The main indicators of the passage of the National Innovation System R & D institutions, among others, the establishment of mutual interaction between technology providers with technology users. Based on observations and the fact that there is today, the research activities carried out by the government has not been focused R & D institutions and well integrated. Government R & D institutions regularly conduct research and development, but in fact has not been widely exploited by users. This is due, among others, governance (including policy) has not been effective government R & D institutions and still glued to the policies and programs "in-house", so that the fabric of an integrated and targeted cooperation with outside agencies or users such as industries and universities have not developed well. Hence the need for effort to organize the functions of R & D institutions and models revitalisasinya that SINas indicators can be achieved.
Assessment Model Revitalization of Research and Development Institute aims to develop a model of institutional revitalization SINas R & D oriented towards R & D institutions of excellence (Center of exelence). The target to be achieved is the availability of institutional revitalization model of policy recommendations to improve the quality of performance of R & D institutions in order to support the national innovation system.
The method digunakana is the study of literature, field surveys, discussion forums, and policy analysis. Primary data were obtained through direct observation to the field, in-depth interviews (depth interview) on R & D actors, ranging from the head of Research and Development, R & D chief administrative and technical division head of Research and Development, as well as researchers who can represent representation to obtain information. While secondary data is done by studying literature on science and technology policy and other literature relating to the performance of the institutional R & D via the Internet.
The stages are qualitative and quantitative analysis in accordance with the descriptive analytic methods such as by analyzing the situation of the various factors associated with institutional performance Research , Furthermore, the deepening and sharpening the results of the analysis of the problem and the factors that affect the performance of R & D institutions through discussion (focussing group discussion / FGD) with a variety of relevant sources. For priority setting of various alternative policy recommendations produced, performed by analysis based technique AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), Balance Score Card, and Malcolm Baldrige.
Respondents in this study are located in Java and Bali include R & D institutions, especially in an environment representative government institutions ministry (LPK), non-ministerial government agencies (LPNK), as well as the body of research and development (Research and Development) area, such as BATAN, PPKS, Marine Research Center, Research and Bali Province, East Java, West Java and Sumatra Selatan.l
Results of this study was obtained models that form of R & D institutions is positioned as a business unit or profit centers, each or together produce services / business line, which is in the science and technology related similar process in one center (echelon II). Model Integration Management is the Basic Strategy (Grand Strategy) as presented in the figure below.
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