Langkah - langkah untuk menghindari dampak-dampak buruk mendemotivasi  terjemahan - Langkah - langkah untuk menghindari dampak-dampak buruk mendemotivasi  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Langkah - langkah untuk menghindari

Langkah - langkah untuk menghindari dampak-dampak buruk mendemotivasi adalah :
1. Tidak punya sasaran
Karyawan yang tidak punya sasaran akan mengalami demotivasi. Ia merasa jenuh dan monoton dengan pekerjaannya sekarang. Dengan kata lain, karyawan bersangkutan menjalani pekerjaan begitu-begitu terus dalam kurun waktu lama. Pagi masuk, sore pulang. Awal bulan mendapat gaji.
Keadaan ini berbanding terbalik dengan karyawan yang memiliki sasaran. Yang bersangkutan akan bergairah bekerja dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan sebaik-baiknya demi mencapai sasarannya tersebut. Sebagai contoh, seorang karyawan nonstaf yang memiliki sasaran menjadi karyawan staf satu atau dua tahun ke depan.
2. Malas
Penyebab lain adalah kemalasan karyawan. Ini berasal dari dirinya sendiri ataulingkungan kerja yang malas. Kalau berasal dari diri sendiri, tentu ini dipengaruhi kebiasaannya. Hal berbeda jika kemalasannya dipicu oleh rekan-rekan kerjanya yang malas. Karyawan bersangkutan mungkin akan berpikir untuk apa bekerja dengan baik karena teman-temannya yang malas pun memiliki penilaian kinerja yang baik.
3. Jenuh
Seorang karyawan yang jenuh akan terdemotivasi. Pemicunya berasal dari pekerjaannya sekarang tidak menantang atau tidak cocok dengan keterampilan dia. Selain itu, pemicunya dapat juga dari keenganan dia bekerja karena ingin keluar menjadi pengusaha namun belum berani melakukannya. Ujung-unjungnya, ia akan merasa pekerjaan sekarang adalah beban yang sangat berat.
4. Kecewa penilaian kinerja
Penilaian kinerja yang tidak objektif dapat juga menjadi penyebab seorang karyawan terdemotivasi. Ini terjadi jika manajemen memberikan penilaian yang sama antara karyawan rajin dengan karyawan malas. Tak heran, para karyawan rajin akan beranggapan bahwa tenaga dan waktu yang didedikasikan sia-sia.
5. Konflik
Penyebab lain adalah konflik. Konflik ini dapat dengan atasan, rekan kerja, bawahan, atau masyarakat. Dampaknya, si karyawan bersangkutan merasa tidak nyaman karena bekerja di lingkungan yang tidak kondusif.
6. Tidak mendapat kesempatan berkarier
Tidak mendapat kesempatan menduduki posisi yang lebih atas (berkarier) dapat memicu demotivasi karyawan. Ini umumnya terjadi kareka pihak manajemen lebih suka posisi yang lowong tersebut diisi karyawan baru yang lebih muda atau lebih berpengalaman. Dengan kata lain, pihak manajemen meragukan kemampuan karyawan lama untuk posisi tersebut.
7. Kepemimpinan atasan yang jelek
Jamak diketahui, ada atasan yang bekerja untuk dirinya sendiri tanpa memperhatikan bawahannya. Si atasan tersebut, dengan keahliannya, mampu mencapai hasil-hasil yang bagus. Di sisi lain, kinerja bawahannya biasa-biasa saja atau cenderung turun. Tentu, bawahan merasa tidak perlu kerja bagus karena atasannya tidak peduli.
8. Beban kerja yang berlebihan
Beban kerja yang berlebihan dapat memicu juga demotivasi karyawan. Ini umumnya terjadi jika pekerjaan lain (misalnya pekerjaan karyawan yang telah pensiun) dibebankan kepada karyawan tanpa ada penambahan finansial. Tentu, ini akan membuat karyawan bersangkutan mengeluh karena beban kerjanya tidak realistis. Di sisi lain, gajinya juga tidak naik.
9. Kurangnya pengakuan manajemen
Penyebab terakhir adalah kurangnya pengakuan manajemen kepada prestasi yang ditunjukkan para karyawannya. Ini dapat terjadi karena manajemen menganggap prestasi itu biasa atau ada prestasi lain yang lebih bagus. Dampaknya, karyawan yang berprestasi itu merasa apa yang dilakukannya sia-sia.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Steps to avoid adverse mendemotivasi impacts is: 1. Do not have a targetEmployees who do not have a target will experience the demotivation. He feels saturated and monotonous work now. In other words, the employee in question undergo a so-so work continues in a long time. The incoming morning, afternoon drive home. Beginning of the month gets a salary.This State is inversely proportional to the employees that have a target. Concerned will be passionate about work and get the job done with his best for the sake of achieving the objective. For example, an employee of nonstaf which has a goal to become employees of the staff of one or two years into the future.2. LazyAnother cause is laziness. This stems from his own ataulingkungan work is lazy. If it comes from yourself, this certainly influenced his habit. Things are different if rather triggered by the co-workers who colleague lazy. The employees concerned might be thinking of what works well because her friends lazy also have good performance assessment.3. SaturationAn employee of saturated terdemotivasi. The trigger came from her job now is not challenged or does not match the skills of he. In addition, the trigger can be also from keenganan he works for wanting to be an entrepreneur out but have not dared to do so. The unjungnya, he will find a job now is a very heavy burden.4. a Disappointed performance assessmentPerformance assessment which is not objective can also be the cause of an employee terdemotivasi. This happens if management gave the same assessment among employees diligently with lazy employees. Not surprisingly, employees will assume that the diligent effort and time dedicated to no avail.5. ConflictAnother cause is the conflict. This can conflict with superiors, peers, subordinates, or the public. Consequently, the concerned employee felt uncomfortable because of working in an environment that is not conducive.6. Got no chance careerDidn't get a chance to occupy the position of the upper (career) can trigger the demotivation of employees. This generally happens kareka management prefer the vacant positions are filled new hires a younger or more experienced. In other words, parties of dubious management ability of the employee to the position.7. The leadership of an ugly bossThe plural is known, there is a boss who worked for himself without regard to his subordinates. The boss, with his expertise, are able to achieve good results. On the other hand, his performance is mediocre or tends to fall. Of course, no need to feel subordinate work great because his superiors did not care.8. excessive workloadExcessive workload can also trigger demotivation of employees. This is generally the case if other work (such as the work of an employee who has retired) charged to the employee without any additional financial. Of course, this will make the employees concerned complained because the workload is not realistic. On the other hand, neither does his salary rise.9. The lack of recognition of the managementThe final cause is the lack of recognition of achievement management to employees indicated. This can happen because the management considers the achievement was okay or is there another better achievement. Consequently, employees who perform it felt what he did to no avail.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Steps - steps to avoid adverse impacts demotivate are:
1. Do not have a target
Employees who do not have a target will have demotivation. He was bored and monotonous with his current job. In other words, the employee has to undergo a so-so job continues for a long time. Morning came in, afternoon home. Earlier in the month gets a salary.
This situation is inversely proportional to the employees who have targeted. The question will be excited to work and finish the job as well as possible in order to achieve these objectives. For example, an employee who has a target nonstaf become staff employees one or two years.
2. Lazy
Another cause is laziness employees. This comes from the work itself ataulingkungan lazy. If it comes from yourself, this certainly influenced his habit. It is different if laziness triggered by his co-workers were lazy. The employee may be thinking of what works well for lazy friends who also have good performance appraisal.
3. Saturated
An employee who would saturated demotivated. The trigger came from his current job is not challenging or not match her ​​skills. In addition, the trigger can also be of reluctance he worked for wanting out to be an entrepreneur but have not dared to do. End-unjungnya, he will find a job right now is a very heavy burden.
4. Disappointed performance assessment
performance assessment that is not objective can also be the cause of an employee demotivated. This occurs if the management gave the same assessment among employees diligently with lazy employees. Not surprisingly, the diligent employees will assume that the time and effort dedicated in vain.
5. Conflict
Another cause is the conflict. This conflict can with superiors, peers, subordinates, or the public. Impact, the employee in question felt uncomfortable because of working in an environment that is not conducive.
6. Not getting a career opportunity
not get a chance to occupy the top position (career) can trigger the employee demotivation. This generally occurs kareka management prefers vacant positions filled new employees younger or more experienced. In other words, the management of long doubted the ability of the employee to the position.
7. Leadership bad boss
It is known, there is a boss who works for himself regardless of his subordinates. The boss is, with his expertise, is able to achieve good results. On the other hand, the performance of subordinates mediocre or tends to fall. Naturally, the subordinate feels good does not need to work because his boss does not care.
8. Excessive workload
excessive workload could trigger too demotivating employees. This generally happens if another job (eg job employees who have retired) charged to the employee without any additional financial. Of course, this would make the employee complained that his workload is not realistic. On the other hand, his salary also rose.
9. Lack of management recognition of
final cause is the lack of recognition of the achievement of management indicated its employees. This can occur because management considers it unusual achievement or accomplishment there are other better. Impact, employees who excel felt what he was doing in vain.

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