Dulu ada seorang nelayan yang hidup dengan istrinya di sebuah gubuk ke terjemahan - Dulu ada seorang nelayan yang hidup dengan istrinya di sebuah gubuk ke Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Dulu ada seorang nelayan yang hidup

Dulu ada seorang nelayan yang hidup dengan istrinya di sebuah gubuk kecil dekat dengan pantai. Nelayan itu pergi memancing setiap hari. Suatu hari saat dia duduk di perahu dengan pancingnya, melihat gelombang yang berkilauan dan melihat lintasannya, tiba-tiba kail nya terseret jauh ke air. Dengan cepat dia menggulung kumparannya dan berhasil mengeluarkan ikan besar. "Wow! Ikan ini akan memberi makan kami selama beberapa hari." Terkejut, ikan itu mulai berbicara dan berkata, "Berdoalah, biarkan aku hidup! Aku bukan lah ikan sungguhan; Aku adalah seorang pangeran. Masukkan aku ke air lagi dan biarkan aku pergi! Berbahagialah o' nelayan yang baik hati." Nelayan yang heran itu dengan cepat melemparkan nya kembali dan berseru, "Aku tidak ingin menyakiti sesekor ikan yang berbicara! Pergilah ! Pergi darimana kau berasal."

Ketika nelayan itu pulang, ke istrinya dia menceritakan apapun yang terjadi, bagaimana ia mendengar ikan itu berbicara dan membiarkan ikan itu pergi lagi. "Tidakkah kau meminta apapun?" kata istrinya. "Tidak, apa yang harus aku pinta?" jawab nelayan.
"Aku terkejut kau tidak menyadari apa yang seharusnya kau pinta. Kita hidup sangat sengsara disini, di gubuk kotor yang buruk ini. Kita miskin dan aku sangat sengsara. Kau harus meminta pondok yang nyaman dan indah. Sekarang, kembali dan pinta ke Ikan itu jika kita ingin sebuah pondok kecil yang nyaman", kata istrinya.

Nelayan itu tidak yakin tentang ini tetapi dia masih pergi ke pantai, duduk di perahunya, pergi ke tengah laut dan berkata:

"O ikan yang indah dan ajaib!
dengarkan permohonan saya!
Istriku menginginkan apa yang tidak aku inginkan,
dan ia tidak akan menyerah sampai ia mendapatkan apa yang ia inginkan,
jadi, keluarlah dan bantu aku!"

Ikannya tiba-tiba datang dan berenang kepadanya, dan berkata, "Baik, apa yang ia inginkan? Bagaimana aku bisa membantu istrimu itu?" "Ah!" kata nelayan, "dia berkata bahwa ketika aku menangkap mu, aku harus meminta sesuatu kepadamu sebelum aku membiarkanmu pergi. Dia tidak suka hidup di gubuk kecil kami, dan ia ingin sebuah pondok kecil yang nyaman." "Pulanglah" kata ikan, "Dia sudah di pondok!" sehingga nelayan itu pulang dan melihat istrinya berdiri di pintu pondok kecil yang indah. "Masuklah, masuklah! Lihatlah pondok indah yang kita miliki." Semua berjalan baik untuk sementara waktu, dan kemudian suatu hari istri nelayan berkata, "Suamiku, disini tidak cukup ruang untuk kita di pondok ini, kembali lah ke ikan itu dan katakan untuk menjadikanku seorang ratu." "Istriku," kata nelayan, "Aku tidak ingin kembali lagi padanya. Mungkin dia akan marah. Kita seharusnya senang dengan apa yang Ikan berikan kepada kita dan jangan serakah." " Omong kosong!" kata sang Istri; "Ikan itu akan melakukannya dengan rela, aku tahu. Pergi dan cobalah!" dengan berat hati nelayan itu pun pergi ke tangah laut dan berseru:

"O ikan yang indah dan ajaib!
Dengarkan permohonan saya!
Istriku menginginkan apa yang tidak aku inginkan,
dan dia tidak akan menyerah sampai ia mendapatkan apa yang ia inginkan,
jadi keluarlah dan bantu aku!"

"Apa yang ia inginkan sekarang?" kata sang Ikan. "Ah!" kata nelayan, "dia ingin menjadi seorang Ratu." "Pulanglah," kata Ikan; "Dia sudah menjadi seorang Ratu."

Nelayan itu pulang dan melihat istrinya duduk di tahta yang sangat tinggi terbuat dari emas murni, dengan mahkota besar di kepala dua kaki tingginya. Di setiap sisinya berdiri penjaganya berbaris berturut-turut. Nelayan itu naik kepadanya dan berkata, "Istriku, apakah kau seorang Ratu?" "Ya", jawab istrinya, "Aku adalah seorang Ratu!" "Ah!" kata nelayan, saat ia menatap ke istrinya, "Apa bagusnya untuk menjadi seorang Ratu!" "Suamiku," kata dia, "aku senang untuk menjadi seorang Ratu." Mereka bahagia untuk sementara waktu.

Kemudian, datanglah waktu ketika Istri tidak bisa tidur sepanjang malam. dia berpikir apa yang harus ia pinta selanjutnya. Akhirnya, saat ia ingin pergi tidur, pagi datang dan matahari bersinar. "Ha!" pikir dia, dia bangun dan melihat ke matahari melalui jendela, "aku tidak bisa mencegah matahari terbit." di pikirannya, ia sangat marah dan membangunkan suaminya dan berkata, "Suamiku, pergilah ke ikan itu dan katakan padanya aku harus menjadi penguasa dari matahari dan bulan." Nelayan itu setengah tertidur, tetapi pemikiran itu membuatnya takut sehingga ia jatuh dari tempat tidur. "Ah, Istriku!" kata dia, "tidak bisakah kau bahagia dengan menjadi Ratu yang kuat?" "Tidak," jawab istri, "Aku sangat tidak nyaman sepanjang matahari dan bulan terbit tanpa seizinku. Pergilah ke Ikan itu sekali lagi!" "Aku tidak berpikir ini adalah ide yang bagus," kata nelayan tetapi istrinya tidak mau mendengarkan. "Mengapa kau tidak pergi saja dan katakan pada Ikan untuk menjadikanku Penguasa dari apapun!" kata istrinya.

Kemudian laki-laki itu pergi dengan gemetar ketakutan. Saat ia turun ke pantai, badai mengerikan datang. Pohon-pohon dan batu-batu berguncang dan langit menjadi hitam dengan awan badai. Ombak besar hitam menjulang tinggi seperti gunung dengan mahkota dari busa putih di atas kepala mereka. Sayangnya, nelayan itu tidak punya pilihan lain, jadi ia naik ke perahunya dan mendayung ke tengah laut. Ia berteriak sekeras ia bisa :

"O ikan yang indah dan ajaib!
dengarkan permohonan saya!
Istriku menginginkan apa yang tidak aku inginkan,
dan ia tidak akan menyerah sampai ia mendapatkan apa yang ia inginkan,
jadi, keluarlah dan bantu aku!"

"Apa yang ia inginkan sekarang?" kata Ikan itu. "Aku sangat malu akan keserakahan istriku tapi aku tidak bisa melakukan apapun. Dia ingin menjadi Penguasa dari matahari dan bulan." "Pulanglah," kata sang Ikan, "ke gubuk kecilmu." dan dikatakan bahwa mereka hidup disana hingga saat ini.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
There used to be a fisherman who lives with his wife in a small hut near the beach. The fisherman went fishing every day. One day, while she sat in the boat with the pancingnya, see the sparkling waves and see the course, his hook suddenly dragged deep into the water. Quickly he rolled kumparannya and managed to pull out the big fish. "Wow! These fish will feed us for a few days. " Surprised, fish began to speak and said, "Pray, let me live! I'm not a real fish lah; I was a Prince. Please enter me into the water again, and let me go! Blessed o' good-natured fishermen. " Fishermen wonder was quickly tossed him back and exclaimed, "I don't want to hurt the fish sesekor talk! Off you go! Go where you're coming from. "When the fisherman returned home, he tells his wife to whatever happens, how he heard that fish talking fish and let it go again. "Don't you ask any?" said his wife. "No, what must I pinta?" replied the fisherman."I'm surprised you didn't realize what you're supposed to pinta. We are living very miserable here, in a bad dirty shacks. We are poor and I was so miserable. You should ask for a cozy cottage and beautiful. Now, back to the pinta and fish if we want a nice little cottage ", said his wife.The fishermen were not sure about this but she still go to the beach, sitting on his boat, go to the middle of the sea, and said:"O beautiful fish and magic!hear my plea!My wife does not want what I want, and he will not give up until he gets what he wants,so, come out and help me! " The fish suddenly came and swam to him, and said, "well, what he wanted? How can I help your wife? " "Ah!" said the fishermen, "he said that when I catch you, I'll have to ask anything to you before I membiarkanmu go. He doesn't like living in our little hut, and he wanted a nice little cottage. " "Go fish," words "he's in!" so the fisherman went home and saw his wife standing at the door of the hut. "Come on in, come on in! Look at the beautiful cabin we have. " All went well for a while, and then one day the fisherman's wife said, "my husband, not enough room here for us in this hut, back to the it and the fish was said to makes me a Queen." "My wife," said the fisherman, "I don't want to come back to him. Maybe she will get angry. We should be happy with what Fish has given us and don't be greedy. " "Nonsense!" said the wife; "Fish that will do so willingly, I know. Go and try it! "with a heavy heart that fishermen went to sea and tangah exclaimed:"O beautiful fish and magic!Hear my plea!My wife does not want what I want,and he will not give up until he gets what he wants,so come out and help me! ""What she want now? ' said the fish. "Ah!" said the fisherman, "he wants to be a Queen." "Go home," said the fish; "He's already become a Queen."Fisherman came home and saw his wife sitting in the throne a very high made of pure gold, with a large Crown on the heads of two feet in height. On each side standing guards lined up in a row. Fisherman goes up to him and said, "my wife, are you a Queen?" "Yes," replied his wife, "I was a Queen!" "Ah!" said the fisherman, as he stared into his wife, "what good is it to be a Queen!" "My husband," said he, "I'm glad to be a Queen." They are happy for a while.Then, there came a time when the wife couldn't sleep all night. She thinks what should he pinta. Finally, when he wanted to go to sleep, the morning came and the Sun is shining. "Ha!" thought he, he got up and looked into the Sun through the window, "I could not prevent the sunrise." in his mind, he is very angry and woke her husband and said, "my husband, go to the fish and tell him I had to become the ruler of the Sun and moon." The fisherman was half asleep, but the thought of it made him afraid that he fell out of bed. "Ah, my wife!" he said, "could you not be happy with being a strong Queen?" "No," replied his wife, "I was very uncomfortable all the Sun and moon rise without seizinku. Go to Fish it again! " "I don't think this is a good idea," said fisherman but his wife would not listen. "Why don't you just go and tell the fish for the Rulers of whatever makes me!" said the wife.The male then go with cower. As he went down to the beach, terrible storms come. Trees and boulders shook and the sky became black with storm clouds. Towering black waves like mountains with a Crown of white foam at the top of their heads. Unfortunately, the fisherman had no other choice, so he climbed into his boat and paddle to the middle of the sea. She screamed as hard as he could:"O beautiful fish and magic!hear my plea!My wife does not want what I want, and he will not give up until he gets what he wants,so, come out and help me! " "What she want now?" said the fish. "I'm so ashamed of the greed of my wife but I can't do anything. He wants to be the ruler of the Sun and moon. " "Go home," the fish, "words to your little shack." and it is said that they live there to this day.--END--
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
There used to be a fisherman who lived with his wife in a small hut near the beach. The fishermen go fishing every day. One day when he was sitting in a boat with a pole, see the shimmering waves and see the trajectory, suddenly dragged away his hook into the water. He quickly rolled coil and succeeded in removing large fish. "Wow! This fish would feed us for a few days." Surprised, the fish began to speak and said, "Pray, let me live! I'm not a fish was real; I was a prince. Enter me into the water again and let me go! Blessed o 'fishing kind." Fishermen were surprised it quickly threw his back and exclaimed, "I do not want to hurt the fish sesekor talk! Go! Go where you come from." When the fisherman went home, he told his wife to whatever happened, how he heard the fish was talking and let the fish go again. "Did not you ask for anything?" said his wife. "No, what should I begged?" fisherman replied. "I'm surprised you did not realize what was supposed to be you asked. We live very miserable here, in this poor filthy shack. We are poor and I was miserable. You have to ask cozy cottage and beautiful. Now, go back and begged to Fish that if we wanted a cozy little cabin ", said his wife. The fisherman was not sure about this but he still went to the beach, sitting in his boat, went out to sea and said: "O beautiful fish and magical! listen to my plea ! My wife did not want what I want, and he will not give up until he gets what he wants, so, come out and help me! " The fish suddenly came and swam to him, and said, "Well, what does he want? How can I help your wife's? " "Ah!" said the fisherman, "he says when I catch you, I have to ask you something before I let you go. He did not like living in our little hut, and she wanted a cozy little cabin." "Go home" Fish said, "He's been in the cottage!" so the fisherman went home and saw his wife standing at the door lovely little cottage. "Come in, come! Look at the beautiful lodge that we have." All went well for a while, and then one day a fisherman's wife said, "My husband, here is not enough space for us at this lodge, go back to the fish and tell them to make me a queen." "My wife," said the fisherman, "I do not want to come back to him. Maybe he'll get angry. We should be happy with what fish was given to us and do not be greedy." "Nonsense!" said the wife; "The fish will do it willingly, I know. Go and try it!" with a heavy heart that the fishermen went to sea the hands and exclaimed: "O beautiful fish and magical! Listen to my plea! My wife did not want what I want, and he will not give up until he gets what he wants, so come out and help me! " "What did he want now?" said the fish. "Ah!" said the fisherman, "she wants to be a queen." "Go home," said Fish; "He had become a queen." The fisherman went home and saw his wife sitting on a very high throne made ​​of pure gold, with a large crown on the head two feet in height. On each side stood guard lined up in a row. Fishermen went up to him and said, "Wife, are you a queen?" "Yes," replied his wife, "I am a queen!" "Ah!" said the fisherman, as he gazed at his wife, "What good is it to be a queen!" "My husband," he said, "I'm glad to be a queen." They were happy for a while. Then, there came a time when the wife could not sleep all night. he thinks what he should next pinta. Finally, when he wanted to go to sleep, morning came and the sun shining. "Ha!" he thought, he woke up and saw the sun through the window, "I could not prevent the sunrise." in his mind, he was very angry and woke her husband and said, "My husband, go to the fish and tell him I should be the ruler of the sun and moon." The fishing was half asleep, but thought it made ​​him afraid that he fell out of bed. "Ah, wife!" he said, "can not you be happy with a powerful queen?" "No," replied his wife, "I'm very uncomfortable all the sun and moon rise without my permission. Go to fish it once again!" "I do not think this is a good idea," said the fisherman, but she would not listen. "Why did not you go and tell the fish to make me ruler of anything!" said his wife. Then the man went to cower. When he went down to the beach, terrible storm came. Trees and rocks shook and the sky became black with storm clouds. Black big waves towered like a mountain with a crown of white foam at the top of their heads. Unfortunately, the fishermen have no other choice, so he climbed into the boat and rowed out to sea. He yelled as loud as he could: "O beautiful fish and magical! listen to my plea! My wife did not want what I want, and he will not give up until he gets what he wants, so, come out and help me! " "What he want now? " Fish said it. "I'm so ashamed of the greed of my wife but I can not do anything. He wants to be Lord of the sun and moon." "Go home," said the fish, "to your little shack." and say that they live there to this day. --TAMAT--

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