JAKARTA - Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti sore ini sec terjemahan - JAKARTA - Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti sore ini sec Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

JAKARTA - Menteri Kelautan dan Peri

JAKARTA - Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti sore ini secara mendadak mengumpulkan kembali para awak media ke ruangan kerjanya di Gedung Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP). Pertemuan ini dilakukannya usai diskusi kinerja KKP siang tadi.

Dalam pertemuannya dengan beberapa awak media, Susi mengungkapkan ada kapal besar yang diduga melakukan transhipment atau bongkar muat di perairan Indonesia.

"Itu kapal yang tertangkap dalam monitor VMS KKP diketahui bernama Fu Yuan Yu yang merupakan kapal angkut atau sejenis dengan kapal Hai Va yang terlebih dahulu ditangkap beberapa waktu lalu," ujarnya di ruang kerjanya, Jakarta, Selasa (24/2/2015).

Indikasi yang kuat bahwa kapal tersebut melakukan transhipment, ujar Susi adalah VMS dari kapal tersebut kedapatan memberikan sinyal mati, nyala, mati, nyala. Serta banyaknya kapal-kapal kecil lain yang berada disekelilingnya.

"Kelihatannya mereka mau keluar dari perairan utara pulau Jawa (Cirebon). Mereka mau angkut," kata Susi.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, salah satu pegawai KKP yang juga mendampingi Susi menjelaskan, Kapal Fu Yuan Yu status terakhir mengaktifkan VMS pada pukul 13.14 WIB.

"Kapal Fu Yuan Yu melakukan transhipment, karena banyak kapal yang mengelilingi, terdeteksi VMS laut Cirebon, sempat mati, nyala dan mati lagi," ujar Pegawai KKP tersebut.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
JAKARTA-Minister of marine and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti this afternoon suddenly gather again the crew of the media into the room that works in the building of the Ministry of marine and Fisheries (CTF). This meeting was done after discussion of the performance of the CTF during the last.In his encounter with some of the crew of the media, there is a large ship reveal Susi who allegedly did the loading and unloading or transhipment in the waters of Indonesia."It's a ship that was caught in the monitors VMS CTF known named Fu Yuan Yu who is a carrier or a similar vessel Hai Va who first arrested some time ago," he said in his room, Jakarta, Saturday (24/2/2015).A strong indication that the ship did a transhipment, says Susi is the VMS from the ship was found dead, the flame signal, dead, nyala. As well as numerous other smaller ships that were surrounding."It looks like they want to get out of the waters north of the island of Java (Cirebon). They want to transport, "said Susi.On the same occasion, one of the officers of the CTF which also accompanies the Susi explains, the Fu Yuan Yu last status enable VMS at 13.14 BST."Ship Fu Yuan Yu do a transhipment, because many ships that surround sea VMS detected, Cirebon, briefly dead, flame and die again," said the CTF Staff.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
JAKARTA - Minister of Marine and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti this afternoon suddenly recollected the media crew to his room in Building Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF). This was done after a discussion meeting of the CTF's performance this afternoon. In a meeting with some members of the media, Susie revealed no major ship suspected of transhipment or unloading in Indonesian waters. "That ship is caught in a CTF known VMS monitors named Fu Yuan Yu who is the ship transport or ship similar to the first Hi Va arrested some time ago, "he said in his office, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/02/2015). Indications are strong that the ship did transhipment, said Susi is VMs from the ship was caught giving death signal, flame, death, flame. As well as many other smaller ships that are around it. "It seems they want to get out of the waters north of the island of Java (Cirebon). They want to haul," said Susie. At the same time, one of the employees of the CTF that also accompany Susie explains, Ship Fu Yuan Yu final status activate VMS at 13:14 pm. ​​"The vessel Fu Yuan Yu do transhipment, because many vessels that surround, detected marine VMS Cirebon, was dead, flame and die again," said the CTF Employees.

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