Minyak atsiri sereh ( Cymbopogon citratus) terbukti memiliki khasiat sebagai antibakteri terhadap bakteri patogen, seperti Staphylococcus aureus. Minyak atsiri dari sereh diformulasikan dalam bentuk sediaan gel dengan kombinasi basis HPMC dan karbopol. Penggunaan kombinasi ini diketahui akan menghasilkan gel dengan sifat fisik yang lebih baik daripada penggunaan tunggal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh variasi HPMC dan karbopol terhadap sifat fisik gel, konsentrasi HPMC dan karbopol untuk menghasilkan formula optimum, dan stabilitas fisik gel minyak atsiri sereh selama penyimpanan.
Sediaan gel dibuat dengan kadar minyak atsiri sereh 6% dengan basis HPMC dan karbopol. Masing-masing formula dibuat dan dilakukan uji sifat fisik yang meliputi organoleptis, homogenitas, pH, daya sebar dan daya lekat. Komposisi HPMC dan karbopol ditentukan melalui proses skrining dan optimasi menggunakan metode Simplex Lattice Design dengan perangkat lunak Design Expert 7.1.5. Hasil percobaan dan prediksi SLD diverifikasi dengan uji one sample t-test dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%.
Formula optimum gel minyak atsiri sereh terdiri dari 4,00% HPMC dan 1,00% karbopol. Hasil uji sifat fisik gel minyak atsiri sereh diperoleh gel yang homogen dengan nilai pH 6,00 ± 0,00, viskositas 280,00 ± 26,46 dPa.S, daya sebar 9,36 ± 0,47 cm2, dan daya lekat 2,36 ± 0,10 detik. Stabilitas fisik diuji dengan metode cycling test selama 3 siklus dan dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan one-way ANOVA taraf kepercayaan 95% yang menggambarkan stabilitas gel minyak atsiri sereh. Gel minyak atsiri sereh stabil selama 3 siklus pengujian meliputi organoleptis, homogenitas, sineresis, pH, daya lekat, dan viskositas kecuali daya sebar gel yang tidak stabil.
Kata kunci : Gel, sereh, HPMC, karbopol
Lemongrass essential oil (Cymbopogon citratus) is proven to have efficacy as an antibacterial against pathogenic bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus. Essential oil of citronella is formulated in the form of a gel material in combination with a base of HPMC and karbopol. The use of this combination will produce a gel with unknown physical properties are better than single use. This research aims to examine the influence of variation of HPMC and karbopol against the physical properties of the gel, the concentration of HPMC and karbopol to produce the optimum formula, and the physical stability of gel-Lemongrass essential oil during storage. Gel preparations made with Lemongrass essential oil base with 6% HPMC and karbopol. Each formula is created and performed a test of physical properties which include organoleptis, its homogeneity, pH, and the spread of power power latched onto. The composition of HPMC and karbopol are determined through a process of screening and optimization method using Simplex Lattice Design with Software Design Expert 7.1.5. The results of the experiment and prediction of SLD verified with testing one sample t-test with a 95% confidence level.Optimum formula gel-Lemongrass essential oil consisting of 4.00% HPMC and 1.00% karbopol. The physical properties of the gel test results Lemongrass essential oil obtained a homogenous gel with a pH value of 6.00 ± 0.00, viscosity 280.00 ± 26.46 dPa S, power spread 9.36 ± 0.47 cm2, and latched onto 2.36 ± 0.10 seconds. Physical stability is tested by the method of cycling test for at least 3 cycles and statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA 95% confidence levels that describe the stability of gel-Lemongrass essential oil. Gel-Lemongrass essential oil is stable for 3 cycles of testing include organoleptis, sineresis, its homogeneity, pH, viscosity, and latched onto power unless the power spread the gel which is unstable.Key words: Gel, Lemongrass, HPMC, karbopol
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