The results of the observation data obtained committed that interest and learning outcomes grade IV SD Negeri Sumberpakem 01 is still low. This research was carried out with the aim of applying the method of experiment to improve students ' learning results and activity class IV subjects IPA material heat energy and sound in SDN 01 Sumberpakem Bondowoso. This type of research this is a class action Research (PTK) using model schematics Hopkins consisting of 2 cycles with 4 stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The subject of this research is the grade IV SDN Sumberpakem 01 Bondowoso with number of 31 students. Data collection methods used are observation, interview, documentation and tests. Data analysis in this study uses qualitative descriptive data analysis. Based on research results, obtained the data that the percentage of students learning activities cycle I of 74,19% (both categories), on cycle II of 80,22% (category). Learning activities of students from cycle to cycle I II increased by 6,02%. An average score of student learning outcomes in the cycle I of 71,13, in cycle II score average student learning results of 74,81. The results of the student learning experience an increase of 3.68 from cycle to cycle I II. The conclusions of this study, namely the application of the experimental method and results of activity can improve learning IPA material heat energy and sound on a grade IV SDN Sumberpakem 01 Bondowoso
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