@banaindo: Hello
Still remember when the right to reply on 20maret's birthday whom?
Yap, Sandeul Sandeul Lee Sandeul!
And you guys know what's up with the dates april 21, her debut Certainly
? B1A4 dong the to three!
So, since both dates were very special, banaindo with each other to make a small project will result in later love directly to B1A4 course in the form of CD or DVD!:)
Project what?
1. For Sandeul
we will create one video in which all the sayings of bana throughout the world and hopefully with a variety of languages!
Later may be a bit shall we add video BANA who was singing happy birthday or ' crush ' his sandeul we would edit so one.
So, not just photo aja loh! You guys can ngucapin directly to sandeulnya!
do I?
You record a video that contains speech happy birthday you guys to sandeul. Should the language what aja (but please send in a video of his time, include also the meaning of what you guys are saying)
and also you guys should sandeul it what's description (not more than 3 words)
example: Happy birthday Lee Sandeul, wish u all the best. God bless u!
(next part) Lee Sandeul is Handsome!
And if ye dare and performing, pede you guys can also nyanyiin the song ' crush ' his sandeul as a gift for the others (?)
"If indeed you shall sing for this part, please mention @flawlessandeul later you guys will love the part where that should be singing right.
So gaperlu nyanyiin one song, then we gabungin so one is also the same bana the other
2. For B1A4 Anniv
there are some project, but you guys can take all of him! Free
-Same thing-its like sandeul project, you guys should make a video or whatever that is in the shape of greetings in various languages and free as what!
-you guys record video of you singing ' OK ' again, not one album also
just a few part aja kok, mention @flawlessandeul to ask for his part
-last, Please tell us who the bias you guys at B1A4, and don't forget to mention B. 1. a. 4 ya
all BANAs video sent to banaindo@windowslive.com or may directly enter into youtube/4shared and later links his mention to @flawlessandeul.
Video incorporated aja ya kalo mau, but split-split also gapapa kok
you have any questions, mention @banaindo or @flawlessandeul
Thank for your attention:-) We wish all of you participate too
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