2. Aspects of the patha. for a good traffic Builder from police agencies, the Department of transportation, Office of public pekrjaan and local Governments expected mutual cooperation to repair damaged roads and road infrastructure in realizing the complete safety of traffic.b. the need for good management at the intersection with optimizing time phase in the intersection. c. the need for the commitment of the Government in supporting the Garut road safety programmes and their budget costs.d. regional development plan to anticipate Kabupaen Arrowroot then need for increased road capacity especially on roads that have a poor performance as well as maintenance and monitoring performance in the segment and simpang which still terkoordinir well. e. improvements on toll road segments that geometric path suffered damage in accordance with the results of the recommendation be eligible to Test the function of the road.3. Aspects of the vehiclea. Testing roving vehicle test facility require a roving that has not been included. Gear tool on UPT PKB in the form of test speeds need to be held.b. Examination be eligible vehicles must be performed periodically in order to pemengemudi be a deterrent. Improved quality of motor testing affect the quality of the transport safety standards based on domicile so the need to tighten the quality testing. Budgeting funds for the driver's health monitoring needs to be defined.c. Circulation helmet instead of the SNI must be eliminated from the circular. Cycle helmet SNI should spread evenly so that the distance is easier in getting his helmet. Penindakan violations already done but need for daily peringaan in the way so that the warning is not given at the time of operation only.d. Vehicle genersi greatly affect previously in peredaraan active and passive safety components on vehicles circulating in Garut. Public awareness in the development of technology must be improved. But the public stuck with yet the existence of the budget because of the level of technological sophistication is directly proportional to the price of the car. 4. Aspects of road usersa. need for a good accident database so that the Government can take its main garut policies that will result in losses from the accident, both financially and in terms of loss of social.b. the need for a database of traffic violations in order to figure out which road users violating traffic. c. the need for oversight to the driving school in order to upgrade permission driving school can be emended and supervision so that the driving school applies the standard operational procedures in accordance with the regulations. record re registered driving schools and have not yet registered.d. the need to do a better socialization activities for the Department of transportation garut. That program is in line with the General National Transportation Safety Plan.1. Socialization with Saba Milwaukee Public integrated (Old, kindergarten, elementary, junior high, HIGH SCHOOL, etc)2. Election of a safety pioneer students (high school level)3. the extension of salvation to Teacher Traininge. evaluation studies need to be done in the form of public awareness and dissemination of road safety has been done with the aim to be able to undertake programs and activities run more effectively.f. law enforcement for traffic violators, and cooperation and coordination for more law enforcement on the increase, many still in temukannya traffic accidents one being caused due to traffic offences which carried out road users.g. Still lack of pedestrian facilities at each centre of activity should be of particular concern to the Government, this time the rights and safety of pedestrians are still neglected, equipment such as the pavements, zebra cross seharunya available in the Center – the center of kegitan with high pedestrian volume. h. existing Sidewalks are still widely misused by street vendors and used for parking lots, necessary reform of the relevant agencies so that the function can be used as pavement where it should be.5. Aspects of the Handling of the accidenta. need for emergency access service programs (emergency call) in case of traffic accidents on the road that is such a critical service system of integrated emergency communications systems and integrated one access code.b. the need for rehabilitation was held after the devastating accident. The Government needs to build a place of rehabilitation for the victims of the accident. Either the care trauma (trauma center) or in the form of training-training that can restore the physical or psychological condition of the victim. 6. Aspects of the handling of the crash Site Locationa. need for system logging accident that better by pasting data – data that exists in the report kecekaan, the data – the data was later used as the basic data in the determination of policies relating to the accident so that later the traffic accidents can be reduced.
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