Ten Commandments 1. Do not worship idols, berbaktilah Me alone, and love me more than any Something 2. Do not mention the name of the Lord thy God with disrespect 3. Sanctify the Lord 4. Honor your mother, your father 5. Do not kill 6. Do not commit adultery 7. Do not steal 8. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor 9. Do not covet your neighbor's wife 10. Do not covet unjustly sesamu Ten Commandments, the Latin Decalogue (δέκα λόγοι) is the ten commandments were written by God and given to the Israelites through Moses on Mount Sinai in the form of two stone Loh. Ten commandments of God, can be read in Exodus 20: 1-17 and Deuteronomy 5: 6-21 as for the numbering of the commandments (Catholic Version) numbering is according to St. Augustine. A. Exodus 20: 1-2 "I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage" With these words, he wanted to remind us that He is the God who is with us and accompanies us throughout life. Through this, he claimed to be God liberator. B. Exodus 20: 3-11 Here contains the first to the fourth order. All of which are addressed on how we show obedience and love for our Lord The order of unity: "Do not have no other gods before me" (Kel20: 3) Note the word gods above! Allah says in small letters is to demonstrate a false god or gods of human creation. To us this time, the command of unity is still valid. We must not worship and enslave themselves to other gods, such as believing in the power of magic and superstition or enslave themselves to luxury, money, science, fashion, and so on. The word "no gods" has a meaning that rely, put expectations, and seek powers. Because we have had God we trust and we also have to belong to the living God, then we do not again trust and subject to the other gods or powers other than our Lord. The second command: "Do not make for yourself an idol in the form anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth below, or that is in the water under the earth. Do not bow down to him, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God is a jealous God, the iniquity of fathers to their children, to the third and fourth offspring of those who hate Me. But showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and adhering to the commandments. "(Kel20: 4-6) The second command discuss how we worship God. This command contains the following meanings: 1. Prohibited mematungkan God in any manner or form whatsoever 2. Forbidden to worship, pray and plead with statues or idols 3. Prohibited conduct worship the wrong way (Ex 32) third command: "Do not mention the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will look innocent people who call upon His name in vain" (Exodus 20: 7) This command reminds us of the holiness of God's name . In the Hebrew name of God is YHWH which means "I (will) there yes I (will) there" (Exodus 3:14). With that name, the Lord was about to declare that he will always be there to help and accompany us. In the New Testament, the name of God more clearly in Jesus Christ, who is called the Messiah, the anointed one. The fourth commandment: "Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify ; Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; then do not do any work, thou, nor thy son, or thy daughter, or the male servants, or female servant, or your animals, nor the alien in dwellings. For six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is therein, and He rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and keep it holy "(Ex 20: 8-11) The purpose of this command is: 1. Day or time devoted to the Lord 2. Provide time to reflect on the meaning and purpose of our lives before God so that we can find a design / plan of God in it. The word Sunday, comes from the Portuguese, namely "dominggu" which means "God". So that Sunday is the Lord's day or the day of the Lord victory C. Exodus 20: 12-17 fifth to the tenth Commandment tells us about how to realize obedience and love to our neighbor. The fifth commandment: "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land which the Lord your God given unto you" (Ex 20: 12) The fellow who is the first to our honor our parents, because they are the first person to have a relationship with us. In addition, this phrase refers to people who are older than us, such as religious leaders, teachers, government, our bosses, and others. As long as they perform duties in accordance with the will of God, we must follow and obey him in earnest. Due to the important task of parents is to continue the saving work of God's story to their children (Deuteronomy 6: 4-9). Sixth Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill" (Ex 20:13) Through this command, we can appreciate the obligation to human life. This is because, life is a precious gift God. seventh Commandment: "Do not commit adultery" (Exodus 20: 14) This command encourages us to maintain the sanctity of our body. The intent of this command is 1. A person must not take the husband or his neighbor's wife (2 Samuel 11: 1-27) 2. Behave, think, and speak words that are not obscene or pornographic (Ephesians 4:29, Matthew 5:28) 3. Sexual intercourse with a person who is not, and yet be married or not his or her spouse. This command declares the will of God in the sanctity of marriage and the whole sexual life on hold in high regard as a precious gift from God. Marriage reflects the union of Christ with His church and our body is the dwelling place of the holy spirit (Matthew 5: 27-28; Ephesians 5: 28-32; I Corinthians 6: 18-20). Eighth Commandment: "Thou shalt not steal" (Kel20: 15) That is: 1. We must be able to respect the property and rights of others 2. Grateful for what we have each punyai 3. Grateful for God's gift to us ninth commandment: "Do not bear false witness against thy neighbor" (Kel20: 16) This command takes us to: 1. Always live in honesty 2. Maintain and fight for truth 3. Keeping our mouths as a means of communication and love a good carrier. The words we say is a tool of God to make contact and form alliances with fellow human beings. Through this command, we as a witness to Christ in the midst of this world are reminded to always speak honestly and correctly. The Tenth Commandment: "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or donkey, or anything that is your neighbor punyai "(Kel20: 17) The Tenth Commandment is more inward, which is about the desire. If we are able to master desires, we certainly would not have the desire to master the property of others. *** So ten words or the law that should we view as a gift of love of God to the people of Israel first and of course also applies to us today.
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