being fired economy is good for South Korea.

tourism sector clearly became South Korea's economic power at that time could fall because of the crisis that hit Asia. It utilized a South Korea Government to bring tourists to the delights of the movie drama with his shooting location that shows the beauty and culture of the people of Korea life itself. "The 2005 Data showed that South Korea'S GDP supports the Hallyu as much as 0.2%. Hallyu supported the $ 1.87 billion, or 2.14 trillion won in the export and tourism sectors in 2004. In the category of sales of local goods, Hallyu was able to donate $ 918 billion. "

May be described as a growth sector of the economy of South Korea's income from the following chart:
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Contributions Korean Wave in addition to a major role in the export activity was also very influential in increasing the amount of tourism to South Korea each year rose during the Korean Wave in progress. What people watch especially those overseas show films in the South Korean drama that always shows how the beauty of Korean and social values, able to attract them to come immediately see the set of the films. It is then able to become a good economic generator for South Korea. sector obviously be generating tourism economy of South Korea when it had fallen because of the crisis that hit Asia. It used the South Korean government to bring in tourists with a grain of drama movies with his set that shows the beauty and culture of the Korean people living itself. "The data show that in 2005 South Korea's Hallyu sustain GDP by 0.2%. Hallyu contribute $ 1.87 billion or 2.14 trillion won in the export sector and tourism in 2004. Sale category local goods, Hallyu able to contribute $ 918 billion. " might be described economic growth in South Korea's income from the following graph:

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