In antiquity, in West Java, there lived a king named Princess Dayang Sumbi. He has a son named Sangkuriang. The child was very fond of hunting in the Woods. Every Hunt, he is always accompanied by a dog named Tumang favourite. Tumang is actually the avatar of the gods, and also the father of Sangkuriang, but Sangkuriang didn't know it and her mother was deliberately avoided.
one day, as usually Sangkuriang went to the forest for hunting. After arriving at the forest, Sangkuriang started looking for prey. He noticed there was a bird who was perched on a limb, then without thinking long and shot him directly, Sangkuriang bull's-eye. Sangkuriang then ruled Tumang for pursuing hunting earlier, but the Tumang silent and unwilling to follow orders of Sangkuriang. Because it is very irritated at Tumang, then drove past Tumang Sangkuriang and not allowed to go home with him again.
arriving at the House, telling the events of Sangkuriang to his mother. So hear the story of his son, Dayang Sumbi was furious. He took a spoon of rice, and complementary to the head of Sangkuriang. Because it feels disappointed with the treatment his mother, then Sangkuriang decided to go wandering, and left his home.
After the incident, Dayang Sumbi very regretted his actions. She prayed every day, and ask that one day can meet with her again. Because of the seriousness of the Dayang Sumbi prayer, then God gave him a gift of timeless beauty and the young age of
forever. After many years of Sangkuriang wanders, he eventually intends to return to his hometown. Arriving there, she was very surprised, because his hometown had changed. The pleasure increased when the moment of Sangkuriang on the way to meet with a woman who is very pretty, the graceful, which is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Because these women are fascinated with the beauty, then direct her Sangkuriang. Finally the application of Sangkuriang accepted by Dayang Sumbi, and agree to be married in the near future. One day, Sangkuriang ask permission to hunt his candidate in committing crimes. Before leaving, he asked Dayang Sumbi to tightening and smoothing belt kapalanya. It would be a surprise Dayang Sumbi, since at the time he smoothed headband Sangkuriang, he saw no scars. The scar is similar to scar her child. When asked about the cause of the wound that Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi grew tekejut, because it is true that her future husband is his own son.
Dayang Sumbi very confused, because he could not have married his own son. After the return of Sangkuriang hunting, Dayang Sumbi tried speaking to Sangkuriang, that Sangkuriang cancels plans their wedding. Request the unapproved Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang, and only considered wind alone.
every day thinking how did Dayang Sumbi to their marriage never took place. After thinking hard, eventually Dayang Sumbi find the best way. He proposed two terms to Sangkuriang. If both can meet the requirement of Sangkuriang is, It would be his wife Dayang Sumbi, but rather if it fails then the marriage will be annulled. The first terms of Dayang Sumbi Citarum River dammed wants. And the second is, ask to make canoes Sangkuriang to cross the river. The second condition that must be diselesai before dawn
.Sangkuriang undertakes both request the Dayang Sumbi, and promised to solve them before dawn. With the divine power of Sangkuriang and exert his friends from the genie to help resolve this task. Secretly, Dayang Sumbi sneaked in the work of Sangkuriang. What a surprise he, because almost all of the terms menyelesaiklan Sangkuriang given Dayang Sumbi before dawn.
Dayang Sumbi then enlisted the help of the local community to stage a red-coloured silk cloth on the East side of the city. When looking at the colour of blushing in the East of the city, Sangkuriang thought when the day already toward the morning. Sangkuriang stopped his work and direct feel cannot be qualified has been filed by Dayang Sumbi.
With frustration and disappointment, Sangkuriang then bust the dam which he had made himself. Because the jebolnya dam, then there was a great flood and inundated the entire town. Sangkuriang also kicked a large sampan that he had made. The gondola that floated and falling-down, and then became a mountain called Tangkuban Perahu.
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