DiedIn early August, Sudirman approached and asked him to continue the guerrilla war. Sudirman does not believe that the Netherlands will comply with Roem position, learn from the failure of the previous agreement. Sukarno did not agree, which becomes blow for Sudirman. Sudirman blamed lack of inconsistent state government as the cause of disease and death tuberkulosisnya Oerip in 1948, he threatened to resign from his post, but Sukarno also threatened to do the same. And a truce in the whole Java came into effect on 11 August 1949.Sudirman continue to fight against the diseases he suffered TUBERCULOSIS with checks at the Mess. He stay at The Mess in 1949, and came out in October, he was transferred to a sanatorium near the existing standard. Due to his illness, he rarely appeared in public.Sudirman was moved to a house in Magelang in December 1949. At the same time, the Government of Indonesia and the Netherlands held a long Conference for several months that ended with the recognition of Indonesia's sovereignty over the Netherlands on December 27, 1949.Though ailing, His time was appointed as the Commander of the INDONESIAN ARMY in a new country named the Republic of Indonesia. On December 28, 1949, Jakarta back serve as the national capital.Sudirman died in Magelang on January 29, 1950. The next day, his remains were brought to Yogyakarta Sudirman, and was buried at the Taman Makam Pahlawan Semaki. He was buried next to the grave of Oerip.AwardsSudirman was promoted to full General and the youngest is the only General ever owned by Indonesia. Not only that he has also received numerous honors from the Central Government among others; The stars of the Galaxy, stars, star of Mahaputra Adipurna Guerrilla, star of Mahaputra Stars Pratama, Indonesia Adipurna Republic, and the Republic of Indonesia Adipradana Star. On December 10, 1964, Sudirman was designated as a national hero of Indonesia through Presidential Decree No. 314 in 1964.His childhood home in Purbalingga, currently a Museum, while the dinasnya home the Sudirman in Yogyakarta Sudirman Sasmitaloka Museum, the House of his birth is also a Museum in Magelang Sudirman, which was established on May 18, 1967. A number of streets are also named after her, including a main street in Jakarta. Statues and monuments dedicated to him are also spread throughout the country, mostly built after 1970.
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