1. mahasiswa UNIROW akan mengadakan penghijauan di desa jenu hari ming terjemahan - 1. mahasiswa UNIROW akan mengadakan penghijauan di desa jenu hari ming Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

1. mahasiswa UNIROW akan mengadakan

1. mahasiswa UNIROW akan mengadakan penghijauan di desa jenu hari minggu depan.
2. ada seratus tiga puluh delapan mahasiswa di kebun raya bogor kemarin.
3. john dan richard sedang mengamati kupu- kupu dibelakang ini dengan seksama.
4. berapa kira-kira umur kelinci ini? kira-kira kelinci ini berumur tiga belas tahun.
5. anaconda lebih berbahaya dari pada python.cobra lebih berbahaya dari pada python. viger adalah ular yang aling beracun.
6. mister budi sering mengajak mahasiswa untuk mengadakan penelitian.
7. apa yang biasanya anda kerjakan setiap ada waktu luang.
8. mister jelontrong dengan kawan-kawan telah menebangratusan pohon untuk pembangunan pabrik.
9. harga premium tidak semahal harga minyak tanah.
10. formalin dan borax adalah bahan kimia yang sangat berbahaya untuk kesehatan manusia.
11." tahu " ini telah dicampuri dengan formalin oleh mereka. mereka tidak bertanggung jawab atas perbuatannya.
12. para pelamar kerja sedang di wawancarai oleh manajer perusahaan.
13. banyak pekerjaan telah dikerjakan olehnya dengan baik.
14. obat herbal ini boleh diminum tiga kali sehari.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
1. the student will organize greening UNIROW in the village of jenu day next week.2. There are a hundred and thirty-eight students at the bogor botanical gardens yesterday.3. john and richard was observing butterflies behind this carefully.4. What is the approx age of rabbits? This rabbit is roughly thirteen years.5. anaconda is more dangerous than python. cobra is more dangerous than in python. Viger is a poisonous snake and fro.6. mister Bob often invites students to conduct research.7. What do you usually do every there is spare time.8. mister jelontrong with his friends had menebangratusan trees for the construction of the plant.9. the price premium is not as expensive as the price of kerosene.10. formalin and borax are chemicals that are very dangerous to human health.11. "know" this was were interfered with formalin by them. they are not responsible for his actions. 12. the applicants are being interviewed by the Manager of the company.13. much work has been done by him as well.14. this herbal remedy may be drunk three times a day.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
1. UNIROW students will hold in the village greening jenu day next week.
2. there are one hundred and thirty-eight students in Bogor botanical garden yesterday.
3. John and Richard were watching a butterfly behind this carefully.
4. How about the age of these rabbits? This rabbit is approximately thirteen years old.
5. anaconda is more dangerous than the python.cobra more dangerous than the python. Viger is fro poisonous snakes.
6. mister cultivation often invite students to conduct research.
7. what you normally do every time.
8. mister jelontrong with comrades have menebangratusan trees for the construction of the plant.
9. Premium prices are not as expensive as the price of kerosene.
10. formalin and borax are chemicals that are very harmful to human health.
11. "know" this has interfered with formalin by them. they were not responsible for his actions.
12. the job applicants were interviewed by the manager of the company.
13. much work has been done well by him.
14. The herbal medicine may be taken three times a day.
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