It was found that in children 6 years of age began to decline of anti-Hbs titer means start happening decreased immunity to hepatitis B virus (VHB) or the number of children that are protective of the child 44 (38,26%) children's nonprotektif and 71 (61,74%) of the total number of 114 children. Start happening decrease immunity in children age 6 years and 7 years but rising immunity in children aged 8 years and 9 years tend to be stable, after 9 years of age go down until the age of 14 years. When 8 years old there is a rise, it is likely the respondents have immune hadn't checked yet occur or there is a decrease in respondent then examined have resilience so immune (anti-HBs titer) can still be detected the possibility this could happen because of the possible existence of nutrition or nutritional supplements which are sufficient so that possible the condition when inspected anti-HBs titer haven't come down or still protective. From some research in the United Europe and China obtained the conclusion that an average decrease of anti-HBs titer occurring in children aged 8 years, 9 years even over 10 years. But based on the results of the research data Riskesdas 2007 Indonesia occurred in that the decrease in titer of anti-HBs at the age of 6 years, which means that need to be done (booster) immunizations in children aged 6 years or older who sit in first class SD (elementary school).
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