The film is a medium of mass communication which was assessed quite effective in delivering the message of the mass media on the other. The process of message do tend to mengkontruksi realiatas that are in the environment of human life and suggested various possibilities of moral, social and psychological practice including the struggle alive, debate, devotion, and sacrifice as well as provided in The Campaign. The Campaign is an example that shows the existence of the debate as well as a power in politics in a by-election the leader. Presentation of the candidate's campaign leaders in the story of the film is packaged in the form of comedy in addition to entertaining, but inside many contained messages of virtue that can be taken, making it pretty attractive and got good response from the people who watch it. Discourse analysis is the study of the study of the function of pramatik committed systematically against a sentence, text and context so that the meaning contained in the sentence can be interpreted. It takes the scheme/framework in order to facilitate discourse in analyzing both text, social cognition, cognition of politics, social context and the political context. This analysis aims to find out what are the moral message presented The film "The Campaign" views of the text and find out what kind of moral message that is contained in the film is seen from the political and social cognition as well as political and social context. It is focused on the themes of moral and containing elements of goodness wrapped in a story line, wearing the style of language, form sentences, propositions and expression/a good metaphor and figure out how he made the story background. The Campaign message will be loaded the moral and political messages therein. It can be reviewed from the structure of a macro that is contained in the film's main theme, namely the campaign and debate the candidates and leaders are supported by subtopik such as courage, leadership, friendship, love, loyalty, and resignation. Whereas in the schematic film, The Campaign is very interesting because it presents the content of the story, the author of the story of the film's more gives an overview and provide experience for the audience through a variety of visual overview of the debate, the image and the struggle. In addition, from the ways of delivery of its messages and information packed the popular style that is very expressive and in the form of comedy so easily accepted by the public. Whereas in the context of social and political as well as social and political cognition, author of this movie inspired to the community when it started its melting temperature of the identity of a leader election debates and events therein to reach that position.
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