I and my family dear my name is wonderful, I am the first child of four air-saudara.saat I sat dibangku grade three smk.Aku going to tell you about my family. I think that family is something that is very precious to me because nothing can replace the role of the family in this world. That's where I can find a peace and love everlasting. I particularly loved the family ku.keluargaku only consists of seven members, namely the father, mother and one sister and two of my little brother and my grandmother. Although we were a small family, our affection to each other is enormous. My father was a laborer, my father was a hard worker. my mother was a trader, so did my grandmother as a trader ibuku.adikku that women have a hobby of singing and the two brothers have my little hobby of playing football bola.kedua my little brother has berbeda.yang ideals that only dreams aspirations as a businessman, who only more dreams aspirations as tentara.dan me, I'm just like my father .The very work keras.aku have the same hobby as my little brother is brmain football and sports lainnya.adik sister sitting bench four elementary but he was able to clean the house and help orangtua.tapi sometimes he is annoying and often makes me angry. Despite that I was very fond of her. Mother who lived with my family right now is tiri.ibu my birth mother had died five years lalu.meskipun her stepmother she is very fond of me and my younger brother as his own child as well as working hard for our us.She .He was always patient with my sister naughty sister, even though she never marah.dia never detract in the slightest affection for kami.karna we know he is angry because we salah.adik prempuan I really want to be with me the slightest guru.beda never sought even thought to be a teacher. I am very glad if I could get together with keluargaku.pergi worship together, and laugh together tell kelucuan.aku want every day to gather with keluargaku.tapi was not possible because the parents, me, my grandmother, and my sister very busy.We to spend more time outside than at home .but
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