ABSTRACTGoddess Aristiyana increased use of Pronoun in Arabic verbs with Cooperative Learning Method types Make A Match on the students in Jakarta 20 MTsN. Department of Arabic language and literature, Faculty of Arts and the State University of Jakarta. April 2016.The research method used is the class action research. This research aims to know the increase results learn Arabic using cooperative learning model type to make a match.Class action research was conducted with the use of a model cycle of Stephen Kemmis & Robin Mc Taggart. This class is a follow up study done through four stages, namely the planning stages, action, observation, and reflection.This research was carried out in Jakarta on 20 MTsN. March-April 2016. This research aims to improve the use of the pronoun in Arabic verbs. The research method used is the class action research. This research population is students MTsN. 20 upscale 7.3 which amounted to 44 students. Research instrument used is the observation sheet researchers and students, and student learning test results.Measurement of the results of learning Arabic at the end of each cycle of research by providing the test multiple choice-shaped end and short answer of 20 items.Metode Make A Match dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam penggunaan kata ganti pada kata kerja Bahasa Arab pada siswa kelas 7.3 di MTsN.20 Jakarta. Hasil yang diperoleh pada setiap siklus adalah sebagai berikut: siklus I persentase yang diperoleh dari hasil tes 76,14 % di MTsN.20 Jakarta yaitu sebanyak 31 siswa mencapai nilai KKM 75 dan memperoleh nilai rata-rata 70 dari jumlah siswa. Pada siklus II terdapat peningkatan nilai rata-rata di MTsN.20 Jakarta dengan persentase 84,43 % sebanyak 36 siswa yang mencapai nilai KKM 75 dan memperoleh nilai rata-rata 80 dari jumlah siswa.
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