Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) within the scope of the border area, the condition of the transportation system and regional development plans can be obtained from: BAPPEDA, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Office of Transportation, Department of Tourism and the Department of Transmigration.
D. Preparation Base Map
main objective of this category is to improve the basic map of the existing road network. This activity required to photocopy a topographical map of the study area at a scale of 1: 50,000 whenever possible. If the topographic map 1: 50,000 scale can not be obtained will be used a map with a smaller scale or map land use but can still be used to determine a precise location of his physical state, such as the great river, residential area and at least part of the network is still same. Improvements and additions to the data can be carried out during the field survey and the results will be redrawn at the appropriate scale.
E. Framework for Population Data
Required approximate number of people served by roads is proposed to determine the value of the benefit if the roads that will be improved from the condition can not be traversed by vehicles or poor road conditions where vehicle traffic is very low, increased to a path that can pass the vehicle along year. This is necessary to conduct topographic map 1: 50,000 scale that shows the name and the approximate boundary of each village / district ruasnya alignment with the road, if possible. At the base map to make estimates of the involvement of each village / district to one or more broad based reality on the road map, as well as the approximate number of people who can be served by road and the results are tabulated to facilitate the analysis of benefits.
F. Analysis Activity Center
The purpose of this activity is to determine the location, characteristics and relative size of all markets or centers are significant:
1) To help interpret the data of the road network to determine the activity centers needed to be the center of attraction to travel towards the center of activity The.
2) Assist in determining the rate of interest on a road that is currently experiencing maybe a traffic barrier according to the size and type of activity centers.
g. Framework for Socio-Economic Data
To perform a systematic study required a supporting framework which contains information on socio-economic activities in the region of study, in addition to population data, activity centers, traffic data and the road network. All this information is needed to help interpret the data traffic, determine heavy vehicle traffic that influence pavement design, predict the rate of change, and the future composition of traffic. Data checklist which can assist in obtaining the information needed is:
1) General Statistics socioeconomic
2) Data checklists transmigration projects and estates
3) Data checklist activities of the tourism sector MASTERPLAN NETWORK ROADS Some of the problems in the existing road network in the border region Malinau District such as (1) lack of completeness roads for example signs and road markings on roads that already exist, (2) Less maximal function of existing roads caused by the condition of the pavement of the road, the wide road that is not suitable drainage path is not functioning and side interference is quite high, and (3) There uneven road network development to the entire region. Causing some areas become isolated. Table 1. Public Road Network in Malinau No Road Network Network type 1 Sekatak Buji road section (Kab.Bulungan) - Malinau Kota K - 1 2 Roads Malinau Kota - Mensalong (Kab.Nunukan) K - 1 3 bagun long road section (Kab.Kubar) - New Mahak K - 2 4 Plan for the construction of roads New Mahak - River of Goods - Log Ampung - Long Nawang - Long Metun - Data Dian - Pujungan K - 2 5 Proposed road construction road Mahak New - tabang (Kab. Kukar) K - 2 6 Plan for the construction of roads Langap - Nunuk Tana Kibang - Halanga - Long Rat - Long On - Long Nyau - Long Alango K - 2 7 development plan, roads Pujungan - Long Way - Metut -Tanjung Nanga - Langap 8 Langap road section - Long Loreh - Gong Solok - Sesua K - 3 9 road development plan New Data - Long Lebusan K - 3 10 Plan for the construction of roads New Mahak - Long Top K - 3 11 Segment road Pujungan - Long Road - Metut - Tanjung Nanga - Langap - Long Loreh - Gong Solok - Sesua >> K2 K3 12 Malinau City Roads Plan - Gaskets - Semamu - Binuang (Kab. Nunukan) Roads of National Strategic 13 road section Long Nawang - Lasan Tuyan (Kubar) Roads Strategic Provincial 14 road section Pujungan - Long Peleran - Long Uli - Long Tebulo - Long Alango - Long Kemuat - Long Berini - Apau Ping - Border Malaysia / Long Banga
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