Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun yang penuh tantangan bagi industri perbanka terjemahan - Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun yang penuh tantangan bagi industri perbanka Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun yang pen

Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun yang penuh tantangan bagi industri perbankan yang terutama disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan ekonomi domestik yang melamban, likuiditas pasar yang sangat ketat, serta permintaan komoditas ekspor utama Indonesia yang menurun signifikan di pasar global. Di tengah berbagai sentimen negatif yang diakibatkan oleh situasi global dan domestik yang kurang mendukung tersebut, kami sangat menghargai dan puas dengan kinerja Direksi yang senantiasa menerapkan prinsip kehati hatian di semua aspek dalam menjalankan operasional dan bisnis perusahaan selama tahun 2014. Pendekatan dan kebijakan yang diambil oleh Direksi ini tentunya akan memperkuat kemampuan dan kesiapan Danamon dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya pada saat yang lebih tepat di tahun tahun mendatang.

Total portofolio kredit tumbuh menjadi Rp. 139 Trilliun dimana Direksi memprioritaskan kualitas kredit yang tercermin dari rasio non performing loan yang relatif terkendali dan rendah. Dari sisi pendanaan, total dana pihak ketiga tumbuh menjadi Rp. 118 Trilliun dengan rasio tabungan dan giro terhadap total dana pihak ketiga (CASA Ratio) yang lebih baik di tingkat 49%. Manajemen juga berhasil melakukan pengelolaan rasio total pinjaman terhadap total pendanaan (loan to deposit ratio) yang ideal dan seimbang di angka 92.6% dengan tetap memperhatikan dinamika pasar serta kepatuhan terhadap regulasi.

Laba setelah pajak di tahun 2014 mengalami penurunan dibanding tahun lalu menjadi Rp. 2.6 Trilliun. Dewan Komisaris menyadari beratnya tantangan yang dihadapi, dan kami sangat mengapresiasi inisiatif pengelolaan biaya yang lebih efisien dan bijaksana yang telah dilakukan oleh Direksi ditengah penurunan marjin yang dialami perusahaan. Hal ini mencerminkan kebijaksanaan serta cepat tanggapnya Direksi dalam menghadapi situasi yang ada. Kami juga sangat mendukung dan menghargai inisiatif transformasi model bisnis yang tengah dilakukan oleh Direksi dan berkeyakinan bahwa inisiatif ini akan mampu memberikan kontribusi yang sangat berarti bagi perusahaan. Terkait dengan permodalan, kami berpendapat bahwa rasio kecukupan modal Danamon sangat memadai dimana hal ini tidak terlepas dari perencanaan dan pengelolaan permodalan yang sangat baik oleh Direksi.

Tata kelola perusahaan merupakan bagian yang sangat esensial dalam menjaga kepercayaan publik dan meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Sehubungan dengan hal ini, Dewan Komisaris memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi dan sangat bangga atas praktek tata kelola perusahaan yang dilaksanakan oleh Direksi selama tahun 2014. Hal ini tercermin dari penghargaan yang diterima oleh Danamon sebagai Best Company for Corporate Governance berdasarkan hasil penilaian Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) dengan menggunakan acuan ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard. Selain itu, Danamon juga meraih juara satu Annual Report Award yang merupakan penghargaan Laporan Tahunan paling bergengsi di Indonesia.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
2014 is the year full of challenges for the banking industry, which is largely due to the growth of the domestic economy which is melamban, a very tight market liquidity, as well as Indonesia's main export commodity demand a significant decline in the global market. In the middle of a variety of negative sentiment caused by global and domestic situation that is less support, we really appreciate and are satisfied with the performance of the Board of directors who has been applying the principles of precautionary hatian in all aspects of running the company's business operations and during 2014. The policy and approach taken by the Board of Directors of this course will reinforce the ability and readiness of Danamon in developing its business in a more appropriate moment in the coming years. Total credit portfolio grew to Rp 139 Trillion where Directors prioritize credit quality that is reflected from a non-performing loan ratio is relatively low and under control. Of the funding, the total third-party funds grew to Rp. 118 Trillion savings and current account ratio to total third-party funds (CASA Ratio) better at the level of 49%. Management also managed to conduct the management of the total loans ratio to total funding (loan to deposit ratio) is ideal and balanced at 92.6% with fixed attention to market dynamics as well as the compliance with the regulation.Profit after tax in 2014 has decreased compared to last year to Rp 2.6 trillion. The Board of Commissioners aware of the severity of the challenges faced, and we greatly appreciated the initiative of the management fees that are more efficient and expedient has been done by the Board of Directors amid a decline in margins that plagued the company. It reflects the wisdom and quick response of the Board in dealing with the situation. We are also very supportive and appreciative of the initiative of central business model transformation performed by the Board of Directors and believes that this initiative will be able to contribute significantly for the company. Related to capital, we maintain that the capital adequacy ratio of Danamon sufficient which is inseparable from the planning and management of the capital which is very good by the Board of Directors. Corporate governance is a very essential part in keeping the public's trust and increase the value of the company. In connection with this, the Board of Commissioners gave high appreciation and very proud over corporate governance practices implemented by the Directors during the year 2014. This is reflected in the awards received by the Danamon as the Best Company for Corporate Governance based on the results of the assessment of the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) using the reference of ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard. In addition, Danamon has also won the champion of one Annual Report Award is the most prestigious annual report award in Indonesia.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
2014 was a year full of challenges for the banking industry which is mainly caused by the slowing domestic economic growth, very tight market liquidity, as well as the demand for Indonesia's main export commodities were decreased significantly in the global market. In the midst of the negative sentiment caused by the global situation and the lack of domestic support, we really appreciate and are satisfied with the performance of the Board of Directors are continually applying prudent principles in all aspects of running the company's operations and business during the year 2014 approaches and measures taken by the The Board of Directors will certainly strengthen the ability and readiness of the Bank in developing its business in a more appropriate time in the coming years. The total loan portfolio grew to Rp. 139 Trillion in which the Board of Directors prioritize credit quality as reflected in the ratio of non-performing loans were relatively restrained and low. In terms of funding, the total deposits grew to Rp. 118 Trillion with the ratio of savings and demand deposits to total deposits (CASA Ratio) better at the level of 49%. Management also successfully managing the ratio of total debt to total funding (LDR) ideal and balanced in figure 92.6% with regard to the dynamics of the market and compliance with regulations. Profit after tax in 2014 decreased compared to last year to Rp. 2.6 Trillion. BOC realized the severity of the challenges faced, and we greatly appreciate the cost management initiatives more efficient and expedient that has been done by the Board of Directors amid declining margins experienced by the company. It reflects the wisdom and the rapid response of the Board of Directors in dealing with the situation. We also greatly appreciate the support and business model transformation initiatives being undertaken by the Board of Directors and believes that this initiative will be able to provide a significant contribution to the company. Associated with capital, we believe that the Bank's capital adequacy ratio is very adequate where it is not apart of the planning and management of capital which is excellent by the Board of Directors. Corporate governance is an essential part in maintaining public trust and enhance shareholder value. In this regard, the Board gave a high appreciation and very proud of the corporate governance practices implemented by the Board of Directors during the year 2014. This is reflected in the awards received by the Bank as the Best Company for Corporate Governance is based on the assessment results Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) by referring to the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard. In addition, the Bank also won the Annual Report Award which is the most prestigious award Annual Report in Indonesia.

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