Pengalaman Lucu - Peristiwa Lucu di SekolahPengalaman lucu nan satu in terjemahan - Pengalaman Lucu - Peristiwa Lucu di SekolahPengalaman lucu nan satu in Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pengalaman Lucu - Peristiwa Lucu di

Pengalaman Lucu - Peristiwa Lucu di Sekolah
Pengalaman lucu nan satu ini memang membuat Saya tersenyum-senyum sendiri. Kejadiannya berlangsung pada waktu Saya masih duduk di bangku SMA. Pengalaman lucu itu masih sering Saya bagi pada teman Saya jika Saya berjumpa dengan teman SMA. Kami akan tertawa bersama membayangkan kejadian lucu itu.

Waktu itu Saya masih kelas dua SMA. Guru Biologi Saya masuk kelas sambil membawa banyak berkas. Saya sudah mencium gelagat akan diadakan ulangan mendadak dan ternyata dugaan Saya benar! Sontak teman-teman Saya juga ribut. Mereka sama dengan Saya sebab belum belajar buat persiapan ulangan nan mendadak seperti itu.

Kemudian, guru Saya membagikan soal ulangan dan Saya juga merasa risi jika nilai Saya akan jelek. Akhirnya, Saya memberanikan diri menjawab semua pertanyaannya semampu Saya. Singkatnya, nilai ulangan dibagikan. Nilainya pun beragam, mulai dari angka paling rendah sampai angka paling tinggi. Tapi ada satu kertas ulangan nan kosong. Hanya ada tulisan, Tauu, ahh... gelap!

Ya, ampun! Berani sekali anak nan menuliskan itu. Saya sampai takut jika gurunya marah dan menyelidiki penulis kertas itu. Tapi ternyata, guru Saya tampak biasa saja, malah dia berbicara seperti ini, “Lihatlah contoh nan baik ini. Jika kalian terbiasa belajar tanpa ada ulangan pun, nilai kalian akan baik juga. Jangan seperti ini, dia sudah keder dengan ulangan harian seperti kemarin” . Guru aku berkata sambil membandingkan kertas nan bernilai 8 dan kertas nan bertuliskan kalimat tadi.

Tak disangka-sangka, ada seorang teman nan impulsif berseru, “Aduuuuh, itu punyaku!” dan dia langsung menutup mulutnya. Kami semua impulsif tertawa juga dan teman Saya tersebut akhirnya dipanggil oleh guru kami.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Funny Funny events experience in schoolFunny experience this did make one comfort I tersenyum-senyum myself. It happens to take place at the time I was in high school. A funny experience that still often My friends for me if I met a friend from high school. We will laugh together imagine a funny incident then.That time I was a second-rate high school. My biology teacher enters the classroom carrying a lot of files. I've kissed gelagat will held a surprise and it turns out Deuteronomy my hunch was right! A sudden my friends also noisier. Same with me because they haven't learned to make preparation of Deuteronomy nan such a surprise.Then, my teacher share the problem repeats and I also feel My will if the value of risi's ugly. Finally, I ventured to answer all the question My best. In short, the value of Deuteronomy were shared. No matter its value varied, ranging from the lowest number to the highest number. But there is one paper Deuteronomy nan blank. There is only writing, Tauu, ahh ... dark!Yes, my goodness! Dare once children nan renders it. I get scared if her teacher angry and investigate the author of that paper. But as it turns out, my teacher seemed normal, even she speaks like this, "take a look at this good example of nan. If you are accustomed to learning with no repeat value, however, you guys would be good too. Do not like this, he's been with Deuteronomy keder daily like yesterday. " The teacher I said while comparing the paper worth 8 and nan nan paper inscribed with the phrase.Unawares, there's a friend nan impulsive cried out, "Aduuuuh, it's mine!" and he immediately shut his mouth. All of our impulsive laugh too and my friend finally called by our teachers.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Funny Experience - Events at School Cute
Funny experience nan this one did make I smiled to himself. It happened when I was still in high school. Funny experience was still often I for the friend I was when I met with a friend from high school. We will laugh together imagining the amusing incident. At that time I was still a second-class high school. My Biology teacher entered the classroom carrying a lot of files. I already he sensed a pop quiz will be held and it turns out my hunch was right! Suddenly the friends I also noisier. Because they are the same as I have not studied for a repeat preparation nan sudden like that. Then, the teacher I share test questions and I also feel uncomfortable if the value I will be ugly. Finally, I ventured to answer all questions as much as I do. In short, the distributed replay value. Its value is also varied, ranging from the lowest level to the highest number. But there is one blank test papers nan. There is only writing, Tauu, ahh ... dark! Yes, my goodness! How dare nan child write it. I got scared when the teacher angry and investigate the paper's authors. But it turns out, the teacher I looked ordinary, instead he spoke like this, "Look nan good example of this. If you're used to study without any repetition, you'll good value as well. Do not like this, he was frightened by the daily test as yesterday ". Teacher I said, comparing paper and paper nan nan worth 8 last sentence reads. Unexpectedly, there was an impulsive nan friend exclaimed, "Aduuuuh, that's mine!" And she immediately closed her mouth. We all laughed too impulsive and friends I was finally summoned by our teachers.

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