Welcomes the Democratic National Congress which will take place 11-13 October 2015 in SurabayaTHE DEMOCRATS AMONG THE OPPOSITION OR NEUTRALBy: m. AMINUDIN (Director of the Institute for Strategic and Development Studies (ISDS)/Political Science POLITICAL SCIENCE alumnus UNAIR) –-–-–-–-–-–-The Democratic National Convention will take place from 11 to 13 may 2015 in Surabaya interesting to watch because the party has formally declared himself the power balance between competition red-white Coalition (KMP) that are beyond the authority of the coalition with Great Indonesia (KIH) ruling. It means that even though the results of the last election DEMOCRATS "just" putting on the fourth stage the 2014 elections but his position quite determine equalization konsetelasi politics in Parliament. Thus the decision of the Congress of the Democratic Party in Surabaya will join the national power configuration determine in the next five years will strengthen Government reaffirms the Opposition ranks at or?. But judging from the early history of the establishment of the Democratic Party appears to be difficult regardless of the figure figure Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) so if this party does not suffer intervention from the superstructure as experienced by GOLKAR and PPP actually predicted the Democratic Party would not happen turnaround leadership into the future. That means either directly or indirectly, the party remained in the shadow of the political line of SBY. In fact the party has indeed emerged and grew up to be recognized as The FIRST factor, not because of political ideology and base flow. This is what distinguishes the Democratic Party with all the political parties who signed 5 large political party (The Big five) in Indonesia after the reform of 1999 elections to 2014 where the other party 4 as PDI-P, Golkar, PAN, PKS, PKB voters much mass base rooted in the political flow of Indonesia independence that has emerged as a political map of the pembilahan flow study results Indonesia observer from Australia in his book entitled Indonesia political thinking : 1945-1965 (ed. by Herbert Feith and Lance Castles, Cornell University Press Ithaca USA: 1970). In General a large party of Indonesia was indeed from 1955 until now still a lot resting on the political currents support Indonesia as the PDI-P which is rooted in the populist and nasioalisme flow among GOLKAR Priyayi, while PAN, PPP, PKB, the MCC a lot selected by his supporters over because the bonds of loyalty because it is considered the cultural representations of the Muslim party. In the case of Democratic choice and the rise of GENERRA, pembilahan politics that flow almost does not apply, because the mass of pemilihnya very very pragmatic range of liquid flow, almost all of them sucked magnetism power figure and leader of the imaging communication message influences the results of political consultants finish. In the case of the Democratic Party is indeed quite phenomenal from beginning to emerge as a new party in the 2004 elections directly reach more than 7% of the votes and the main founder of delivering successful direct became President for two periods and was the largest party in the first election 2009 rankings to reach 21% of the vote. Important factors that could bring direct democratic party occupied the top ranking in the ladder of political ELECTION time it is performance leadership and satisfaction to the Government policy of SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO, followed the media Imaging Sharpshooter including anti-corruption issues. But in the second term SBY period 2009-2014 level of satisfaction on the Yudhoyono Government shrank sharply as a result of policies that are not popular rise in the price of fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, etc. and also licensed more entangled in corruption cases. As the implications of the Yudhoyono government performance deficit tally votes his party slump about 50% in 2014 ELECTIONS compared to the 2009 election. With the background of the rise and fall of the Democratic Party that is the result of the Democratic Congress in Surabaya mid-2015 could be the entrance to revive the Democratic Party back in the future? The answer can be yes could not. Democratic Awakening opportunities are actually still open if it sees a growing political sentiment in today's society who started comparing the Yudhoyono Government and Jokowi. The majority in the eyes of the public perceive Yudhoyono government management still considered more effective where policy directions the President of everything can be said to be followed by the apparatus of Government, including the police and TNI. But in the case of rule Jokowi many public impression that appears often occur among insubordinasi (disobedience) bureaucracy and police force against the direction the President is mainly in the case of Police VS. KPK. The economic performance of the Government of Jokowi-JK in the eyes of the people are also increasingly dwindled as it attempted all survey include LSI, also shrank due to increasingly Indobarometer increasing economic uncertainty-society so that the growth of the national economy in the first quarter the Government plunged into Jokowi around 4% compared to the end of the Government of SBY around 6%. This looks more and more growth slump erode the real sector; The property, automotive declined 50%-20%, economic Inflation in the range of 10% due to skyrocketing prices and tariffs in sectors such as energy fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, electricity. Nialai exchange rate of rupiah on the dollar tend to slump, during the early reign of Jokowi only BI already drained foreign exchange reserves of about USD 4 billion for efforts to defend the rupiah exchange rate is not rising up above $ 13,000/perdollar.With the deterioration of the image should have a chance to revive democratic Liberal Party elektoralnya ahead. But the fact that the Democratic Party should still be revivalisme through a steep and winding road, what for? Because the factor "crisis" party leadership a marketable figure to the people. The Democratic Party must be admitted to enter Kongresnya in Surabaya are still experiencing the "crisis" a decent sale figure in PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION of 2019. EDI Baskoro YUDHOYONO projected that seems to be the corolla seem impressed the Prince is still "too green" that could only exist because of his father's big name factor. While shoots would-be Democratic party leaders originally already have branding on the public almost everything already withering before developing legal issues such as tripping because Andi Mallarangeng, Angelina Sondakh and Anas Urbaningrum. YUDHOYONO himself was certainly not possible to forward as President again.In the middle of "crisis figure" candidate the leader of the Democratic Party, currently in the media became less conducive to the rise of the Democratic Party again. Like it or not like it, the existence of a non-party Democratic pasang-surutnya such flow depends very much on the image formed the media including TV. If 5 or 10 years ago, the majority owner of the TV media is not directly involved in partisan politics. But this configuration saaat media ownership especially media many changes. The owners of a large TV start busy-busy setting up political parties or became Chairman of the CENTRE. SURYA PALOH (Metro TV/Media Indonesia) became the leader of NASDEM, today the Tanoe (MNC Group/Global/RCTI TV/SINDO) founded PERINDO, Aburizal Bakrie became Chairman of the GOLKAR Party. It is definitely a TV or media they will everything possible to funnel POLITICAL PARTIES their respective owners. While the Democratic Party until now none had major media as corongnya. Because of that need, the Congress of the Democratic Party in Surabaya this time inevitably have to find a way out how have big media as an instrument of political funnel. But if the way out is not the maximum can be retrieved formulasinya, the Democratic Party considers it necessary to gradually reassert his position as an extremely compact opposed-. During this time the Democratic position that follows the style of politics that simply searching for SBY survived. Although the search for survivors remains important in the midst of incessant efforts to intervene Lord of the current parties through the game MENKUMHAM but could not DECREE a sustained long term because it will hurt the Democratic Party. By taking a position of "gray" sort of people that most laymen will be difficult to distinguish the Democratic Party with the Ruling Party, so if there's any dissatisfaction or failure of the Government of the Democratic Party can kena resin. But with expresses as an "opposition party" he will be able to act as a transition sound of malcontents against Government policy Jokowi-Jk. At least the Democratic Party is considered to have emphati or alignment with the people who feel the feeling of not benefitting the Government policy. The Democratic Party needs to be mengaca on a consistent DESIGN, success being "opposition parties" during SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO became President. For being "opposition" were the main opponents of the PDI-P became the effective Government of SBY in Parliament from opposition fuel price hike and the scandal of Bank Century. Konsistennya for 10 years becomes the opposition turned out to be fruitful, sound DESIGN, back up to the first rank in the previous ELECTION of the 2014 ELECTION degenerated into second place.The position of the opposition in certain levels does help expand access to the media. However a certain boundaries when the media want to attract viewers or readers will consider aspects of hotnews news. If kejadiannnya is not privileged or ordinary difficult an event or material information entered into an important media reports. Consumer News usually is not so interested in the media that seems to just be "bulletin of Government". In a situation that many government policies caused discontent of society as now opposition increasing attitudes sexy or marketable among people who became elector of the election. All up in the Democratic Party anymore is remain in the grey area, with the risk of further dims in the political arena or Indonesia Expresses Opposition to investing popular support which became Pemilihnya in the next ELECTION.
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