When I despised, were reviled, even abandoned by a nearby orang2 and people I love. Not what ...There is a God who always accompany my pace.Why I should be embarrassed when it turns into good?Why should I be sad when people choose to go I love?Why do I have to be concerned because walking alone when I tried to turn on his?Talk of us going home alone. Then don't be afraid when we walk alone in the world.Do not be afraid for God on Earth still.Don't delay the intention baikmu close the Awrah of a healthy karna may die first.Don't delay the intention of extending a hijab panjangmu throughout the body because his ga wait taubatmu.Don't delay the intention of exacting science of religion. Karna diakhirat God will ask what time your use for the world.Don't delay in hijrahmu leave a illegitimate property. Because God's love is nunda ga will clean and fortune barokah.Better be despised because it turns so nicely. Rather than being insulted because sin.Better say a former drug addict, ex-Adulterers, thieves, former former thugs than former ustad/ustadzah.Do not be ashamed of the sins of the menggunung. Because God always affectionately on his servant that recognizes his sin then repent.Don't hesitate so good karnaNya, because God ga will doubt raise the degree a sinner become experts of Heaven because his struggle to become a servant of God who dijalanNya Overdrive
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