The development of tourism in Indonesia so fast especially in the area of Bali and Lombok and nearby Yogyakarta. Foreign and domestic tourists visit continues to increase each year. Data of the Central Bureau of statistics show that the province of Bali in January 2012 wisawan foreign visits to Bali for as much as 253.286 people who showed a rise of 21.14% over the month of January 2011. The development of tourism are very rapidly is not followed by an increase in the use and consumption of the local farm products in support of tourism. Indonesia is very rich and many agricultural products such as horticultural, meat, and other food products. But horticultural products resulting in particular Indonesia less got a decent place and pressed by the horticultural products import. The Central Bureau of Statistics Data showed that imports increased horticulture namely in 2008 as much as 881,6 u.s. dollar and in 2011 to be 1.7 billion US dollars, (1 February 2013 While (March 19, 2013) States that in a span of 5 years, i.e. 2006-2011 horticultural imports rose sharply almost three times (300%) of 600 million u.s. dollars to 1.7 billion US dollars. Hotels and restaurants mostly using imported products, especially fruits, meat, drinks, and other agricultural products. Disisni other various aspects of agriculture such as terrace rice fields, water control system, how farming, farmers ' life, rituals and ceremonies, culture and the arts became the main attraction of agrarian tourism Bali. Penelitian ini mencoba mencari jawaban kenapa produk-produk hortikultura khususnya buah-buahan tidak banyak digunakan dan apa langkah-langkah yang mesti dilakukan agar lebih banyak lagi produk-produk buah-buahan produksi lokal yang digunakan dalam pasar pariwisata. Data penelitian kami sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa jeruk dan pisang lokal tidak digunakan atau dikonsumsi di hotel-hotel dan restoran disebabkan buah-buahan tersebut mudah busuk (pisang karena infeksi penyakit layu Fusarium), performannya tidak baik karena warna kulit yang tidak seragam, banyak bercak hitam karena infeksi bakteri atau jamur, dan khusus untuk jeruk siem dan jeruk keprok disebabkan oleh adanya infeksi penyakit CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Liberobacter asiaticum, yang banyak menyerang tanaman jeruk di lapangan sehingga membuat buah jeruk menjadi kecil-kecil dan warna kulit yang tidak baik (Wirawan, dkk, 2004).
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