Wahid reform makes it very popular among NU. At the time of the National Conference in 1984, many people are starting to express their desire to nominate Wahid as the new chairman of NU. Wahid accept this nomination with the condition that he obtain full authority to elect officials who will work under it. Wahid was elected as Chairman of the Board of Nahdlatul Ulama in the National Congress. However, the requirements to be able to elect their own officials below are not met. On the last day of the General Assembly, a list of members Wahid being discussed approval by officials including Chairman of NU NU tinggu previously Idham. Wahid had previously provided a list to the Committee Meeting which was originally to be announced that day. However, the National Conference Committee, which is contrary to Idham, announced a list of totally different to the National Conference participants.
The election of Gus Dur was seen positively by Suharto and the New Order regime. Wahid acceptance of Pancasila in conjunction with moderate image making favored by government officials. In 1985, Suharto made Wahid indoktrinator Pancasila. In 1987, Wahid showed further support to the regime to criticize the PPP in the 1987 legislative elections and strengthen Suharto's Golkar Party. He later became a member of the Assembly representing the Golkar. Although he is favored by the regime, Wahid criticized the government for Kedung Ombo project funded by the World Bank. This relaxes Wahid relationship with the government, but when it Suharto still receive political support from NU. During his first term, Wahid focus in reforming the education system of the school and managed to improve the quality of pesantren education system so as to match the secular school. In 1987, Wahid also set up study groups in Probolinggo, East Java to provide a forum for like-minded individuals in the NU to discuss and provide interpretation of Muslim texts. Wahid had also faced criticism that he expects to change the Muslim greeting "assalamualaikum" into secular greeting "good morning
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