1. Kurikulum Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi menyiapkan siswa agar  terjemahan - 1. Kurikulum Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi menyiapkan siswa agar  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

1. Kurikulum Teknologi Informasi da

1. Kurikulum Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi menyiapkan siswa agar dapat terlibat pada perubahan yang pesat dalam dunia kerja maupun kegiatan lainnya yang mengalami penambahan dan perubahan dalam variasi penggunaan teknologi . Memang kita bisa memahami bahasa teknologi dengan baik , apalagi jika kita sudah memahami bahasa inggris. Tetapi apakah semua orang bisa memahami itu semua? Belum lagi di tahun-tahun depan teknologi akan berkembang pesat dan luas , google juga pasti akan mengeluarkan gadget dan smartphone yg lebih canggih lagi . yang terpenting di era globalisasi ini adalah memberikan pelajaran dan panduan bagi orang agar tidak gagap teknologi , mampu menggunakan alat teknologi informasi secara baik dan benar , mampu berinternet secara sehat dan beretika , mencari informasi-membagi informasi secara baik. Pemerintah perlu tahu bahwa internet bukan hanya game online dan jejaring sosial.

2. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi secara khusus ialah menyadarkan siswa akan potensi perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang terus berubah sehingga siswa dapat termotivasi untuk belajar . Kalau sampai TIK dihapuskan , tandanya kita hanya ingin menjadikan siswa hanya sebagai user karna siswa hanya mengerti penggunaannya saja tanpa memahami seluk beluk software dan kemungkinan aka tertinggal perkembangan teknologi yang terus update . kita akan ketinggalan kecanggihan teknologi karena kita tidak mempelajarinya lagi.

3. Jika Pelajaran TIK tidak ada dalam kurikulum, bagaimana nasib guru TIK ? Mungkin guru-guru TIK yang mengajar disekolah tidak dipakai atau mengajar lagi di sekolah itu dan hal itu dapat menyebabkan siswa Hanya tau pengetahuan dasar saja sehingga jika ada salah satu siswa yang berminat bekerja di bidang yang menyangkut TIK mereka akan kewalahan untuk mempelajari teori-teori lanjutan karena tidak diajarkan . TIK sangat berperan penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan TIK terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, jadi ketika kita tidak mengikuti perkembangan zaman tersebut, kita akan ketinggalan zaman.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
1. Information and Communication Technology Curriculum prepares students to be involved in the rapid changes in the world of work or other activities that are experiencing the addition and changes in the variation of the use of technology. Indeed we could understand the language of technology, let alone if we already understand the English language. But if everyone could understand it all? Yet in the years ahead the technology will evolve rapidly and broadly, google also will definitely pull out gadgets and more sophisticated smartphones anymore. most important in this era of globalization is to provide lessons and guidance for people to not stutter technology, capable of using the tools of information technology properly, able to surf in a healthy and ethical, search for information-share information in good time. The Government needs to know that the internet is not the only online gaming and social networking.2. Information and communication technology in particular is aware of potential students the development of information and communication technology are constantly changing so that students can be motivated to learn. If until the TICK removed, mark we just want to make students only as user karna students only understand its use without understanding the ins and outs of the software and possible development of the technology lags behind the aka continued to update. We'll miss the sophistication of technology because we do not learn it again.3. If no ICT Lessons in the curriculum, how ICT teacher's fate? Perhaps the teachers who teach ICT in schools is not used or taught in that school any more and it can cause students only know basic knowledge alone so that if any one of the students who are interested in working in the field of ICT is concerned they would be overwhelmed to learn advanced theories because it is not taught. TIK is very important in everyday life and ICT continue to evolve along with the times, so when we don't follow the development, we will be out of date.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
1. Information and Communication Technology curriculum prepares students to be involved in the rapid changes in the world of work or other activities that undergo additions and changes in the variation of the use of technology. Indeed, we can understand the language of technology well, especially if we already understand English. But if everyone can understand it all? Not to mention that in the years ahead of the technology will be developed rapidly and widely, Google also must be issued gadgets and more sophisticated smartphone again. The most important in this era of globalization is giving lessons and guidance for people not to stutter technology, is able to use information technology tools is good and right, able to surf in a healthy and ethical, look for information-sharing information as well. The government needs to know that the Internet is not just online gaming and social networking.

2. Information and Communication Technology in particular is to sensitize students to the potential development of information and communication technology are constantly changing so that students can be motivated to learn. If up ICT abolished, the sign we just want to make the students just as the user because the students only understand their use without understanding the ins and outs of the software and the possibility aka behind the development of technology that continually updates. we will miss the sophistication of the technology because we do not learn it again.

3. If the lesson is not in the ICT curriculum, how the fate of ICT teachers? Perhaps the teachers ICT teaching in schools is not used or teach at the school and it can lead students only know the basic knowledge alone so that if any one of the students who are interested in working in the field concerning their ICT will be overwhelmed to learn the theories advanced because it is not taught. ICT plays an important role in everyday life and ICTs continue to evolve with the times, so when we do not keep abreast of the times, we will be obsolete.
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