Ceramic Production Process
Posted on September 26, 2008 by mazgun Making ceramics require special techniques and unique. This relates to the nature of the plastic clay which required specific skills in processing and handling. Creating different ceramic making wood crafts, metal, and others. The process of making ceramics is a long series of processes in which there are critical stages. Critical, because this stage most at risk of failure. Stages in the process of making ceramics are interrelated with each other. The initial process is done properly, will produce a good product, too. And vice versa, the error in the initial stages of the process would generate a poor product as well. The stages make ceramics There are several stages of the process that must be done to create a ceramic products, namely: 1. Material processing The purpose of processing this material is to process raw materials from a variety of materials that are not ready-made into plastic ceramic body was ready to use. Material processing can be done with a wet or dry method, by means of manual or masinal. In the processing of this material there are certain processes that must be done, among others, the reduction of grain size, filtering, mixing, stirring (mixing), and the reduction of water content. Grain size reduction can be carried out by pulverization or milling with ballmill. Screening is intended to separate the material with a non-uniform size. The grain size typically used mesh size. Size commonly used is 60-100 mesh. The mixing and stirring aims to obtain a homogeneous mixture / uniform. Stirring can be done manually or masinal with blunger or mixer. Reducing the water content is done on wet process, where the results are tangible material mixture slurry process is carried further, the coagulation to reduce the amount of water contained so that a ceramic body plastic. This process can be done with aerated on the table is done by means of a cast or filterpress. The final stage is pengulian. Pengulian intended to homogenize the mass of clay bodies and freeing the air bubbles that may be trapped. Ceramic body mass that has diuli, stored in a sealed container, then cured in order to obtain maximum plasticity. 2. Formation stage is the stage of formation change chunk flexible clay body into objects desired. There are three engineering major in shaping ceramic objects: the establishment of a direct hand (handbuilding), the technique of the play (throwing), and print techniques (casting). Working out a direct hand in making ceramic techniques forming a direct hand, there are some methods that are known so far: the technique massage (pinching), engineering gyre (coiling), and engineering plates (slabbing). The formation of the technique swivel establishment with rotary technique is the most basic engineering and is a peculiarity in ceramic crafts. Because of the peculiar, so engineering is becoming a sort of icon in the field of ceramics. Compared with other engineering, this technique has the highest difficulty level. A person does not just immediately can make ceramic objects so give it a try. Required a long time to train the fingers to form 'feeling' in forming a ceramic objects. Ceramic formed above a round table with a rotating head. Objects that can be created by engineering are objects that form the basis of the cylinder: eg plates, bowls, vases, jars and others. The main tool used is a rotary tool (turntable). The turntable can be either a rotary tool manual mapupun rotary tool masinal powered by electricity. Briefly stages of formation in engineering swivel is: centering (centering), coning (the convergence), forming (formation), rising (make the height of objects), refining the contour (smoothing). The formation of the printing technique In this engineering, ceramic products not directly shaped by hand; but use the help mold / mold made of gypsum. Printing technique can be done in two ways: solid print and print cast (slip). In the printing techniques of solid raw material used is flexible clay body while the printing technique pour the ingredients used in the form of clay body slip / sludge. The advantages of this printing technique is manufactured objects have the same shape and size exactly. Unlike the rotary technique or direct formation, 3. Drying Once finished ceramic object is formed, the next step is drying. The main objective of this stage is to eliminate plastic water bound to the ceramic body. When the ceramic body is dried plastic will occur three important processes: (1) Water on clay antarpartikel layer diffuses to the surface, evaporates, until particles are touching and depreciation cease; (2) Water in the pores disappear without any shrinkage; and (3) water adsorbed on the particle surface is lost. These stages explain why this should be done in a slow drying process to avoid cracking / cracking up on stage 1 (Norton, 1975/1976). A process that is too fast will result in the loss of water due keretakkan suddenly without offset arrangement perfectly clay particles, resulting in a sudden shrinkage. To avoid drying too quickly, at an early stage ceramic objects aerated at room temperature. After not happen shrinkage, drying in direct sunlight or drying machine can be done. 4. Burning Burning is the core of this process of making ceramics which convert mass into a solid mass brittle, hard and strong. Combustion is done in a furnace / high temperature furnace. There are several parameters that influence the outcome of combustion: temperature sintering / mature, the furnace atmosphere and of course the mineral involved (Magetti, 1982). During combustion, ceramic bodies undergo several important reactions, fade out / mineral phases, and lost weight (weight loss). In general, the stages as well as the condition of the fire burning furnaces can be specified in the table. Burning biscuit burning of crackers is a very important step because it is through this burning an object can be referred to as ceramics. Confectionery (bisque) is a term given to the ceramics that have been burnt in the temperature range 700 - 1000oC. Burning the biscuits was enough to make an object to be strong, tough, waterproof. For glazed ceramic objects, burning crackers is an early stage so that the object to be glazed fairly strong and able to absorb glaze optimally. 5. Pengglasiran Pengglasiran the steps done before burning the glaze. Coated biscuit glaze ceramic objects by means of dipped, poured, sprayed, or dikuas. For small objects-are being done by coating glaze dyed and poured; for large objects is done by spraying the coating. Function glaze on ceramic products is to add beauty, to make it watertight, and add certain effects as you wish. All of the processes in the manufacture of ceramics will determine the resulting product. Therefore, the precision in performing stage-by-stage is needed to produce a satisfactory product. Below we list the source text. For those interested in learning about the process of making ceramics, please visit the link below ... Source: http://www.studiokeramik.org
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