Suatu hari, ada sekumpulan kerbau di dalam hutan yang tenang. salah sa terjemahan - Suatu hari, ada sekumpulan kerbau di dalam hutan yang tenang. salah sa Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Suatu hari, ada sekumpulan kerbau d

Suatu hari, ada sekumpulan kerbau di dalam hutan yang tenang. salah satu diantara mereka memiliki wajah yang jelek bernama Didi. Kedua orangtua Didi telah meninggal saat dia masih bayi sehingga dia tidak bisa menjaga dirinya agar tetap bersih dan selalu kotor dan dia suka dengan hal itu. Didi hanya bergantung kepada sekumpulan kerbau tempat dimana ia hidup sekarang. Tetapi, kerbau yang lain tidak menyukai keberadaan Didi karena dia terlihat jelek serta tidak memiliki orangtua dan berbeda dari kerbau yang lain. Oleh karenanya, kerbau yang lain selalu mengejeknya sejak ia masih anak-anak.
"hey didi, jangan dekat dekat denganku!"
"kau sangat jelek sekali, lebih baik kau pergi dari sini!"
"kemana orangtuamu ? kau bukan terlihat seperti kerbau!"
begitulah kata kata yang ia terima setiap hari dari sekumpulan kerbau lain yang lewat didepannya.
Saat Didi dewasa, dia tetap saja sering diejek oleh kerbau yang lain karena tidak pernah mandi dan banyak sekali kutu di tubuhnya. Kerbau yang lain takut jika kutu yang ada ditubuh Didi akan menular ke kerbau yang lain jika mereka mendekatinya.
Suatu saat, ketika sekumpulan kerbau itu sedang berkubang di lumpur, Didi ingin bergabung dengan mereka, tetapi ketika kakinya baru saja menyentuh lumpur, kerbau yang lain sangat marah dengannya sampai ia benar benar ditinggalkan oleh kawanan kerbau itu.
Dia sangat sedih karena dia benar benar sendirian di dalam hutan. Sampai pada suatu hari ada kawanan burung gagak yang sedang mencari makan di atas hutan tempat Didi tinggal. Salah satu dari mereka melihat kerbau yang sangat kotor yang tak lain adalah Didi dan menghampirinya.
"hey kerbau, kenapa kau kotor sekali?"
kata burung gagak yang menghampiri Didi
"saya tidak pernah mandi karena tidak ada yang peduli tentang itu"
"hemmm... perkenalkan, namaku tetot, siapa namamu ?"
"hei tetot, saya didi, kenapa kau ada disini ?" jawab didi
"saya sedang mencari makan" tetot melihat kutu yang sangat banyak di tubuh Didi
"hey, kenapa kau sendirian disini ? kemana temanmu yang lain ?" tanya tetot
didi berkata "saya tinggal sendirian di hutan ini karena tidak ada yang mau berteman denganku karena saya jelek dan tidak pernah mandi"
tetot pun bertengger di bagian belakang tubuh didi seraya berkata "apakah tubuhmu gatal ? aku bisa menyembuhkannya"
"iya, setiap hari saya selalu menggesekkan tubuh saya ke pohon agar rasa gatal itu hilang, kau mau menyembuhkanku ? bagaimana caranya ?" jawab didi bingung.
"aku bisa memakan kutu di tubuhmu yang menyebabkan kau gatal"
"Hmm... baiklah, tapi kau jangan meledekku karena aku jelek, aku sudah muak dengan hal itu.
"tenang saja, aku hanya akan memakan kutu ditubuhmu agar kau tidak gatal dan aku pun kenyang."
setelah beberapa lama mereka bersama, akhirnya mereka berdua menjadi teman sejati. Tetot mendapatkan makan dengan memakan kutu di tubuh didi dan Didi pun merasa nyaman karena badannya tidak gatal.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
One day, there was a group of Buffalo in a quiet forest. one of them has an ugly face named Didi. Both parents had died when he Didi was a baby so that she could not keep herself clean and always dirty and he likes with it. Didi it only relies on a bunch of Buffalo where he lives now. However, the other Buffalo didn't like the presence of Didi because she look ugly and have no parents and is different from the other buffaloes. Therefore, the other Buffalo always ridiculed since he was a child."hey didi, don't close me!""you're very ugly as hell, better you go from here!""where orangtuamu? you're not looking like a Buffalo! "that's the word she received daily from a bunch of other Buffalo passes on the front side.When Didi adult, he nonetheless is often teased by the other Buffalo for never taking a bath and lots of fleas on her body. Other buffaloes ticks are scared if there is ditubuh Didi will be contagious to other Buffalo if they approached him.One day, when a group of Buffalo wallowing in the mud, Didi wanted to join them, but when his feet just touch the mud, another Buffalo was very angry with him until he actually left behind by the Buffalo herd.He was very sad because she was really alone in the Woods. Until one day there is a flock of crows that are feeding on the forest where Didi lived. One of them saw a very dirty water buffalo who is Didi and approached him."hey, why are you filthy Buffalo once?"the word Raven who approached Didi"I never bathe because no one cares about that""hemmm ... you introduce, my name is tetot, who is your name?""Hey tetot, I didi, why are you here?" said didi"I'm looking for eating" tetot see the fleas that are very much in the body of Didi"hey, why are you alone here? where are your friend are other? "asked tetotDidi said "I live alone in the forest because no one wants to be friends with me because I am ugly and never shower"tetot was perched on the back of the body of didi and said "do you itch? I could heal him ""Yes, every day I'm always swiping my body to a tree so that the itchiness is gone, do you want menyembuhkanku? How do you do? "replied confused didi."I can eat the ticks in your body that cause you to itch""Hmm ... well, but you do not meledekku because I'm ugly, I'm fed up with it."relax, I will only eat the ticks ditubuhmu so that you're not itchy and I too full."After some time they are together, both of them eventually become true friends. Tetot get packed by eating fleas on the body and Didi didi ever feel comfortable because his body isn't itching.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
One day, there was a bunch of buffalo in the quiet forest. one of them had an ugly face named Didi. Didi's parents had died when she was a baby so that he could not keep himself to keep them clean and always dirty and he likes with it. Didi just rely on a bunch of buffalo where he lives now. However, others do not like the buffalo Didi existence because he looks ugly and do not have parents, and different from the other buffalo. Therefore, another buffalo always taunting him since he was a child.
"didi hey, do not close near to me!"
"You're so ugly, you'd better get out of here!"
"Where are your parents? do you not look like a buffalo!"
so the words which he received every day from a bunch of other buffalo pass before him.
When Didi adult, she still often teased by other buffalo because it was never a bath and a lot of ticks on his body. Buffalo others fear if existing fleas Didi body will spread to other buffalo when they approached him.
One time, when a bunch of buffalo that were wallowing in the mud, Didi wants to join them, but when his feet just touching the mud, buffalo another very angry with him until he was completely abandoned by the buffalo herd.
He was very sad because she was completely alone in the woods. Until one day there is a flock of crows that were foraging on the forest where Didi stay. One of them look very dirty buffalo that nobody else is Didi and her.
"buffalo hey, why are you so dirty?"
said the crow who came Didi
"I never bath because no one cares about it"
"hemmm .. . introduce, tetot my name, what's your name? "
"hey tetot, I didi, why are you here?" didi replied
"I was feeding" tetot see fleas are very much in the body Didi
"hey, why are you alone here? where another friend of yours?" asked tetot
didi said "I live alone in this forest because no one wants to be friends with me because I am ugly and never bath"
tetot was perched on the back of the body didi saying "if your body itch? I could heal"
"yes, every day I always rubbing my body to the tree so the itching was gone, you want to cure me? how? " didi replied confused.
"I could eat fleas in your body that cause you to itch"
"Hmm ... okay, but you do not teased me because I'm ugly, I was fed up with it.
"worry, I'll just eat fleas ditubuhmu so you not itchy and I was satisfied. "
after a while they were together, eventually they both become true friends. Tetot get eaten by eating lice on the body and Didi didi also feel uncomfortable because he does not itch.
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