Saya kurang spendapat dengan sebagian warga pengungsi yang tidak ingin terjemahan - Saya kurang spendapat dengan sebagian warga pengungsi yang tidak ingin Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Saya kurang spendapat dengan sebagi

Saya kurang spendapat dengan sebagian warga pengungsi yang tidak ingin menghabiskan banyak waktu di tempat penampungan dan lebih suka mendirikan tenda di depan rumah mereka sendiri.Mereka berkata, meskipun rumah mereka rusak mereka akan merasa lebih nyaman di halaman depan mereka. Masyarakat tidak mau lama untuk berada di pengungsian. mereka ingin pulang dan membuat tenda sendiri di depan bangunan rumah mereka yang telah hancur. tenda keluarga yang mereka pasang di halaman rumah karena mereka mau menjaga harta benda mereka. seharusnya, sebagian warga pengungsi Ini harus mengikuti peraturan yang dibuat oleh BNPB (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) karna ditakutkan sewaktu – waktu gempa susulan akan terjadi dan menimpa para warga yang tidak tinggal di tempat pengungsian. keperluan tenda yang harus disediakan ini juga membuat biaya akan bertambah besar, selain itu juga akan menyulitkan distribusi logistik karena harus dari rumah ke rumah yang mungkin akan sulit dilalui oleh kendaraan .

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
I do not spendapat with the most displaced residents who don't want to spend a lot of time in the shelter and would rather set up tents in front of their own homes. They say, even though their homes are damaged they will feel more comfortable on their front page. The community did not want to be in exile. they want to go home and make their own tents in front of their homes which have been destroyed. family tent they put on the home page because they want to keep their possessions. supposedly, most citizens of These refugees must follow rules made by the BNPB (National Agency of disaster mitigation) karna feared at any time – the aftershock will occur and overwrite the residents who do not live in a shelter. the tent needs to be provided is also making the cost will increase, otherwise it will also complicate the logistics of distribution because it had to be from House to House that might be traversed by vehicles difficult.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
I am less spendapat with most of the displaced residents who do not want to spend much time in shelters and the like to pitch a tent in front of their house sendiri.Mereka said, even though their house was broken they will feel more comfortable in their front yard. Society does not want a long time to be in the evacuation. they want to go home and make their own tents in front of their houses have been destroyed. family tents that they post on the home page because they want to keep their property. supposedly, some residents displaced It must follow the rules made by BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency) because fear at any time - the aftershocks will occur and overwrite the residents who do not live in refugee camps. purpose tents should be provided also makes the cost will increase in size, but it also will complicate logistics distribution because they have from home to home, may be the hardest-hit by the vehicle.

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