Pada hari kamis tanggal 29 september 2016 SMP N 1 Klaten melakukan keg terjemahan - Pada hari kamis tanggal 29 september 2016 SMP N 1 Klaten melakukan keg Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pada hari kamis tanggal 29 septembe

Pada hari kamis tanggal 29 september 2016 SMP N 1 Klaten melakukan kegiatan hunting touris ke candi prambanan. Pada pagi hari kami masih menjalankan KBM Seperti biasa, ada beberapa siswa yang sudah membawa perlengkapan dari rumah paginya dan ada beberapa siswa yang pulang kerumah kembali untuk mengambil perlengkapan hunting touris saat pulang sekolah . Kami berkumpul di sekolah pukul 13.00 WIB . Ada beberapa siswa yang berkumpul di sekolah dan beberapa yang lainnya berkumpul di hutan kota sambil menunggu siswa yang belum datang. Pada pukul 13.30 kami berangkat dari sekolah menuju Candi Prambanan, jarak sekolah sampai ke Candi Prambanan tidak terlalu jauh. Di perjalanan kami bercanda satu sama lain untuk melepas lelah setelah seharian menjalankan KBM sambil menunggu sampai di candi prambanan. Setelah sekitar 30 menit perjalanan kami sampai di Candi Prambanan.
Sesampainya di Candi Prambanan semua siswa berkumpul di plataran parkir Candi Prambanan sambil menunggu guru membeli tiket masuk ke plataran Candi Prambanan. Sambil menunggu ada beberapa siswa yang berfoto-foto bersama teman sekelasnya. Setelah menunggu beberapa saat, semua siswa dibagi tiket untuk masuk ke plataran Candi Prambanan. kami mengantri satu persatu untuk masuk ke plataran Candi Prambanan. Sekirtar pukul 14.30 WIB kami masuk ke plataran Candi prambanan. Setelah masuk ke plataran Candi prambanan setiap siswa bergi berpencar bersama kelompok mereka masing-masing. saya dan kelompok saya berkeliling sebentar sebelum mengerjakan tugas mewawancarai touris asing. Setelah beberapa menit berkeliling, kami pun milai mencari touris untuk diwawancarai.kami satu kelompok beranggotakan 5 orang masing-masing dari kami melontarkan 2 pertanyaan ke touris asing .
Setelah beberapa menit berkeliling kami menjumpai touris asing yg sedang menikmati keindahan candi prambanan. Kamipun menghampiri touris asing itu dan memulai mewawancarainya dan meminta foto bersama. Ada juga beberapa touris asing yang tidak mau diwawancarai oleh kami. Setelah berkeliling mewawancarai beberapa touris asing kami istirahat sejenak untuk berfoto bersama-sama dan memasuk kedalam candi untuk melihat-lihat. Setelah beberapa jam berkeliling menikmati keindahan Candi Prambanan kami diharap untuk berkumpul di pintu keluar candi prambanan , saat itu gerimis jadi kami langsung menuju ke dalam bus dan ada juga beberapa siswa yang mampir berbelanja di pasar dan beberapa lagi ibadah sholat. Sambil menunggu siswa lainnya masuk ke dalam bus kami beristirahat makan cemilan, ada juga yang kembali keluar untuk membeli minuman dan jajanan. Setelah sema siswa masuk ke dalam bus kami di bagi sanck untuk dimakan bersama.
Hari mulai gelap dan hujan semakin deras kamipun melanjutkan perjalanan ke plataran Pertunjukan Ramayana. Jarak platran pertunjukan Ramayana tidah jauh dari Candi Prambanan . sesampainya di Plataran pertunjukan Ramayana kami berkumpul di tempat seperti aula tapi sangat kecil. Saat itu hujan deras ada beberapa siswa yang membawa payung untuk menuju ke aula dan beberapa siswa lainnya tidak membawa payung dan berlari untuk menuju ke aula agar tidak basah kuyup. Beberapa siswa basah kuyup dan kami berdempet-dempetan untuk berteduh. Sambil berteduh kami makan bersama untuk mengisi perut. Setelah makan beberapa menjalankan ibadah Sholat bergiliran karena tempatnya sempit. Setelah beberapa saat hujan mulai reda kamipun langsung menuju ke plataran pertunjukan Ramayana dan mencari tempat duduk yang nyaman. Karena tempat pertunjukan basah kami menunggu beberapa menit untuk menunggu tempat pertujukan selesai di pel.
Pertunjukan ramayanan di mulai, kami memperhatikan dengan seksama, walau ada beberapa siswa yang masih asik berbincang-bincang dengan teman sebelah dan main handphone. setelah menyaksikan pertunjukan Ramayana kami kembali ke Bus untuk melanjutkan perjalanan pulang ke sekolah SMP N 1 Klaten. Di dalam perjalanan ada yang masih bercerita dan ada yang sudah mulai mengantuk. Sesampainya di SMP N1 Klaten kami sudah di Jemput Orang tua Masing-masing .
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
On Thursday september 29, 2016 SMP N 1 Klaten activities hunting touris to prambanan Temple. On the morning of the day we still run the KBM as usual, there are some students who already carried supplies from home in the morning and there were a few students who returned home back to pick up the gear hunting while touris home school. We gathered at the school at 1 pm. There are some students who gathered at the school and several others gathered in the jungle of the city while waiting for the students who are yet to come. At 13.30 we depart from the school toward the Prambanan Temple, school to distance to Prambanan Temple not too far away. On our trip to joke with one another to unwind after a day of running while waiting to KBM in prambanan Temple. After about 30 minutes we got to Prambanan Temple.Arriving at the Prambanan Temple, all the students gathered at the plataran Prambanan Temple parking while waiting for the teachers buy admission to the plataran Prambanan Temple. While waiting there are some students who berfoto-foto along with her classmates. After waiting a few moments, all the students shared a ticket to get into the plataran Prambanan Temple. We lined up one by one to get into the plataran Prambanan Temple. Sekirtar at 14.30 pm we went into plataran prambanan Temple. After going to the plataran prambanan Temple each student shared their group separated bergi respectively. me and my group toured briefly before the task of interviewing foreign touris. After a few minutes of wandering around, we find milai touris interviewed our group member. 5 people each of us performs 2 queries to the foreign touris.After a few minutes driving around we found foreign touris yg was enjoying the beauty of prambanan Temple. We also approach foreign touris and start the interview her and ask for a photo together. There are also some foreign touris who didn't want to be interviewed by us. After touring interviewed some of our foreign touris a short break to take pictures together and entering into the temple to have a look. After a few hours touring the Prambanan Temple, enjoy the beauty of our hotel will take to gather at the prambanan Temple, it was drizzling so we directly go to the bus and there are also some students who drop by the shop at the market and a few more prayer. While waiting for the other students get into the bus we take a break to eat snacks, there are also back out to buy drinks and snacks. After sema students enter into our bus in for sanck to eat together.The day started darker and rain getting profusely we continue the journey to the plataran Ramayana. Ramayana platran easy distance away from Prambanan Temple. arriving at the Plataran Ramayana we gather at places like the Hall but very small. When it is heavy rain there are some students who bring an umbrella to go to the Hall and a few other students not to bring an umbrella and ran to the Hall so as not soaking wet. Some students are soaking wet and we berdempet-dempetan for shelter. While sheltering us eating together for filling the stomach. After eating some prayer take turns running because the place is cramped. After a while the rain started to subside I am heading to the plataran Ramayana and find comfortable seating. Because the venue wet we waited a few minutes to wait for the pertujukan place finish on the MOP. For performances at the start, we notice carefully, although there are some students who are still friends with the cool side and main phone. After witnessing the Ramayana we went back to the Bus to continue their journey back to junior high school N 1 Klaten. In the course there are that still tells the story and some were already starting to sleepy. Arriving at the JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL N1 Klaten we already are picked up each of the parents.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
On Thursday 29th September 2016 SMP N 1 Klaten conduct hunting activities Touris to Prambanan temple. On the morning we were still running KBM As usual, there are some students who have to bring equipment from home the next and there are some students who go home back to pick up supplies for hunting Touris home from school. We gathered at the school at 13:00 pm. There are some students who gathered at the school and several others gathered in the jungle town while waiting for students who have not come. At 13.30 we set off from school to Prambanan, the schools get to the Prambanan temple is not too far away. On the way we joke with each other to unwind after a day of running KBM while waiting until at Prambanan. After about 30 minutes of travel we arrived at Prambanan.
Arriving at Prambanan all the students gathered in the parking plataran Prambanan teacher while waiting to buy tickets to plataran Prambanan. While waiting for some students who take pictures together with classmates. After waiting a few moments, all students are divided ticket for admission to plataran Prambanan. we lined up one by one to get into plataran Prambanan. Sekirtar 14:30 pm we went into plataran Prambanan. Upon entry into plataran Prambanan every student bergi split along their respective groups. I and my group around for a while before the task to interview foreign touris. After a few minutes of walking around, we were looking Touris milai to diwawancarai.kami a group of five people each of us asking two questions to the foreign touris.
After a few minutes of driving around we encounter foreign touris who were enjoying the beauty of Prambanan temple. We then approached foreign touris it and started to interview him and ask for photos together. There are also some foreign touris who do not want to be interviewed by us. After touring interviewed several foreign touris short break to take pictures together and entered into a into the temple to look around. After a few hours walking around enjoying the beauty of Prambanan we are expected to gather at the exit Prambanan, when it was drizzling so we went straight to the bus and there are also some students who stopped shopping in the market and some of the more ritual prayers. While waiting for the other students into the bus we took a snack, there is also a back out to buy drinks and snacks. After sema students enter our bus for sanck to eat together.
It was getting dark and the rain getting heavier we continued the journey to plataran Performances Ramayana. Distance platran tidah Ramayana performances away from Prambanan Temple. when he got in Plataran Ramayana performances we gather in a place like the hall but very small. When the heavy rains there are some students who bring an umbrella to get to the hall and several other students did not bring an umbrella and ran to get to the hall so as not soaked. Some students were soaking wet and we huddle-dempetan for shelter. We ate together in the shade to fill the stomach. After eating a few turns to practice prayer because it's narrow. After a while the rain began to subside, we straight toward plataran Ramayana performances and find a comfortable seat. Because of a wet performances we waited a few minutes to wait pertujukan place finish in the mop.
Performances ramayanan at the start, we are paying close attention to, though there are some students who still cool chatting with friends next door and around the mobile phone. after watching the show Ramayana us back to the bus to go straight back to junior high school N 1 Klaten. On the way there are still told and there are already getting sleepy. Arriving at the SMP N1 Klaten we've had in Pick Parents respectively.
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