ketika saya kelas 3 smp, saya dan teman-teman sekelas saya pergi ke Ba terjemahan - ketika saya kelas 3 smp, saya dan teman-teman sekelas saya pergi ke Ba Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ketika saya kelas 3 smp, saya dan t

ketika saya kelas 3 smp, saya dan teman-teman sekelas saya pergi ke Bandung untuk liburan. kami pergi kesana menggunakan bis. ketika kami sampai di Bandung, kami langsung mengunjungi tempat orang-orang melakukan terjun payung. setelah beberapa waktu disana, kami memutuskan untuk langsung pergi ke villa tempat kami menginap. sesampainya di villa, kami langsung mengganti baju kami dan berenang. kami senang sekali bisa berkumpul bersama-sama. sampai waktu malam tiba, ada salah satu teman saya yang bisa melihat hantu dan dia mengatakan bahwa di villa tempat kami menginap itu ada hantu. pada saat itu, kami sedang membuat jagung bakar. kami merasa ketakutan saat mendengar hal tersebut.
pada awalnya kami akan tidur di kamar yang sudah kami pilih sebelumnya . tetapi setelah kami mendengar hal itu, kami semua memutuskan untuk tidur di ruang tamu bersama-sama. saat tengah malam tiba, ketika teman-teman saya sudah tidur, saya justru tidak bisa tidur karena merasa ketakutan. keesokan harinya, kami pergi ke tempat rekreasi Cibodas . disana , ketika teman-teman saya sudah duduk ketika saya sedang bermain arung jeram.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
When my 3rd grade junior high school, my classmates and I went to Bandung for the holidays. We go there by bus. When we got to our direct visit Bandung, where people do skydiving. After some time there, we decided to go straight to the villa where we stay. arriving at the villa, we immediately replace our clothes and swim. We love to be able to gather together. until the night time arrives, there's one of my friends who can see ghosts and she told me that in the villa where we stay is the ghost. at that time, we were making roasted corn. We feel fear when hearing first we were going to sleep in a room that already we select beforehand. but after we heard that, we all decided to sleep in the living room together. When midnight comes, when my friends were sleeping, I just can't sleep because of the feeling of fear. the next day, we went to a place of recreation Cibodas. There, when my friends were already seated when I was playing rafting.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
when my third grade junior high school, my classmates and I went to London for a holiday. we went there by bus. when we got to London, we go directly to where people do skydiving. after some time there, we decided to go directly to the villa where we were staying. Arriving at the villa, we immediately changed our clothes and swim. we were glad to gather together. until nightfall, there was one of my friends who can see ghosts and he says that at the villa where we were staying was a ghost. at that time, we were making grilled corn. we felt scared when he heard it.
at first we were going to sleep in the room that we had previously selected. but after we heard it, we all decided to sleep in the living room together. when midnight comes, when my friends had gone to bed, I just can not sleep because they feel fear. the next day, we went to a place of recreation Cibodas. there, when my friends already seated when I'm playing rafting.
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