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Teknik Pewarnaan Kain Batik
Zat pewarna alam untuk bahan tekstil pada umumnya diperoleh dari hasil ekstrak berbagai bagian tumbuhan seperti akar, kayu, daun, biji ataupun bunga. Pengrajin-pengrajin batik telah banyak mengenal tumbuhan-tumbuhan yang dapat mewarnai bahan tekstil beberapa diantaranya adalah : daun pohon nila (indofera), kulit pohon soga tingi (Ceriops candolleana arn), kayu tegeran (Cudraina javanensis), kunyit (Curcuma), teh (Tea), akar mengkudu (Morinda citrifelia), kulit soga jambal (Pelthophorum ferruginum), kesumba (Bixa orelana), daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava). (Sewan Susanto,1973).

Mori yang diwarnai dengan zat warna alam adalah yang berasal dari serat alam contohnya sutera, wol dan kapas (katun). Sedangkan mori dari serat sintetis seperti polyester , nilon dan lainnya tidak memiliki afinitas (daya serap) terhadap zat warna alam sehingga zat warna alam tidak bisa menempel dan meresap di mori sintetis tersebut. Bahan dari sutera pada umumnya memiliki afinitas paling bagus terhadap zat warna alam dibandingkan dengan bahan dari kapas.

Salah satu kendala pewarnaan mori menggunakan zat warna alam adalah variasi warnanya sangat terbatas dan ketersediaan bahannya yang tidak siap pakai sehingga diperlukan proses-proses khusus untuk dapat dijadikan larutan pewarna mori. Oleh karena itu zat warna alam dianggap kurang praktis penggunaannya. Namun dibalik kekurangannya tersebut zat warna alam memiliki potensi pasar yang tinggi sebagai komoditas unggulan produk Indonesia memasuki pasar global dengan daya tarik pada karakteristik yang unik, etnik dan eksklusif.

Untuk itu, sebagai upaya mengangkat kembali penggunaan zat warna alam untuk tekstil maka perlu dilakukan pengembangan zat warna alam dengan melakukan eksplorasi sumber- sumber zat warna alam dari potensi sumber daya alam Indonesia yang melimpah. Eksplorasi ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui secara kualitatif warna yang dihasilkan oleh berbagai tanaman di sekitar kita untuk pencelupan tekstil. Dengan demikian hasilnya dapat semakin memperkaya jenis –jenis tanaman sumber pewarna alam sehingga ketersediaan zat warna alam selalu terjaga dan variasi warna yang dihasilkan semakin beragam. Eksplorasi zat warna alam ini bisa diawali dari memilih berbagai jenis tanaman yang ada di sekitar kita baik dari bagian daun, bunga, batang, kulit ataupun akar . Sebagai indikasi awal, tanaman yang kita pilih sebagai bahan pembuat zat pewarna alam adalah bagian tanaman–tanaman yang berwarna atau jika bagian tanaman itu digoreskan ke permukaan putih meninggalkan bekas/goresan berwarna. Pembuatan zat warna alam untuk pewarnaan bahan mori dapat dilakukan menggunakan teknologi dan peralatan sederhana.

Untuk itu pigmen – pigmen alam tersebut perlu dieksplorasi dari jaringan atau organ tumbuhan dan dijadikan larutan zat warna alam untuk pencelupan bahan tekstil. Proses eksplorasi dilakukan dengan teknik ekstraksi dengan pelarut air.

Proses pembuatan larutan zat warna alam adalah proses untuk mengambil pigmen – pigmen penimbul warna yang berada di dalam tumbuhan baik terdapat pada daun, batang, buah, bunga, biji ataupun akar. Proses eksplorasi pengambilan pigmen zat warna alam disebut proses ekstraksi. Proses ektraksi ini dilakukan dengan merebus bahan dengan pelarut air. Bagian tumbuhan yang di ekstrak adalah bagian yang diindikasikan paling kuat/banyak memiliki pigmen warna misalnya bagian daun, batang, akar, kulit buah, biji ataupun buahnya. Untuk proses ekplorasi ini dibutuhkan bahan – sebagai berikut:

Kain katun (birkolin) dan sutera,
Ekstrak adalah bahan yang diambil dari bagian tanaman di sekitar kita yang ingin kita jadikan sumber pewarna alam seperti : daun pepaya, bunga sepatu, daun alpokat, kulit buah manggis, daun jati, kayu secang, biji makutodewo, daun ketela pohon, daun jambu biji ataupun jenis tanaman lainnya yang ingin kita eksplorasi
Bahan kimia yang digunakan adalah tunjung (FeSO4) , tawas, natrium karbonat/soda abu (Na2CO3) , kapur tohor (CaCO3), bahan ini dapat di dapatkan di toko-toko bahan kimia. Peralatan yang digunakan adalah timbangan, ember, panci, kompor, thermometer , pisau dan gunting

Dalam melakukan proses ekstraksi/pembuatan larutan zat warna alam perlu disesuaikan dengan berat bahan yang hendak diproses sehingga jumlah larutan zat warna alam yang dihasilkan dapat mencukupi untuk mencelup bahan tekstil. Banyaknya larutan zat warna alam yang diperlukan tergantung pada jumlah bahan tekstil yang akan diproses.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Batik Fabric Colorization technique
natural dye Substances for textile materials are generally obtained from the results of various sections of the plant extracts such as roots, wood, leaves, seeds or flowers. Craftsman-batik craftsmen had many familiar plants that may be coloring textile materials some of which are: leaves of Indigo (indofera), tree bark soga total (Ceriops candolleana arn), tegeran wood (Cudraina javanensis), turmeric (Curcuma), tea (Tea), the roots of noni (Morinda citrifelia), skin soga jambal (Pelthophorum ferruginum), kesumba (Bixa orelana), daun guavas (Guava guajava). (,1973 Susanto Sewan).

Mori are tinged with the colors of nature are substances derived from natural fibers such as silk, wool and cotton (cotton). While mori from synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon and others have no affinity (absorption) of natural color substance so that substance is natural color can not stick and pervasive in the synthetic mori. Materials of silk in general have the nicest affinity towards nature color substance in comparison with materials from cotton.

One of the constraints of the coloring substance using natural colors mori is a variation of the colour is very limited and the availability of material that is not ready to use so that the required processes can be made specific to the solution of the dye mori. Therefore the natural color of the substance is considered to be less practical. However the drawback of substance behind the natural colors have high market potential as a commodity product flagship Indonesia entered the global market with fascination at the unique characteristics, ethnic and exclusive.

For it, in an effort to lift back the use of substances of natural colours for textile explisit development substances natural colors by doing an exploration of the sources of the substances natural colors from the natural resource potential of Indonesia in abundance. Exploration is intended to determine qualitatively the colors produced by various plants around us for dyeing textiles. Thus, the results can be more enriching types â € "the type of the source natural dye plants so that the availability of substances of natural color is always awake and color variations are produced increasingly diverse. The exploration of the natural color of this substance can start from choosing different kinds of plants that are all around us both from the leaf, flower, stem, bark or roots. As early indications, the plants that we choose as material dye natural substances maker is part of the tanamanâ € "colored plants or plant parts if it digoreskan to the white surface scarring/stroke color. The manufacture of substances of natural color for tinting materials mori can be done using simple equipment and technology.

The pigment to it â € "these natural pigments need to be explored from the tissues or organs of plants and the natural color of the substance solution made for dyeing textile materials. The exploration process is performed with the techniques of extraction with solvent water.

process of making aqueous substances natural color is a process to extract the pigment â € "penimbul color pigments in the plant either in the leaves, stem, fruit, flowers, seeds or roots. The process of retrieving substance pigment color exploration of nature called the extraction process. This ektraksi process is done by boiling the solvent materials with water. The plants in the extract is the most powerful/indicated many have color pigment such as the leaf, stem, root, fruit skins, seeds or fruit. For this exploration process chemicals â € "as follows:

cotton cloth (birkolin) and silk Extracts,
is the material taken from the plants around us that we want to make it a source of natural dyes such as: papaya leaves, flower leaves, avocados, shoe leather mangosteen, secang wood, teak leaf, seed makutodewo, cassava leaves, guava leaves or other plant types that we want to explore
chemicals used are tunjung (FeSO4), alum, sodium carbonate/soda ash (Na2CO3), limestone (CaCO3) tohor, this material can be obtained at stores of chemicals. The equipment used is the scales, buckets, pots, stoves, thermometer, knife and scissors

In doing the extraction process/manufacturing solutions of substances of natural color needs to be adjusted to the weight of the material to be processed so that the amount of a solution of a substance can be produced in natural colors suffice for dyed textile materials. Multiplicity of solutions of substances of natural color as needed depending on the number of textile materials to be processed.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Batik Fabric Dyeing Techniques
natural dyes for textile materials are generally obtained from the extracts of various plant parts such as roots, wood, leaves, seeds or flowers. Batik craftsmen have many familiar plants to dye textile materials some of which are: indigo leaves (indofera), soga bark steeper (Ceriops candolleana arn), lumber tegeran (Cudraina javanensis), turmeric (Curcuma), tea ( Tea), roots of noni (Morinda citrifelia), skin Soga jambal (Pelthophorum ferruginum), kesumba (Bixa orelana), leaves of guava (Psidium guajava). (Sewan Susanto, 1973). Mori are colored with natural dyes are derived from natural fibers eg silk, wool and cotton (cotton). While mori of synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon and others do not have the affinity (absorption) of the natural dyes so that natural dyes can not be attached and seeped in the synthetic mori. Materials of silk in general have a great affinity to the natural dyes compared with material from cotton. mori One obstacle staining using natural dyes are color variations are very limited and the availability of ready-made material that is not so required special processes to be used as a solution dye mori. Therefore, natural dyes are considered less practical use. But behind the drawbacks of natural dyes have a high market potential as a commodity Indonesian products enter the global market with the appeal of its unique characteristics, ethnic and exclusive. therefore, as an effort to revive the use of natural dyes for textiles is necessary for the development of substance natural color by exploring the sources of natural dyes from Indonesian natural resources are abundant. This exploration is intended to qualitatively determine the color produced by various plants around us for dyeing textiles. Thus the results can further enrich the types â € "the type of plant sources of natural dyes so that the availability of natural dyes is always awake and color variations are generated increasingly diverse. Exploration of natural dyes can be initiated from choosing different types of plants that are all around us either from the leaves, flowers, stems, bark or roots. As an initial indication, the plants that we choose as raw material for natural dyes is part tanamanâ € "colored plants or parts of plants if it is carved into the surface of the scars white / colored streaks. Making natural dyes for coloring materials mori can be done using simple technology and equipment. pigment to it â € "the natural pigment needs to be explored from tissues or organs of plants and natural dye solution used for dyeing textile materials. The exploration process is done by solvent extraction technique with water. process of making natural dye solution is to take a pigment process â € "penimbul color pigment in plants that are either present in the leaves, stems, fruit, flowers, seeds or roots. Exploration process of making natural dyes pigments called extraction process. The extraction process is done by boiling the material with water solvent. Plant parts in the extract is the most powerful part indicated / many have color pigments, for example the leaves, stems, roots, fruit peel, seeds or fruit. For this exploration process needed materials â € "as follows: Cotton cloth (birkolin) and silk extract is an ingredient taken from the plants around us that we want to make it a source of natural dyes such as: papaya, hibiscus, avocado leaves, bark mangosteen fruit, leaf teak, wooden cup, makutodewo seeds, cassava leaves, guava leaves or other plant species that we want to explore The chemicals used are lotus (FeSO4), alum, sodium carbonate / soda ash (Na2CO3), calcium oxide (CaCO3), this material can get in stores chemicals. The equipment used is the scales, buckets, pans, stove, thermometer, knife and scissors in the process of extraction / manufacture natural dye solution should be adjusted to the weight of material to be processed so that the amount of natural dye solution produced can be sufficient for dyeing textile materials. The number of natural dye solution required depends on the amount of textile material to be processed.

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