ABSTRACT Zakiyah, Nikmah Mar'atuz. 2015. Formation, meaning, and function of language word Gaul in Teen Soap Opera. Thesis, Department of Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. Advisors: (I) Dr. Martutik, Pd, (II) Dr. Nurhadi, M.Pd. Keywords: slang, word formation, the meaning of the word, and the word function Slang is one nonbaku variety that is widely used by teenagers. Slang have the dynamic nature and are not bound to the rules. As in language in general, slang also experienced a reduction and increase vocabulary in accordance with the times. Broadly speaking the language memeiliki two major elements that form and meaning. In addition, the language also possess the function. In connection with that, the research made pebentukan, meaning, and function of slang in the teen soap opera. This study aims to determine the formation of the word, the meaning of the word, and the function of slang words in this remaja.Penelitian soap opera approach and descriptive type of research kualittaif. Data in the form of a sentence of two teen soap opera dialogue and data sources of two teenage soap opera Secretly Likes and daughter Aisha. Techniques of data collection by listening techniques, notes, and transcript. Then the data analysis there are three sections (1) data reduction, (2) presentation of data, and (3) conclusion. The findings of this research include. First of slang word formation in the soap opera remja consists of two processes of formation, namely affixation and abbreviation. In the affixation there are five findings that affixes -in affixation, affix the late, affix on-in, the combination to the late, and affix Men-. While the repeated word reduplication found intact, said repeated part, said re-berimbuhan, and change the sound. the abbreviation meli puti Both slang word meaning covering fixed meaning or lexical meaning, the meaning of the old with a new meaning, and the meaning of a new creation. The third meaning of the word cyang three functions slang word which consists of functions that include an expression expressive angry, annoyed, irritated, and an apology. directive function, and the referential function. On referential function, the use of topics used more easily and lightly. The conclusion of the study explained that the formation, meaning, and function of slang words in teenage sinettron different from the standard language in accordance with applicable guidelines.
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