Hunting touristMorning before Hunting tourist JUNIOR 10 Magelang school stay signed in as usual. 24 October 2016 held Hunting tourist in Borobudur and grade 9 was given the task of structured English. English recount text, English is the task of the individual work because it's personal experience.Demonstrating that time 7:00 PM the doorbell rang the school admission, all students grade 9 07.30 depart a little more. I immediately rushed the bus ride. It turns out that pemberangkatannya little terundur probably because all the passengers have not been on the rise. Dhewo one of me riding a bus a bit late. Dhewo is a friend of me the most hyper active and is one of those clever English in class. Depart at 07 PM EST, I'm sitting next to Farhan Farhan, also friend me. He is a friend who is cool but like children might be the effects of the sound, he's the dude not easily upset that his excellence. Next to her was her driver Farhan who would drive me and my friends for hunting tourists. The trip went smoothly until the goal since before leaving we all pray to God Almighty in advance in order to be granted the smooth. First, in the Borobudur Temple duty to hunt foreigners "Foreigners" was used for the English language. At that time I, Dhewo, Maftukhin, Gilang, and my friend manservant – other men with my classmates. We hunt together – the same that first we spoke that is Pounu we asked Agnes many questions one of which namely his home country Sweden, i.e. He likes like the beauty at Borobudur in addition he can speak Indonesian as a bit pretty and handsome is still much more to be asked. We asked some of the foreigners, some from France. Then after that went to a nearby mosque. And we then look for our food and then choose one of the merchant's chicken noodle, and it turns out the English merchants, for example, is when the offer companionship to tourists. It turns out that when I'm with my friend looking for a rainy jugakemudia I ended up eating and my shade or can be called also "KANCILEN" in the above me and my friend ate. Then after that we headed to the bus and went on my way home.COMPLETED
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