This is because there is no demand from the consumers to the products we sell. and this kind of thing will always change, depending on the consumer's order. If there are orders, the factory will operate and this will have an impact on the work schedule will change. in one month, be able to 5-7 times the revision work schedule. and I must always be prepared in any circumstances, as this is a work from the start I Treaty signed in. actually I am a little disappointed with the schedule is always changing and uncertain, I am depressed. but, there is not much that I can create. I was just a laborer that mengantungkan ideals in order to boast of the elderly. not to mention the road conditions every day I traveled. journey from the bottom of the echoes to STT Damai about 25 miles with less than 35 seconds with an average speed of 45 km/h, without replacing the work clothes. then coupled with a walk of location where I work toward the parking lot about 10 minutes, so the total is 45 minutes from work sites to the stt. There is no longer an option for me to expedite travel time from the bottom of the echoes to stt, see road conditions-filled tank cars. actually there is one option, namely to stop working and the focus of the lecture, it's in my mind when all the conflicting thoughts. If I stop working, then smoothly lah all the Affairs of the College, but who will finance my lecture. I am confused. I just hope to any lecturer to always understand every State I. whatever they are talking about me, I will remain the focus of work and College. and I would like to thank Mr. belman, who has given me the opportunity to collect duties last week.
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