As contained in the Qur'an Surah Muzammil paragraph 4, which means: "And Read the Qur'an it slowly (tartil)." Tartil is to make reading the letters, nurturing places to stop ( waqof) and enhance harokat in reading. However, to be able to read the Qur'an with Tajweed both need to study science and consider how to pronounce makhorijul letters. Makhorijul letters are the places or the location of the discharge letter hijaiyah when tolling Errors one letter short or long in reading the Qur'an will lead to changes in meaning. Therefore learning the Qur'an is necessary, namely one of them by applying methods of Ottoman. Usmani method is a method that has long lost ulama'salaf trial because of new methods that may be easier and faster to learn to read the Qur'an. In this Ottoman method has certain characteristics and specifications which differentiate with other methods, in the form of background, vision and mission, philosophy, motto, goals, system / learning rules, principles, stages, techniques and strategies of teaching and evaluation. Based on the statement of researchers interested in conducting further research into the application of the method Ottoman especially in relation to pronounce makhorijul letter and its evaluation.
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