merozoites divide and increase in number started to grow and began to destroy some blood cells in the body, but only a few developing merozoites only and can not be directly evolve spontaneously.6 other mosquitoes that bite the skin surface also left a malaria sporozoites that can quickly evolve as two sporozoites have entered into the heart and spread throughout the body and then also turn into other merozoites 7. red blood cells were taken by a mosquito on the surface of our skin then develops in the mosquito's stomach into gametocytes,gametocytes are then out of the body of the mosquito and a mosquito eggs 8. mosquito that has bitten humans before then flying and biting another human being. until the cycle starts again from the process in mosquitoes become infectious sporozoites then there is a process that goes to the liver and turned into merozoites and malaria there.
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