Ketika aku dihina, dimaki, bahkan ditinggalkan oleh orang-orang terdek terjemahan - Ketika aku dihina, dimaki, bahkan ditinggalkan oleh orang-orang terdek Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Ketika aku dihina, dimaki, bahkan d

Ketika aku dihina, dimaki, bahkan ditinggalkan oleh orang-orang terdekat dan orang yang kucintai. Tidak apa...

Ada Allah yang senantiasa menemani langkahku.

Mengapa aku harus malu Ketika berubah menjadi baik ?

Mengapa aku harus sedih Ketika orang yang kucintai memilih untuk pergi ?

Mengapa aku harus risau karna berjalan sendiri ketika aku berusaha menghidupkan sunnahNya?

Masing2 dari kita akan pulang sendirian. Maka jangan takut ketika di dunia kita berjalan sendiri.

Jangan takut selama masih dibumi Allah.

Jangan tunda niat baik mu menutup aurat karena yang sehat dapat mati duluan.

Jangan tunda niat mengulurkan jilbab panjang mu keseluruh tubuh karna ajal tidak nunggu taubat mu.

Jangan tunda niat menuntut ilmu agama. Karena diakhirat kelak akan Allah tanya digunakan apa waktu hidup mu selama didunia.

Jangan tunda hijrahmu dalam meninggalkan harta yang haram. Karena Allah tidak akan nunda kasih rejeki yang halal dan barokah.

Lebih baik dihina karna berubah jadi baik. Daripada dihina karna kemaksiatan.

Lebih baik dibilang mantan pecandu narkoba, mantan pezina, mantan pencuri, mantan preman daripada mantan ustad / ustadzah.

Jangan malu akan dosa yang setinggi gunning.. Karena Allah senantiasa sayang pada hamba Nya yang mengakui dosanya lalu bertaubat.

Jangan ragu jadi baik karena Nya, karena Allah tidak akan ragu angkat derajat seorang pendosa menjadi ahli surga karena perjuangannya menjadi hamba Allah yang tegar di jalanNya

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
When I despised, were reviled, even the left by those closest to and people I love. Not what ...There is a God who always accompany my pace.Why I should be embarrassed when it turns into good?Why should I be sad when people choose to go I love?Why do I have to be concerned because walking alone when I tried to turn on his?Talk of us going home alone. Then don't be afraid when we walk alone in the world.Do not be afraid for God on Earth still.Don't delay closing the nakedness of thy good intentions because the healthy may die first.Don't delay the intention of extending a long hijab mu throughout the body because he did not wait for thy repentance.Don't delay the intention of exacting science of religion. Because diakhirat will God ask thy life what time is used for the world.Don't delay in hijrahmu leave a illegitimate property. Because God will not be a kosher Fortune love nunda and blessed.Better be despised because it turns so nicely. Rather than being insulted because sin.Better say a former drug addict, ex-Adulterers, thieves, former former thugs than former ustad/ustadzah.Do not be ashamed of the sins that are as high as gunning ... Because God always affectionately on His servant that recognizes his sin then repent.Don't hesitate so good as Her, because God will no doubt raise the degree a sinner become experts of Heaven because of his struggle to become a servant of God who is unruly in his path
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
When I was insulted, abused, abandoned even by those closest and my loved ones. Not what ... There is a God who always accompany my steps. Why should I be ashamed When turned into good? Why should I be sad when my loved ones choose to go? Why did I have to worry because walking alone when I tried to turn the Sunnah? Masing2 of us will home alone. So do not be afraid when we walked alone in the world. Do not be afraid as long as God on earth. Do not put your good intentions close the genitals as healthy can die first. Do not delay your intentions long veil stretched throughout the body because death does not wait for your repentance. Do not delay intentions studying religion. Because Hereafter Allah will soon ask to use what time of your life for the world. Do not delay hijrahmu in leaving haraam. Because God will not postpone love kosher fortune and blessing. Better to be insulted because the change so good. Instead of being insulted because of disobedience. Better say former drug addicts, ex-adulterers, ex-thief, ex-thug rather than the former cleric / cleric. Do not be ashamed of the sins of the high gunning .. Because God is always fond of his servant who recognizes his sin and repent. Do not hesitate so good because of him, because God will not hesitate lift degree of a sinner to be an expert heaven for his struggle to be a servant of God whose steadfast in His way

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