Pemerolehan bahasa atau akuisisi bahasa adalah proses yang berlangsung terjemahan - Pemerolehan bahasa atau akuisisi bahasa adalah proses yang berlangsung Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pemerolehan bahasa atau akuisisi ba

Pemerolehan bahasa atau akuisisi bahasa adalah proses yang berlangsung di dalam otak kanak-kanak ketika dia memperoleh bahasa pertamanya atau bahasa ibunya. Pemerolehan bahasa biasanya dibedakan dengan pembelajaran bahasa. Pembelajaran bahasa berkaitan dengan proses-proses yang terjadi pada waktu seorang kanak-kanak mempelajari bahasa kedua setelah dia memperoleh bahasa pertamanya. Jadi, pemerolehan bahasa berkenaan dengan bahasa pertama, sedangkan pembelajaran bahasa berkenaan dengan bahasa kedua (Chaer, 2003:167).

Selama pemerolehan bahasa pertama, Chomsky menyebutkan bahwa ada dua proses yang terjadi ketika seorang kanak-kanak memperoleh bahasa pertamanya. Proses yang dimaksud adalah proses kompetensi dan proses performansi. Kedua proses ini merupakan dua proses yang berlainan. Kompetensi adalah proses penguasaan tata bahasa (fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik) secara tidak disadari. Kompetensi ini dibawa oleh setiap anak sejak lahir. Meskipun dibawa sejak lahir, kompetensi memerlukan pembinaan sehingga anak-anak memiliki performansi dalam berbahasa. Performansi adalah kemampuan anak menggunakan bahasa untuk berkomunikasi. Performansi terdiri dari dua proses, yaitu proses pemahaman dan proses penerbitan kalimat-kalimat. Proses pemahaman melibatkan kemampuan mengamati atau mempersepsi kalimat-kalimat yang didengar, sedangkan proses penerbitan melibatkan kemampuan menghasilkan kalimat-kalimat sendiri (Chaer 2003:167).

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Language acquisition or language acquisition is the process that takes place in the brain in childhood when he gained his first language or the language of the mother. Language acquisition are usually distinguished with language learning. With regard to language learning processes that occur at the time a child learning a second language after he gained his first language. Thus, language acquisition with regard to the first language, while learning the language with regard to the second language (Chaer, 2003:169).During the first language acquisition, Chomsky States that there are two processes that occur when a child obtains his first language. The specified process is a process of competence and process performance. Both of these processes are two different processes. Competence is the mastery of grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics) are unconscious. This competency is carried by every child since birth. Although it carried since birth, requiring the construction of competence so that children have a good performance in the language. Performance is the ability of the child to use language to communicate. The performance consists of two processes, namely the process of understanding and the process of publishing the sentences. The process of understanding involves the ability to observe or mempersepsi sentences that are heard, while the publishing process involves the ability of generating sentences (Chaer 2003:167).
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Language acquisition or language acquisition is a process that takes place in the brain of a child when she gained her first language or mother tongue. Language acquisition usually distinguished by language learning. Learning the language associated with the processes that occur when a child learning a second language after she gained her first language. Thus, language acquisition with respect to the first language, while learning a second language with respect to language (Chaer, 2003: 167).

During the first language acquisition, Chomsky said that there are two processes that occur when a child obtain a first language. The process in question is the competence and performance process. These processes are two different processes. Competence is the mastery of grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics) unconsciously. This competence is taken by every child from birth. Although innate, require competency coaching so that children have a performance in the language. Performance is the child's ability to use language to communicate. The performance consists of two processes, namely the process of understanding and the process of issuing sentences. The process of understanding involves the ability to observe or perceive the sentences were heard, while the publishing process involves the ability to produce their own sentences (Chaer 2003: 167).

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