"To enjoy freedom, we have to control ourselves." (Virginia Woolf)
"only God can take someone's life because he gave." (Mohandas k. Gandhi)
"honesty is the best policy."
"Do not waste your time for hesitation and fear. Laksanakanlah work is in front of the eyes, because of this the tugassaat implemented with the good-will become sebik preparation for times to come. "
"Gapailah the sky because if melesatpun, you will still be among the stars."
"The people who succeed in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if you don't find it, they'll make it on my own."(George Bernard Shaw)
" If impianmu large enough, halangnya will not mean. "
"Perbedan among the mustahildan that is not impossible terletakpada determination someone." (TommyLasorda)
"not intelligence alone that brings success, but also a passion for success, commitment to hard work and the courage to believe in yourself."
The Best Spiritual Words
"Keeping in abide by those not destined for halyang I did, I now understand that my strength is the result kelemahanku, kesukseanku is kegagalanku and gayaku is a direct consequence associated with kertebatasanku." (Billy Joel)
"If A = success in life, then A = X Y Z = X Y = play works Z = shut up."
"A chemist who can eject from the elements of a heart, compassion, walas hormatkerinduan, kesabarn, flavors of remorse, the shock, and a sense of apology, and then combine that into a compound, will be able to create a yangdisebut atom of love. " (Kahlil Gibran)
"don't expect to be anything other than being yourself and try to be yourself." (Saint Francis De Salas)
"Lawanya love is not hate but no matter." (Elie Wiesel)
A collection of the best Spiritual words
Believing everybody is dangerous; Believing nobody is very dangerous. (Abraham Lincoln)
believes in everyone is dangerous, not percayakepada everyone is very dangerous. (Abraham Lincoln)
so many companions who so loved, but because it is too pick, judge and judge for yourself, thus true friends are becoming increasingly remote. Choose create human companions too cannot be realized before there are true friends that she needed. (Anonymous)
in life, God always give the best reply for you, may not be the best you want to reply, but surely the best yg you need. (Anonymous)
my prayers today: Lord, give me patience and strength in living the life, to always get through every ujiandariMu. (Anonymous)
My prayers today: Lord, thank you because I can still see the beauty of the morning. Give me the strength to get through this day. (Anonymous) don't beat any top
the desire you incomparable materialized. Rather than wait, the better you are trying to make it happen. (Anonymous)
If you dedicate keraguanmu in God, then God will give you Peace (anonymous)
HAPPINESS comes from within yourself, do not expect from others, because other people can be cheated on. Happiness adabila can accept yourself for what it is, to love and cherish yourself, want to love and accept others. (Anonymous)
human happiness there if he could open his eyes, and realizes that he has a lot to realize how meaningful and iadicintai. People can be happy, if he wants to open up to other people to love him sincerely. (Anonymous)
human happiness can not attend because it does not want to open the heart, and try to achieve what cannot be achieved, too pushy to get everything you want, do not want to receive, and thanks to what he had. (Anonymous)
Selfishness of man that caused it to be blind, selfishness and only think of yourself that causes humans are not conscious that he so loved, not aware that at this time what is it is good for him. (Anonymous)
when life seemed to be dropping, Trust me Tuhantlah to prepare something good you never know afterwards (anonymous)
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