2. Aspek Jalana. Untuk pembina lalu lintas baik dari instansi kepolisi terjemahan - 2. Aspek Jalana. Untuk pembina lalu lintas baik dari instansi kepolisi Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

2. Aspek Jalana. Untuk pembina lalu

2. Aspek Jalan
a. Untuk pembina lalu lintas baik dari instansi kepolisian, dinas perhubungan, dinas pekrjaan umum dan pemerintah daerah diharapkan saling kerjasama untuk memperbaiki kerusakan jalan serta melengkapi prasarana jalan dalam mewujudkan keselamatan berlalu lintas.
b. Perlu adanya manajemen yang baik pada persimpangan dengan mengoptimalkan waktu fase pada persimpangan.
c. Perlunya komitmen dari pemerintah kabupaten Garut dalam mendukung program keselamatan jalan beserta anggaran biayanya.
d. Untuk mengantisipasi rencana pembangunan daerah Kabupaen Garut maka perlu adanya peningkatan Kapasitas Jalan khususnya pada jalan yang memiliki kinerja yang buruk serta pemeliharaan dan pengawasan kinerja di ruas dan simpang yang masih terkoordinir dengan baik.
e. Perbaikan pada segmen-segmen ruas jalan yang geometrik jalannya mengalami kerusakan sesuai dengan hasil rekomendasi Uji Laik Fungsi Jalan.

3. Aspek Kendaraan
a. Pengujian keliling memerlukan sarana berupa kendaraan uji keliling yang belum tesedia. Perlengkapan alat pada UPT PKB berupa alat uji kecepatan perlu diadakan.
b. Pemeriksaan laik kendaraan bermotor harus dilakukan secara berkala agar pemengemudi menjadi jera. Peningkatan kualitas pengujian bermotor mempengaruhi kualitas standart keselamatan angkutan berdasarkan domisili sehingga perlu memperketat kualitas pengujian. Penganggaran dana untuk monitoring kesehatan pengemudi perlu dicanangkan.
c. Peredaran helm bukan SNI harus dihapuskan dari edaran. Peredaran helm SNI sebaiknya tersebar merata agar jarak lebih mudah dalam mendapatkan helm. Penindakan pelanggaran sudah dilakukan tetapi perlu adanya peringaan harian dijalan agar peringatan tidak diberikan pada saat operasi saja.
d. Kendaraan genersi sebelumnya sangat mempengaruhi dalam peredaraan komponen aktif dan pasif safety pada kendaraan yang beredar di kabupaten Garut. Kesadaran masyarakat dalam perkembangan teknologi harus ditingkatkan. Tetapi masyarakat terbentur dengan belum adanya anggaran karena tingkat kecanggihan teknologi berbanding lurus dengan harga mobil tersebut.

4. Aspek Pengguna Jalan
a. Perlu adanya database kecelakaan yang baik sehingga pemerintah kabupaten garut utamanya dapat mengambil kebijakan bahwa dari kecelakaan akan menimbulkan kerugian, baik kerugian finansial dan dari segi sosial.
b. Perlu adanya database pelanggaran lalu lintas guna mengetahui pengguna jalan yang melanggar lalu lintas.
c. Perlu adanya pengawasan kepada sekolah mengemudi agar upgrade izin sekolah mengemudi dapat di perbaharui dan pengawasan agar sekolah mengemudi menerapkan standar operasional prosedur sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. mendata ulang sekolah mengemudi yang sudah terdaftar dan belum terdaftar.
d. Perlu dilakukan kegiatan sosialisasi yang lebih baik untuk dinas perhubungan kabupaten garut. Program itu sejalan dengan Rencana Umum Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi.
1. Sosialisasi dengan Saba Sekola yang terintegrasi ( Paud, TK, SD, SMP, SMA, dst )
2. Pemilihan pelajar pelopor keselamatan ( Tingkat SMA )
3. Pelatihan penyuluhan keselamatan kepada guru
e. Perlu dilakukan kajian berupa evaluasi kegiatan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi keselamatan jalan yang telah dilakukan dengan tujuan agar dapat melakukan program dan kegiatan berjalan lebih efektif.
f. Penegakan hukum bagi pelanggar lalu lintas, dan kerjasama serta koordinasi untuk penegakan hukum lebih di tingkatkan , masih banyak di temukannya kecelakaan lalu lintas salah satunya disebabkan karena pelanggaran lalu lintas yang dilakukan pengguna jalan.
g. Masih kurangnya fasilitas pejalan kaki di masing – masing pusat kegiatan seharusnya menjadi perhatian khusus untuk pemerintah, selama ini hak dan keselamatan pejalan kaki masih terabaikan, perlengkapan seperti trotoar, zebra cross seharunya tersedia di pusat – pusat kegitan dengan volume pejalan kaki tinggi.
h. Trotoar yang sudah ada masih banyak disalah gunakan oleh pedagang kaki lima dan digunakan untuk lahan parkir, diperlukan penertiban dari instansi terkait sehingga fungsi trotoar dapat digunakan sebagai mana mestinya.
5. Aspek Penanganan Pasca Kecelakaan
a. Perlu adanya program layanan akses darurat (emergency call) jika terjadi kecelakaan lalu lintas di jalan yaitu seperti sistem layanan gawat terpadu dan sistem komunikasi gawat darurat terpadu one access code.
b. Perlunya diadakan rehabilitasi setelah paska kecelakaan. Pemerintah perlu membangun tempat rehabilitasi untuk korban kecelakaan. Baik berupa perawatan trauma (trauma center) atau berupa pelatihan-pelatihan yang dapat memulihkan kondisi fisik atau psikis korban.
6. Aspek Lokasi Penanganan Lokasi Kecelakaan
a. Perlu adanya sistem pendataan kecelakaan yang lebih baik dengan memasukan data – data yang ada dalam laporan kecekaan , data – data tersebut nantinya dijadikan sebagai data dasar dalam penentuan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan kecelakaan sehingga nantinya kecelakaan lalu lintas dapat berkurang.
Dari: Bahasa Indonesia
Ke: Inggris
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
2. Aspects of the patha. for a good traffic Builder from police agencies, the Department of transportation, Office of public pekrjaan and local Governments expected mutual cooperation to repair damaged roads and road infrastructure in realizing the complete safety of traffic.b. the need for good management at the intersection with optimizing time phase in the intersection. c. the need for the commitment of the Government in supporting the Garut road safety programmes and their budget costs.d. regional development plan to anticipate Kabupaen Arrowroot then need for increased road capacity especially on roads that have a poor performance as well as maintenance and monitoring performance in the segment and simpang which still terkoordinir well. e. improvements on toll road segments that geometric path suffered damage in accordance with the results of the recommendation be eligible to Test the function of the road.3. Aspects of the vehiclea. Testing roving vehicle test facility require a roving that has not been included. Gear tool on UPT PKB in the form of test speeds need to be held.b. Examination be eligible vehicles must be performed periodically in order to pemengemudi be a deterrent. Improved quality of motor testing affect the quality of the transport safety standards based on domicile so the need to tighten the quality testing. Budgeting funds for the driver's health monitoring needs to be defined.c. Circulation helmet instead of the SNI must be eliminated from the circular. Cycle helmet SNI should spread evenly so that the distance is easier in getting his helmet. Penindakan violations already done but need for daily peringaan in the way so that the warning is not given at the time of operation only.d. Vehicle genersi greatly affect previously in peredaraan active and passive safety components on vehicles circulating in Garut. Public awareness in the development of technology must be improved. But the public stuck with yet the existence of the budget because of the level of technological sophistication is directly proportional to the price of the car. 4. Aspects of road usersa. need for a good accident database so that the Government can take its main garut policies that will result in losses from the accident, both financially and in terms of loss of social.b. the need for a database of traffic violations in order to figure out which road users violating traffic. c. the need for oversight to the driving school in order to upgrade permission driving school can be emended and supervision so that the driving school applies the standard operational procedures in accordance with the regulations. record re registered driving schools and have not yet registered.d. the need to do a better socialization activities for the Department of transportation garut. That program is in line with the General National Transportation Safety Plan.1. Socialization with Saba Milwaukee Public integrated (Old, kindergarten, elementary, junior high, HIGH SCHOOL, etc)2. Election of a safety pioneer students (high school level)3. the extension of salvation to Teacher Traininge. evaluation studies need to be done in the form of public awareness and dissemination of road safety has been done with the aim to be able to undertake programs and activities run more effectively.f. law enforcement for traffic violators, and cooperation and coordination for more law enforcement on the increase, many still in temukannya traffic accidents one being caused due to traffic offences which carried out road users.g. Still lack of pedestrian facilities at each centre of activity should be of particular concern to the Government, this time the rights and safety of pedestrians are still neglected, equipment such as the pavements, zebra cross seharunya available in the Center – the center of kegitan with high pedestrian volume. h. existing Sidewalks are still widely misused by street vendors and used for parking lots, necessary reform of the relevant agencies so that the function can be used as pavement where it should be.5. Aspects of the Handling of the accidenta. need for emergency access service programs (emergency call) in case of traffic accidents on the road that is such a critical service system of integrated emergency communications systems and integrated one access code.b. the need for rehabilitation was held after the devastating accident. The Government needs to build a place of rehabilitation for the victims of the accident. Either the care trauma (trauma center) or in the form of training-training that can restore the physical or psychological condition of the victim. 6. Aspects of the handling of the crash Site Locationa. need for system logging accident that better by pasting data – data that exists in the report kecekaan, the data – the data was later used as the basic data in the determination of policies relating to the accident so that later the traffic accidents can be reduced.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Aspect 2. Roads
a. For good traffic builder from police agencies, transportation agencies, public pekrjaan agencies and local governments are expected to mutual cooperation to repair damaged roads and completing the road infrastructure in achieving traffic safety.
B. It needs a good management on the crossing with optimizing phase at the time of the crossing.
C. The need for commitment from Garut district government in support of road safety programs and their budget costs.
D. In anticipation of the regional development plan Kabupaen Garut it is necessary to increase road capacity, especially on roads that have poor performance as well as maintenance and monitoring performance on roads and intersections are still well coordinated.
E. Improvements to the road segments are geometric course of damage consistent with the recommendations Eligible Function Test Road.

3. Aspects Vehicles
a. Testing roving require such facilities around the test vehicle that has not been tesedia. UPT PKB tool fixtures in the form of speed test tool needs to be held.
B. Examination of eligible vehicles must be conducted regularly in order pemengemudi be a deterrent. Improving the quality of testing motorized transport affects the quality of safety standards based on the domicile so it is necessary to tighten quality testing. Budgeting funds for medical monitoring driver needs implemented.
C. Circulation SNI helmets not be eliminated from circulation. Circulation of SNI helmet should be spread evenly in order to distance it easier to get a helmet. Repression violations have been done but need their daily peringaan street that the warning is not given at the time of surgery only.
D. Vehicles previously genersi influence in peredaraan active and passive safety components in vehicles in circulation in Garut district. Public awareness in the development of technologies should be increased. But the people hit by the lack of budget for the level of technological sophistication is directly proportional to the price of the car.

4. Aspects of Road Users
a. It needs a good accident database so that local governments can adopt policies arrowroot primarily that of the accident will cause harm, financial loss and social terms.
B. The need for traffic violations database to determine which road users violating traffic.
C. The need for oversight to a driving school in order to upgrade license driving school can be updated and supervision of driving schools that implement standard operating procedures in accordance with applicable regulations. record the driving school who are already registered and not registered.
d. Need to do better socialization activities for district transportation department arrowroot. The program is in line with the National Transportation Safety General Plan.
1. Socialization at school integrated with Saba (early childhood, kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, etc.)
2. Selection of safety pioneer students (high school level)
3. Safety education training to teachers
e. Necessary to study the form of evaluation of road safety education and socialization has been done with the aim to carry out programs and activities more effectively.
F. Enforcement of traffic violators, and the cooperation and coordination of law enforcement more improved, there are still many in temukannya traffic accident one of them caused a traffic violation committed road users.
G. There is still a lack of pedestrian facilities in each - each center should be of particular concern to the government, as long as these rights and pedestrian safety is neglected, equipment such as sidewalks and crosswalk shall in available in the center - the center of activity with high pedestrian volume.
H. Existing pavement is often misused by vendors and used for parking, the necessary enforcement of the relevant agencies so that the function of the pavement can be used as appropriate.
5. Provision of Post-Accident
a. The need for emergency access program services (emergency call) in case of traffic accidents on the road that is as integrated emergency service systems and integrated emergency communications system one access code.
B. Importance held after post-accident rehabilitation. The government needs to build a rehabilitation center for victims of accidents. Whether in the form of trauma care (trauma center) or a form of training that can recover a physical or psychological condition of the victim.
6. Aspects of Location Management Locations Accident
a. Need data system crash better by entering the data - the data contained in the report accident at the data - the data will be used as a baseline in determining policy related to the accident so that later on traffic accidents can be reduced.
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