1) Natural Catumaharajika is a heavenly realm lowest in power four king of gods, namely: Dhatarattha, Virullhaka, Virupakkha, and kuvera.Empat king of gods is also believed to be pelingdung human nature, and therefore known as sebutan'Catulokapala ". In the book lokiyapakarana, four patron god of this world in the call as inda, Yama, Varuna and kuvera.Berdasarkan residence, the gods Catumaharajika divided into three levels, namely:
who was on the mainland (bhumattha),
which is in the tree (rukkha) .In the book reviews on the Dhammapada and Buddhavamsa, the deities that live in trees bhummattha included in the group,
which is in the sky (akasattha).
Four king of the gods, and some have other gods "palace" (vimanas) khussus for themselves each masing.Bagi who do not have special castles, mountains, rivers, oceans, trees that live in that house for mereka.kehidupan in Catumaharajika gods lasted for 500 years or roughly nine million human years (Comparison of age in the realms of heaven are not the same depending tingkatannya.Satu particular day in heaven compared to a century in human nature, and some are longer).
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