Abdurrahman Wahid lahir pada hari ke-4 dan bulan ke-8 kalender Islam t terjemahan - Abdurrahman Wahid lahir pada hari ke-4 dan bulan ke-8 kalender Islam t Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Abdurrahman Wahid lahir pada hari k

Abdurrahman Wahid lahir pada hari ke-4 dan bulan ke-8 kalender Islam tahun 1940 di Denanyar Jombang, Jawa Timur dari pasangan Wahid Hasyim dan Solichah. Terdapat kepercayaan bahwa ia lahir tanggal 4 Agustus, namun kalender yang digunakan untuk menandai hari kelahirannya adalah kalender Islam yang berarti ia lahir pada 4 Sya'ban 1359 Hijriah, sama dengan 7 September 1940.

Ia lahir dengan nama Abdurrahman Addakhil. "Addakhil" berarti "Sang Penakluk". Kata "Addakhil" tidak cukup dikenal dan diganti nama "Wahid", dan kemudian lebih dikenal dengan panggilan Gus Dur. "Gus" adalah panggilan kehormatan khas pesantren kepada seorang anak kiai yang berati "abang" atau "mas".

Gus Dur adalah putra pertama dari enam bersaudara. Wahid lahir dalam keluarga yang sangat terhormat dalam komunitas Muslim Jawa Timur. Kakek dari ayahnya adalah K.H. Hasyim Asyari, pendiri Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), sementara kakek dari pihak ibu, K.H. Bisri Syansuri, adalah pengajar pesantren pertama yang mengajarkan kelas pada perempuan. Ayah Gus Dur, K.H. Wahid Hasyim, terlibat dalam Gerakan Nasionalis dan menjadi Menteri Agama tahun 1949. Ibunya, Ny. Hj. Sholehah, adalah putri pendiri Pondok Pesantren Denanyar Jombang. Saudaranya adalah Salahuddin Wahid dan Lily Wahid. Ia menikah dengan Sinta Nuriyah dan dikaruniai empat putri: Alisa, Yenny, Anita, dan Inayah.

Gus Dur secara terbuka pernah menyatakan bahwa ia memiliki darah Tionghoa. Abdurrahman Wahid mengaku bahwa ia adalah keturunan dari Tan Kim Han yang menikah dengan Tan A Lok, saudara kandung Raden Patah (Tan Eng Hwa), pendiri Kesultanan Demak.

Tan A Lok dan Tan Eng Hwa ini merupakan anak dari Putri Campa, puteri Tiongkok yang merupakan selir Raden Brawijaya V. Tan Kim Han sendiri kemudian berdasarkan penelitian seorang peneliti Perancis, Louis-Charles Damais diidentifikasikan sebagai Syekh Abdul Qodir Al-Shini yang diketemukan makamnya di Trowulan

Pada tahun 1944, Wahid pindah dari Jombang ke Jakarta, tempat ayahnya terpilih menjadi Ketua pertama Partai Majelis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia (Masyumi), sebuah organisasi yang berdiri dengan dukungan tentara Jepang yang saat itu menduduki Indonesia. Setelah deklarasi kemerdekaan Indonesia tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, Gus Dur kembali ke Jombang dan tetap berada di sana selama perang kemerdekaan Indonesia melawan Belanda. Pada akhir perang tahun 1949, Wahid pindah ke Jakarta dan ayahnya ditunjuk sebagai Menteri Agama. Abdurrahman Wahid belajar di Jakarta, masuk ke SD KRIS sebelum pindah ke SD Matraman Perwari. Wahid juga diajarkan membaca buku non-Muslim, majalah, dan koran oleh ayahnya untuk memperluas pengetahuannya. Gus Dur terus tinggal di Jakarta dengan keluarganya meskipun ayahnya sudah tidak menjadi menteri agama pada tahun 1952. Pada April 1953, ayah Wahid meninggal dunia akibat kecelakaan mobil.

Pendidikan Wahid berlanjut dan pada tahun 1954, ia masuk ke Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Pada tahun itu, ia tidak naik kelas. Ibunya lalu mengirim Gus Dur ke Yogyakarta untuk meneruskan pendidikannya dengan mengaji kepada KH. Ali Maksum di Pondok Pesantren Krapyak dan belajar di SMP. Pada tahun 1957, setelah lulus dari SMP, Wahid pindah ke Magelang untuk memulai Pendidikan Muslim di Pesantren Tegalrejo. Ia mengembangkan reputasi sebagai murid berbakat, menyelesaikan pendidikan pesantren dalam waktu dua tahun (seharusnya empat tahun). Pada tahun 1959, Wahid pindah ke Pesantren Tambakberas di Jombang. Di sana, sementara melanjutkan pendidikannya sendiri, Abdurrahman Wahid juga menerima pekerjaan pertamanya sebagai guru dan nantinya sebagai kepala sekolah madrasah. Gus Dur juga dipekerjakan sebagai jurnalis majalah seperti Horizon dan Majalah Budaya Jaya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Abdurrahman Wahid was born on the 4th day of the 8th month of Islamic calendar in 1940 in Jombang, East Java of Wahid Hasyim and Siti Solichah. There is a belief that he was born on August 4, but the calendar is used to mark the day of her birth is the Islamic calendar which means he was born on the 4th of Sha'baan 1359 Hijri, equal to 7 September 1940.He was born with the name Rahman planning to BRI. "Planning to BRI" means "the Conqueror". The word "known" not enough planning to BRI and renamed "Wahid", and then the better known by the nickname Gus Dur. "Gus" is a typical boarding school honor to call a child a kiai meaning "brother" or "mas".Wahid is the eldest son of six children. Wahid was born into a very respectable family in East Java Muslim community. His father was the grandfather of K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari, co-founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), while his maternal grandfather, Bisri Syansuri was the first to introduce classes for women. Wahid's father, K.H. Wahid Hasyim, was involved in the nationalist movement and became Minister of religious affairs in 1949. His Mother, Mrs. Hj. Sholehah, was the daughter of the founder of boarding schools Jombang. His brother was Salahuddin Wahid and Wahid Lily. He is married to Sinta Nuriyah with whom he had four daughters: Alisa, Yenny, Anita, and Inayah.Wahid has said publicly that he has Chinese blood. Wahid admitted that he was a descendant of Tan Kim Han is married to Tan A Lok, sibling Raden Patah (Tan Eng Hwa), founder of the Sultanate of Demak.Tan A Tan Lok and Eng Hwa was the son of the daughter of Campa, Princess of China which is the consort of Raden Brawijaya V. Tan Kim Han himself was based on studies of a French researcher, Louis Charles Damais identified as Sheik Abdul Qadir Al-Shini found his grave in TrowulanIn 1944, Wahid moved from Jombang to Jakarta where his father was the first elected Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Muslim Party of Indonesia (Masyumi), an organization founded with the support of Japan's army which was then occupying Indonesia. After Indonesia's Declaration of independence on 17 August 1945, Wahid moved back to Jombang and remained there during the war of independence Indonesia against the Netherlands. At the end of the war in 1949, Wahid moved to Jakarta and his father was appointed Minister of religion. Abdurrahman Wahid studied in Jakarta, went into ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KRIS before moving to Matraman Perwari primary school. Wahid was also encouraged to read non-Muslim books, magazines, and newspapers by his father to expand his knowledge. Wahid continued to live in Jakarta with his family while his father was not a Minister of religious affairs in 1952. In April 1953, Wahid's father died from a car accident.Wahid's education continued and in 1954, he entered the junior high school. In that year, he was not riding class. His mother then send Wahid to Yogyakarta to continue his education with the Koran to KH. Ali Infallible in the Krapyak Pesantren and learning in junior high school. In 1957, after graduating from JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, Wahid moved to Magelang to begin Muslim Education at Pesantren Tegalrejo. He developed a reputation as a talented student, completing the pesantren education within two years (four years). In 1959, Wahid moved back to Jombang in Pesantren Tambakberas. There, while continuing his education itself, Wahid also received his first job as a teacher and later as headmaster of the madrassa. Wahid was also employed as a journalist for magazines such as Cultural Magazine Horizon and Jaya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Abdurrahman Wahid was born on the 4th and 8th month of Islamic calendar 1940 in Denanyar Jombang, East Java from partner Wahid Hasyim and Solichah. There is a belief that he was born on August 4, but the calendar is used to mark the day of his birth is the Islamic calendar, which means he was born on the 4th of Sha'ban 1359 AH, equal to 7 September 1940. He was born with the name Abdurrahman Addakhil. "Addakhil" means "the Conqueror". The word "Addakhil" is not well known and renamed "Wahid", and later became known as Gus Dur call. "Gus" is a distinctive honor boarding call to a child kiai means "brother" or "mas". Gus Dur was the first son of six children. Wahid was born in a very respectable family in the Muslim community in East Java. Grandfather of his father is KH Hasyim Asyari, founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), while his maternal grandparents, KH Bisri Syansuri, is the first boarding school teacher who teaches a class on women. Father Gus Dur, KH Wahid Hasyim, was involved in the nationalist movement and became Minister of Religion in 1949. His mother, Mrs. Hj. Sholehah, is the daughter of the founder of Boarding Denanyar Jombang. His brother was Salahuddin Wahid and Lily Wahid. He is married to Sinta Nuriyah and had four daughters: Alisa, Yenny, Anita, and Inayah. Gus Dur has stated publicly that he has Chinese blood. Abdurrahman Wahid claimed that he was a descendant of Tan Kim Han who is married to Tan A Lok, siblings Raden Patah (Tan Eng Hwa), founder of the Sultanate of Demak. A Lok Tan and Tan Eng Hwa is the son of Princess Campa, a Chinese princess Raden concubine Brawijaya V. Tan Kim Han himself later based research a French researcher, Louis-Charles Damais identified as Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Shini who discovered his tomb in Trowulan In 1944, Wahid moved from Jombang to Jakarta, where his father was elected as the first Chairman Shura Council of the Muslim Party of Indonesia (Masjumi), an organization established by the Japanese soldiers who then occupied Indonesia. After the declaration of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945, Gus Dur back to Jombang and remained there during the Indonesian war of independence against the Dutch. At the end of the war in 1949, Wahid moved to Jakarta and his father was appointed as Minister of Religion. Abdurrahman Wahid studied in Jakarta, go to SD KRIS before moving to SD Matraman Perwari. Wahid also taught to read non-Muslim books, magazines, and newspapers by his father to expand his knowledge. Wahid continued to stay in Jakarta with his family even though his father had not become a minister of religion in 1952. In April 1953, Wahid's father died in a car accident. Education Wahid continued and in 1954, he entered junior high school. In that year, he did not go up the class. Her mother then sent Wahid to Yogyakarta to continue her education by the Koran to KH. Ali Krapyak infallible in boarding school and studied in junior high. In 1957, after graduating from junior high school, Wahid moved to Magelang to start the Muslim Education in Pesantren Tegalrejo. He developed a reputation as a gifted student, graduated from boarding school in two years (supposed to four years). In 1959, Wahid moved to a boarding school in Jombang Tambakberas. There, while continuing his own education, Wahid also received his first job as a teacher and later as head of the madrassa. Wahid was also employed as a magazine journalist like Horizon and Culture Magazine Jaya.

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