PERJANJIAN JUAL BELI Perjanjian Jual Beli Tas Wanita ini dibuat pada h terjemahan - PERJANJIAN JUAL BELI Perjanjian Jual Beli Tas Wanita ini dibuat pada h Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



Perjanjian Jual Beli Tas Wanita ini dibuat pada hari ini, __________ tanggal __ ________ 2011, di Jakarta, oleh dan diantara:

1. ________ (nama penjual), pemegang Kartu Tanda penduduk No. ____________, dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama diri sendiri, beralamat di ______________, ________________, ____________________, selanjutnya dalam perjanjian ini disebut PIHAK PERTAMA;

2. ______________ (nama pembeli), pemegang Kartu Tanda Penduduk No. ____________, dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama sendiri, beralamat di _____________________________, __________________, ______________, selanjutnya dalam perjanjian ini disebut PIHAK KEDUA.

PIHAK PERTAMA dan PIHAK KEDUA secara bersama-sama selanjutnya disebut PARA PIHAK. PARA PIHAK dengan ini terlebih dahulu menerangkan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

Bahwa, PIHAK PERTAMA adalah seorang pemilik workshop yang ruang lingkup kegiatannya meliputi industri pembuatan tekstil, sepatu, dan tas;
Bahwa, PIHAK KEDUA adalah seorang pemilik toko yang bernama toko “Cahaya Bunda”, yang ruang lingkup kegiatan usahanya meliputi perdagangan tas-tas dan perlengkapan wanita lainnya;
Bahwa, dalam rangka menjalankan usaha perdagangannya, PIHAK KEDUA membutuhkan sejumlah tas wanita untuk diperdagangkan;
Bahwa, PIHAK KEDUA berkehendak untuk membeli sejumlah tas wanita dari PIHAK PERTAMA untuk menjalankan usahanya tersebut seperti dimaksud butir 3 diatas.
Bahwa, berdasarkan uraian tersebut diatas, PARA PIHAK sepakat untuk membuat Perjanjian Jual Beli Tas Wanita ini ini dengan syarat dan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

Pasal 1

Ruang Lingkup

(1) PIHAK PERTAMA dengan ini sepakat untuk menjual tas wanita (selanjutnya disebut “Barang”) kepada PIHAK KEDUA sebanyak 100 (seratus) buah setiap bulannya selama 6 (enam) bulan berturut-turut, dan PIHAK KEDUA dengan ini sepakat untuk membeli Barang tersebut dari PIHAK PERTAMA dengan harga sebesar Rp. 150.000 (seratus lima puluh ribu rupiah) perbuah atau total sebesar Rp. 15.000.000 (lima belas juta rupiah) perbulan, yang pembayarannya akan dilakukan setiap bulan selama 6 (enam) bulan brturut-turut.

(2) Barang sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) diatas terdiri dari 3 jenis dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

a. Spesifikasi setiap jenis Barang terdiri dari spesifikasi sebagaimana yang dimaksud dalam lampiran perjanjian ini

b. PIHAK PERTAMA wajib mencantumkan Merek Barang dengan Merek “Classy” yang merupakan Merek milik PIHAK KEDUA.

c. Penentuan jenis Barang setiap bulannya akan dilakukan berdasarkan “Surat Permintaan Pengiriman Barang” dari PIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK PERTAMA.

Pasal 2

Hak Dan Kewajiban PARA PIHAK

(1) Hak dan kewajiban PIHAK PERTAMA

a. PIHAK PERTAMA berhak untuk menerima pembayaran harga penjualan Barang dari PIHAK KEDUA sebesar Rp. 15.000.000 (lima belas juta rupiah) setiap bulan selama 6 (enam) bulan berturut-turut;

b. PIHAK PERTAMA berkewajiban untuk menyerahkan Barang kepada PIHAK KEDUA sebanyak 100 (seratus) buah setiap bulan selama 6 (enam) bulan berturut-turut.

(2) Hak dan kewajiban PIHAK KEDUA

a. PIHAK KEDUA berhak untuk menerima Barang dari PIHAK PERTAMA sebanyak 100 (seratus) buah setiap bulan selama 6 (enam) bulan berturut-turut;

b. PIHAK KEDUA wajib untuk menyerahkan pembayaran harga penjualan Barang kepada PIHAK PERTAMA sebesar Rp. 15.000.000 (lima belas juta rupiah) setiap bulan selama 6 (enam) bulan berturut-turut.

Pasal 3

Penyerahan dan Pengiriman Barang

(1) Penyerahan Barang dilakukan oleh PIHAK PERTAMA kepada PIHAK KEDUA di tempat PIHAK KEDUA.

(2) Pengiriman Barang dari PIHAK PERTAMA kepada PIHAK KEDUA merupakan tanggung jawab PIHAK PERTAMA sepenuhnya, dan kepada PIHAK KEDUA tidak dikenakan ongkos pengiriman.

(3) Pengiriman Barang dari PIHAK PERTAMA kepada PIHAK KEDUA akan dilakukan oleh PIHAK PERTAMA setiap awal bulan, yaitu selambat-lambatnya tanggal 5 (lima) setiap bulannya.

(4) Penentuan jenis Barang setiap bulan akan dilakukan dengan pengiriman “Surat Permintaan Pengiriman Barang” dari PIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK PERTAMA yang dilakukan setiap pertengahan bulan pada bulan sebelumnya, yaitu selambat-lambatnya tanggal 15 (lima belas) setiap bulannya.

(5) Apabila terjadi keterlambatan penyerahan BArang dari jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (3) diatas, maka PIHAK PERTAMA akan dikenakan denda berupa pemotongan harga pembayaran Barang sebesar 1% (satu persen) dari total harga perbulan untuk setiap 1 (satu) hari keterlambatan;

Pasal 4

Pengembalian Barang Rusak

(1) Setiap kali dilakukannya pengiriman Barang dari PIHAK PERTAMA kepada PIHAK KEDUA terlebih dahulu akan dilakukan pemeriksaan Barang tersebut di tempat PIHAK KEDUA, yang dilakukan sebelum ditandatanganinya “Tanda Terima Barang”.

(2) Dalam hal dari hasil pemeriksaan tersebut sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) terdapat Barang yang rusak, maka PIHAK KEDUA berhak mengembalikannya kepada PIHAK PERTAMA dengan disertai penggantian Barang yang rusak tersebut, yang harus sudah dilakukan dalam jangka waktu selambat-lambatnya 3 (tiga) hari setelah dilakukannya pemeriksaan.

Pasal 5

Pembayaran Harga

(1) Pembayaran harga pembelian Barang sebesar Rp. 15.000.000 (lima belas juta rupiah) setiap bulannya dilakukan oleh PIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK PERTAMA pada saat penyerahan Barang dari PIHAK PERTAMA kepada PIHAK KEDUA.

(2) Pembayaran harga tersebut sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) diatas dilakukan dengan cara transfer bank oleh PIHAK KEDUA ke rekening PIHAK PERTAMA dengan Nomor Rekening ___________, Bank ___________, atas nama PIHAK PERTAMA;

Pasal 6

Berakhirnya Perjanjian

Perjanjian ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditandatanganinya perjanjian ini dan berakhir setelah terpenuhinya seluruh hak dan kewajiban PARA PIHAK.

Pasal 7

Force Majeur

(1) Jika terjadi force majeur atau keadaan memaksa, PARA PIHAK tidak bertanggung jawab atas tidak terlaksananya hak dan kewajiban dalam perjanjian ini yang diakibatkan oleh force majeur tersebut;

(2) Yang dimaksud force majeur dalam perjanjian ini meliputi tapi tidak terbatas pada bencana alam, gempa bumi, tsunami, banjir, tanah longsor, kebakaran, perang, huru-hara, pemberontakan, wabah penyakit, dan tindakan pemerintah dibidang keuangan yang langsung mengakibatkan kerugian luar biasa.

Pasal 8

Penyelesaian Perselisihan

Apabila timbul perselisihan diantara PARA PIHAK sebagai akibat dari pelaksanaan perjanjian ini, maka PARA PIHAK sepakat untuk menyelesaikannya secara musyawarah dan kekeluargaan, dan dalam hal penyelesaian secara musyawarah dan kekeluargaan tersebut tidak mencapai kesepakatan, maka PARA PIHAK sepakat untuk menyelesaikannya secara hukum di kantor Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan.

Pasal 9


Segala perubahan dan hal-hal lain yang belum diatur dan/atau belum cukup diatur dalam perjanjian ini akan dimusyawarahkan lebih lanjut oleh PARA PIHAK dan hasilnya akan dituangkan ke dalam suatu addendum yang ditandatangani oleh PARA PIHAK yang merupakan satu kesatuan dan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari perjanjian ini.

Demikian perjanjian ini dibuat dalam 2 (dua) rangkap bermeterai cukup, PARA PIHAK mendapat satu rangkap yang kesemuanya mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama.



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Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
BUY SELL AGREEMENT Purchase agreement this Handbag was made on this day, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2011, Jakarta, by and between:1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name of salesperson), the cardholder Signs the population no. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, in this case acting for and on behalf of myself, located at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, next in this agreement referred to as the FIRST PARTY;2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name of purchaser), the cardholder Signs the population no. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, in this case acting for and on behalf of its own, located at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, next in this agreement referred to as the SECOND PARTY.The FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY collectively hereinafter referred to as the parties. The PARTIES with advance explains things as follows:That was a FIRST, the owner of the workshop that the scope of its activities include the manufacture of textiles, shoes, and handbags;That is, the SECOND was a PARTY store owner named the store "Mother of light", the scope of its business activities to include trade bags-bags and supplies for other women;That, in order to run the trading business, the SECOND PARTY in need of a bag lady to be traded;SECOND, the party that wishes to buy a handbag from the FIRST PARTY to run its business such as mentioned above 3 grains.That, based on the description above, the parties agree to make a purchase agreement this Handbag with the following terms and conditions:Article 1The Scope Of The(1) the FIRST PARTY hereby agree to sell the bag lady (hereinafter the "Goods") to the SECOND PARTY of 100 (one hundred) pieces every month for the last 6 (six) consecutive months, and the SECOND PARTY hereby agree to purchase the item from the FIRST PARTY at a price of Rp 150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand rupiah) perbuah or a total of Rp. 15,000,000 (fifteen million rupiah) per month the payout will be made, each month for 6 (six) months consecutive brturut.(2) the goods referred to subsection (1) above consists of 3 types with the following conditions:a. the specification of each type of goods consists of specifications as referred to in the annex to this agreementb. the FIRST PARTY obliged to list the Brand of goods under the brand name "Classy" which is a Brand owned by the SECOND PARTY.c. determination of the type of goods each month will be made based on "letters of request for delivery of the goods" from the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY.Article 2The Rights And Obligations Of The PARTIES(1) the rights and obligations of the FIRST PARTYa. the FIRST PARTY is entitled to receive payment of the sales price of the goods from the SECOND PARTY of IDR 15,000,000 (fifteen million rupiah) per month for 6 (six) consecutive months;b. the FIRST PARTY shall be obliged to hand over the goods to a SECOND PARTY of 100 (one hundred) of fruit every month for the last 6 (six) consecutive months.(2) the rights and obligations of BOTH PARTIESa. the SECOND PARTY is entitled to receive the goods from the FIRST PARTY of 100 (one hundred) pieces every month for 6 (six) consecutive months;b. the SECOND PARTY is obligated to submit payment of the selling price of goods to the FIRST PARTY amounting to Rp. 15,000,000 (fifteen million rupiah) per month for 6 (six) consecutive months.Article 3Delivery and shipment of goods(1) delivery of the Goods is made by the FIRST PARTY to the second place of the SECOND PARTY.(2) delivery of the goods from the FIRST to the SECOND PARTY is the responsibility of the FIRST PARTY, and the TWO parties are not subject to shipping charges.(3) delivery of the goods from the FIRST to the SECOND PARTY shall be made by the FIRST PARTY every beginning of the month, that is no later than 5 (five) per month.(4) determination of the type of goods each month will be conducted by sending "letters of request for delivery of the goods" from the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY that performed each mid-month on the previous month, that is no later than 15 (fifteen) per month.(5) in case of delay in delivery of the goods from the time period specified as referred to paragraph (3) above, the PARTY will first be subject to a fine in the form of payment of goods price cut of 1% (one percent) of the total monthly price for each 1 (one) day of delay;Article 4Damaged Goods (1) every time he did, delivering the goods from the FIRST to the SECOND PARTY in advance of such inspection will be performed in the place of the SECOND PARTY, carried out before the signing of the "Goods Receipt".(2) in the case of the inspection results referred to subsection (1) are goods that are damaged, then the SECOND PARTY has the right to return to the FIRST PARTY with the damaged Goods replacement, which should have been carried out for a period of not more than 3 (three) days after he did the examination.Article 5Payment Of The Price(1) payment of the purchase price of Goods amounting to Rp. 15,000,000 (fifteen million rupiah) per month by the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY at the time of delivery of the goods from the FIRST to the SECOND PARTY.(2) the payment of the price as referred to paragraph (1) above is carried out by means of a bank transfer by the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY account with account number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Banks, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, in the name of the FIRST PARTY;Article 6Expiry Of The AgreementThis agreement is valid from the date of signing of this agreement and ending after the correct fulfillment of the rights and obligations of the parties.Article 7Force Majeur Situations(1) in case of force majeur situations or circumstances force, the parties are not responsible for not ensuring the rights and obligations under this agreement caused by force majeur situations were;(2) The definition of force majeur situations in this agreement including but not limited to natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, fires, wars, riots, rebellions, disease outbreaks, and Government action in the field of finance which directly resulted in tremendous losses.Article 8Settlement Of DisputesIf a dispute arises between the PARTIES as a result of the implementation of this agreement, the parties agree to resolve them amicably and conversationally, and in terms of family and conversationally settlement did not reach an agreement, then the PARTIES agree to resolve them by law in the Office of South Jakarta District Court.Article 9AddendumAll changes and other things that are not yet regulated and/or have not been adequately regulated in this agreement would further dimusyawarahkan by the parties and the result will be poured into an addendum signed by the parties is one of unity and an integral part of this agreement.So this agreement is made in 2 (two) of the double legal enough, the parties got one duplicate of which has the same legal power.OF THE PARTIES:THE FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY________________ _________________
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
SALE AGREEMENT Handbag Sale and Purchase Agreement was made ​​on this day, dated __ ________ __________ 2011, in Jakarta, by and between: 1. ________ (Name of the seller), the holder of a resident identity card No. ____________, In this matter acting for and on behalf of himself, located at ______________, ________________, ____________________, hereinafter called the FIRST PARTY; 2. ______________ (Buyer name), holder of Identity Card No. ____________, In this matter acting for and on behalf of its own, located at _____________________________, __________________, ______________, hereinafter called the SECOND PARTY, PARTY FIRST and SECOND PARTY together hereinafter referred to as THE PARTIES. THE PARTIES to this first explain things as follows: Whereas, the FIRST PARTY is an owner of the workshop that the scope of activities include industrial manufacturing of textiles, shoes, and bags; Whereas, the SECOND PARTY is a shop owner named the shop "Mother of Light" , the scope of its business activities include trading bags and equipment other women; Whereas, in order to run the trading business, the SECOND PARTY require a reticule to be traded; Whereas, the SECOND PARTY desires to buy a bag lady from the FIRST PARTY to run his business as referred to in point 3 above. Whereas, based on the description above, THE PARTIES agreed to create a Purchase Agreement This lady's bag with the terms and conditions as follows: Section 1 Scope (1) The FIRST PARTY hereby agree to sell reticule (hereinafter called the "Goods") to the SECOND PARTY of 100 (one hundred) pieces each month during the six (6) consecutive months, and the SECOND PARTY hereby agree to buy the goods from the FIRST PARTY at a price of Rp. 150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand dollars) apiece or a total of Rp. 15,000,000 (fifteen million dollars) per month, which payment will be done every month for 6 (six) months brturut respectively. (2) Goods referred to in paragraph (1) above consists of 3 types with the following conditions: a. The specification of each type of goods consist of specifications referred to in this agreement attachment b. FIRST PARTY shall include the Goods Brand Brand "Classy" which is a brand belonging to the SECOND PARTY. c. Determination of the type of goods each month will be based on "Letter of Request Shipping" from the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY. Article 2 Rights and Obligations THE PARTIES (1) Rights and obligations of the FIRST PARTY a. FIRST PARTY is entitled to receive payment of the sales price of goods SECOND PARTY Rp. 15,000,000 (fifteen million dollars) every month for six (6) consecutive months; b. FIRST PARTY is obliged to hand over the goods to the SECOND PARTY of 100 (one hundred) pieces each month during the six (6) consecutive months. (2) The rights and obligations SECOND PARTY a. SECOND PARTY is entitled to receive goods from the FIRST PARTY of 100 (one hundred) pieces each month during the six (6) consecutive months; b. SECOND PARTY is obliged to submit payment of the sales price of goods to the FIRST PARTY Rp. 15,000,000 (fifteen million dollars) every month for six (6) consecutive months. Article 3 Delivery and Freight (1) Delivery of goods carried by the FIRST PARTY to the SECOND PARTY SECOND PARTY in place. (2) Delivery of Goods FIRST PARTY to the SECOND PARTY is the responsibility of the FIRST fully, and to the SECOND PARTY is not charged shipping costs. (3) Shipping of the FIRST to the SECOND PARTY will be carried by the FIRST PARTY beginning of each month, ie no later than five (5) of each month. (4) The determination of the type of goods each month will be done with dispatch "Letter of Request Shipping" from the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY performed every mid-month in the previous month, ie no later than 15 (fifteen) per month. ( 5) In the event of delay in delivery of goods from a predetermined time period referred to paragraph (3) above, the FIRST PARTY will be fined in the form of goods payment price cut of 1% (one percent) of the total monthly price for every 1 (one) day delays; Article 4 Returns Damaged Goods (1) Whenever doing delivery of goods to the FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY will first be carried out on the spot inspection of the goods SECOND PARTY, prior to the signing of the "Goods Receipt". (2) In terms of results The examination referred to paragraph (1) are damaged goods, the SECOND PARTY has the right to return it to the FIRST PARTY, accompanied by the replacement of the defective goods, which must be carried out within a period not later than 3 (three) days subsequent to the examination. Article 5 payment Price (1) Payment of the purchase price of goods amounted to Rp. 15,000,000 (fifteen million dollars) each month conducted by the FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY upon delivery of goods to the FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY. (2) The payment of the price referred to in paragraph (1) above is done by bank transfer by the SECOND PARTY FIRST PARTY account with account number ___________, ___________ Bank, on behalf of the FIRST PARTY; Article 6 End of Agreement This agreement is valid from the date of signing of this Agreement and ends after the fulfillment of all rights and obligations THE PARTIES. Article 7 Force Majeur (1) In the event of force force majeure or circumstances, THE PARTIES not responsible for non-performance of the rights and obligations under this Agreement that is caused by force majeure; (2) The definition of force majeure under these agreements include but are not limited to natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods , landslides, fires, wars, riots, rebellions, plagues, and actions in the field of government finance which directly resulted in extraordinary losses. Article 8 Settlement of Disputes If a dispute arises between the parties as a result of the implementation of this agreement, the parties nevertheless agree to resolve amicably and family, and in the case of settlement by consensus and the family does not reach an agreement, then the parties agree to resolve it legally in the South Jakarta District Court office. Article 9 Addendum Everything changes and other matters not yet regulated and / or insufficiently regulated in this agreement will be discussed further by the PARTIES and the results will be poured into an addendum signed by THE PARTIES which is an integral and inseparable part of this agreement. That agreement was made ​​in 2 (two) copies sufficiently stamped, THE PARTIES got a double, all of which have the same legal force. THE PARTIES: FIRST PARTY SECOND PARTY ________________ _________________

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