The weakness of the political parties in the perkaderan this is because the internal improvement of the Centre is still difficult to run according the order ideal. The issue of the placement of public office, the numbers sort in pencalegkan and flying a cadre of political parties is evidence of the weak role of the perkaderan party. Whereas perkaderan is the first and main streets as how to repair electrical party. The impact of the continued fall in the turnout was due less to know and do not believe in a character who carried Lebanese political party in kontestasi democracy.The future of the Centre had to reaffirm the role and function of the perkaderan party as a tool of political struggle. Perkaderan party indirectly will become party leader in choosing selector and prospective public officials. Because perkaderan lah karekater and character-forming member in accordance with the political parties. To the members of the Centre not just appear on the event of the Centre but is present throughout the social life of the community.
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