Originally the fishermen while fishing, getting a big fish floundering in kaitnya. When the fish was talking and begging to be returned to the ocean. The fisherman also keep the fish and return it to the sea. When the fisherman went home empty-handed, his wife asks why that day of the fisherman did not get one fish buahpun. And the fisherman had told him about what happened to his wife.
It also directly feel the fish that her husband was rescued by a magical fish, which will grant the request of any of the fisherman was due to have returned them to the sea. Quickly, his wife asked the fisherman to ask the House for them to the fish.
The fisherman then went back to the seafront and pray call on the fish. The fish came back and grant it. The same thing happens constantly throughout the stories, and demand is increasing, from court, wants to be King, Emperor, Pope, and finally the last request to become God.
and what happens when the wife asks to become Lord?
The fish return conditions are like in the past, live in the shacks they. ..
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