Wahid terpilih kembali untuk masa jabatan kedua Ketua NU pada Musyawar terjemahan - Wahid terpilih kembali untuk masa jabatan kedua Ketua NU pada Musyawar Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Wahid terpilih kembali untuk masa j

Wahid terpilih kembali untuk masa jabatan kedua Ketua NU pada Musyawarah Nasional 1989. Pada saat itu, Soeharto, yang terlibat dalam pertempuran politik dengan ABRI, mulai menarik simpati Muslim untuk mendapat dukungan mereka. Pada Desember 1990, Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI) dibentuk untuk menarik hati Muslim Intelektual. Organisasi ini didukung oleh Soeharto, diketuai oleh Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie dan di dalamnya terdapat intelektual Muslim seperti Amien Rais dan Nurcholish Madjid sebagai anggota. Pada tahun 1991, beberapa anggota ICMI meminta Gus Dur bergabung. Gus Dur menolak karena ia mengira ICMI mendukung sektarianisme dan akan membuat Soeharto tetap kuat. Pada tahun 1991, Wahid melawan ICMI dengan membentuk Forum Demokrasi, organisasi yang terdiri dari 45 intelektual dari berbagai komunitas religius dan sosial. Organisasi ini diperhitungkan oleh pemerintah dan pemerintah menghentikan pertemuan yang diadakan oleh Forum Demokrasi saat menjelang pemilihan umum legislatif 1992.

Pada Maret 1992, Gus Dur berencana mengadakan Musyawarah Besar untuk merayakan ulang tahun NU ke-66 dan mengulang pernyataan dukungan NU terhadap Pancasila. Wahid merencanakan acara itu dihadiri oleh paling sedikit satu juta anggota NU. Namun, Soeharto menghalangi acara tersebut, memerintahkan polisi untuk mengembalikan bus berisi anggota NU ketika mereka tiba di Jakarta. Akan tetapi, acara itu dihadiri oleh 200.000 orang. Setelah acara, Gus Dur mengirim surat protes kepada Soeharto menyatakan bahwa NU tidak diberi kesempatan menampilkan Islam yang terbuka, adil dan toleran. Selama masa jabatan keduanya sebagai ketua NU, ide liberal Gus Dur mulai mengubah banyak pendukungnya menjadi tidak setuju. Sebagai ketua, Gus Dur terus mendorong dialog antar agama dan bahkan menerima undangan mengunjungi Israel pada Oktober 1994.

Menjelang Musyawarah Nasional 1994, Gus Dur menominasikan dirinya untuk masa jabatan ketiga. Mendengar hal itu, Soeharto ingin agar Wahid tidak terpilih. Pada minggu-minggu sebelum munas, pendukung Soeharto, seperti Habibie dan Harmoko berkampanye melawan terpilihnya kembali Gus Dur. Ketika musyawarah nasional diadakan, tempat pemilihan dijaga ketat oleh ABRI dalam tindakan intimidasi.[28] Terdapat juga usaha menyuap anggota NU untuk tidak memilihnya. Namun, Gus Dur tetap terpilih sebagai ketua NU untuk masa jabatan ketiga. Selama masa ini, Gus Dur memulai aliansi politik dengan Megawati Soekarnoputri dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (PDI). Megawati yang menggunakan nama ayahnya memiliki popularitas yang besar dan berencana tetap menekan rezim Soeharto. Wahid menasehati Megawati untuk berhati-hati dan menolak dipilih sebagai Presiden untuk Sidang Umum MPR 1998. Megawati mengacuhkannya dan harus membayar mahal ketika pada Juli 1996 markas PDInya diambil alih oleh pendukung Ketua PDI yang didukung pemerintah, Soerjadi.

Melihat apa yang terjadi terhadap Megawati, Gus Dur berpikir bahwa pilihan terbaiknya sekarang adalah mundur secara politik dengan mendukung pemerintah. Pada November 1996, Wahid dan Soeharto bertemu pertama kalinya sejak pemilihan kembali Gus Dur sebagai ketua NU dan beberapa bulan berikutnya diikuti dengan pertemuan dengan berbagai tokoh pemerintah yang pada tahun 1994 berusaha menghalangi pemilihan kembali Gus Dur. Pada saat yang sama, Gus Dur membiarkan pilihannya untuk melakukan reformasi tetap terbuka dan pada Desember 1996 bertemu dengan Amien Rais, anggota ICMI yang kritis terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah.

Juli 1997 merupakan awal dari Krisis Finansial Asia. Soeharto mulai kehilangan kendali atas situasi tersebut. Gus Dur didorong untuk melakukan reformasi dengan Megawati dan Amien, namun ia terkena stroke pada Januari 1998. Dari rumah sakit, Wahid melihat situasi terus memburuk dengan pemilihan kembali Soeharto sebagai Presiden dan protes mahasiswa yang menyebabkan terjadinya kerusuhan Mei 1998 setelah penembakan enam mahasiswa di Universitas Trisakti. Pada tanggal 19 Mei 1998, Gus Dur, bersama dengan delapan pemimpin penting dari komunitas Muslim, dipanggil ke kediaman Soeharto. Soeharto memberikan konsep Komite Reformasi yang ia usulkan. Sembilan pemimpin tersebut menolak untuk bergabung dengan Komite Reformasi. Gus Dur memiliki pendirian yang lebih moderat dengan Soeharto dan meminta demonstran berhenti untuk melihat apakah Soeharto akan menepati janjinya. Hal tersebut tidak disukai Amien, yang merupakan oposisi Soeharto yang paling kritis pada saat itu. Namun, Soeharto mengumumkan pengunduran dirinya pada tanggal 21 Mei 1998. Wakil Presiden Habibie menjadi presiden menggantikan Soeharto.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Wahid was re-elected for a second term as Chairman of NU at the 1989 National Congress. At that time, Suharto, who was involved in a political battle with ABRI began to draw the sympathy of Muslims for their support. In December 1990, Indonesia Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) set up to attract the hearts of Muslim Intellectuals. The organization is supported by Suharto, chaired by Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie and inside are Muslim intellectuals like Nurcholish Madjid and Amien Rais as members. In 1991, several members of ICMI asked Wahid to join. Wahid declined because he thought that ICMI encouraged sectarianism and will make Suharto remains strong. In 1991, Wahid countered ICMI by forming the democracy Forum, an organization which contained of 45 intellectuals from various religious and social communities. The organisation is taken into account by the Government and the Government put a stop to the meeting held by the Democracy Forum ahead of the legislative elections of 1992.In March 1992, Wahid plans to hold a Major Congress to celebrate the birthday of NU-66 and to reiterate the support of NU against Pancasila. Wahid had planned the event was attended by at least one million NU members. However, Suharto's blocking of the event, ordered police to return the bus containing the NU members as they arrived in Jakarta. However, the event was attended by 200,000 people. After the event, a Wahid sent a letter of protest to Suharto saying that NU had not been given a chance to display Islam that is open, fair and tolerant. During his second term as Chairman of NU, Wahid's liberal ideas began to turn many supporters sour. As Chairman, Wahid continued to push for a dialogue between religions and even accepted an invitation to visit Israel in October 1994.Menjelang Musyawarah Nasional 1994, Gus Dur menominasikan dirinya untuk masa jabatan ketiga. Mendengar hal itu, Soeharto ingin agar Wahid tidak terpilih. Pada minggu-minggu sebelum munas, pendukung Soeharto, seperti Habibie dan Harmoko berkampanye melawan terpilihnya kembali Gus Dur. Ketika musyawarah nasional diadakan, tempat pemilihan dijaga ketat oleh ABRI dalam tindakan intimidasi.[28] Terdapat juga usaha menyuap anggota NU untuk tidak memilihnya. Namun, Gus Dur tetap terpilih sebagai ketua NU untuk masa jabatan ketiga. Selama masa ini, Gus Dur memulai aliansi politik dengan Megawati Soekarnoputri dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (PDI). Megawati yang menggunakan nama ayahnya memiliki popularitas yang besar dan berencana tetap menekan rezim Soeharto. Wahid menasehati Megawati untuk berhati-hati dan menolak dipilih sebagai Presiden untuk Sidang Umum MPR 1998. Megawati mengacuhkannya dan harus membayar mahal ketika pada Juli 1996 markas PDInya diambil alih oleh pendukung Ketua PDI yang didukung pemerintah, Soerjadi.See what happens against Megawati, Wahid thought that his best option now is backed politically by supporting the Government. In November 1996, Wahid and Suharto met for the first time since Wahid's re-election as Chairman of the NU and the next few months followed by a meeting with various government figures which in 1994 sought to dissuade Wahid's re-election. At the same time however, Wahid kept his options for reform open and in December 1996 meeting with Amien Rais, an ICMI Member who had grown critical of the regime.July 1997 is the beginning of the Asian financial crisis. Suharto began to lose control over the situation. Wahid pushed for reform with Megawati and Amien, however he was hit by a stroke in January 1998. From the hospital, Wahid continued to see the situation worsen with Suharto's re-election as President of the student protests and riots in May 1998 after the shooting of six students at Trisakti University. On 19 May 1998, Wahid, together with eight important leaders of the Muslim community, was summoned to the residence of Soeharto. Suharto gave the concept a reform Committee he proposed. The nine leaders refused to join the reform Committee. Wahid has a more moderate stance with Suharto and called on demonstrators to stop to see if Suharto will keep his promise. This displeased Amien, who is the most critical of Suharto's opposition at the time. However, Suharto announced his resignation on May 21, 1998. Vice President Habibie replaced Suharto as President.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Wahid was re-elected for a second term at the NU Chairman of the National Congress of 1989. At that time, Suharto, who was involved in a political battle with the Armed Forces, began to attract the sympathy of Muslims for their support. In December 1990, the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) was formed to attract the hearts of Muslim Intellectuals. This organization is supported by Suharto, chaired by Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie and in it there are Muslim intellectuals such as Amien Rais and Nurcholish Madjid as members. In 1991, several members of ICMI asked Gus Dur join. Wahid refused because he thought ICMI support sectarianism and will make Suharto remain strong. In 1991, Wahid against ICMI by forming Democracy Forum, an organization consisting of 45 intellectuals from various religious and social communities. The organization is taken into account by the government and the government to stop the meeting organized by the Democracy Forum just before the 1992 legislative elections. In March 1992, Gus Dur Great Council plans to hold a birthday to celebrate NU-66 and reiterated support for NU to Pancasila. Wahid planning an event that was attended by at least one million NU members. However, Suharto blocking the event, ordered the police to return the bus containing NU members when they arrived in Jakarta. However, the event was attended by 200,000 people. After the event, Gus Dur sent a letter of protest to Suharto stated that NU was not given a chance to show Islam that is open, fair and tolerant. During his second term as chairman of NU, Wahid's liberal ideas began to change a lot of supporters into not agree. As chairman, Wahid continued to encourage dialogue between religions and even received an invitation to visit Israel in October 1994. Towards the National Conference of 1994, Gus Dur nominate himself for a third term. Hearing this, Suharto wants Wahid not elected. In the weeks before the General Assembly, Suharto's supporters, such as Habibie and Harmoko campaigned against the re-election of Gus Dur. When a national conference was held, where the election closely guarded by the armed forces in acts of intimidation. [28] There are also efforts to bribe members of the NU to not choose it. However, Wahid was elected as chairman of the NU remained for a third term. During this period, Gus Dur start a political alliance with Megawati Sukarnoputri of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI). Megawati, who uses his father's name has great popularity and plans to keep pressing the Suharto regime. Wahid, Megawati advised to be cautious and reject chosen as President of the General Session of 1998. Megawati ignored and paid the price when in July 1996 the headquarters PDInya taken over by supporters of the government-backed PDI Chairman, Soerjadi. Seeing what happened to Megawati, Gus Dur think that the best option now is to retreat politically by supporting the government. In November 1996, Wahid and Suharto met for the first time since the re-election of Gus Dur as chairman of NU and the next few months followed by a meeting with various government leaders who in 1994 tried to block the re-election of Gus Dur. At the same time, Gus Dur let his choice to remain open and reform in December 1996 met with Amien Rais, ICMI members critical of government policies. July 1997 is the beginning of the Asian Financial Crisis. Suharto began to lose control of the situation. Gus Dur encouraged to undertake reforms with Megawati and Amien, but he suffered a stroke in January 1998. From the hospital, Wahid see the situation continues to deteriorate with Suharto's re-election as president and the student protests that led to riots in May 1998 after the shooting of six students at Trisakti University . On May 19, 1998, Gus Dur, along with eight key leaders of the Muslim community, were called to the residence of Suharto. Suharto provide concepts Reform Committee that he proposed. Nine leaders refused to join the Reform Committee. Gus Dur has a more moderate stance with Suharto and asked protesters to stop to see if Suharto will keep his promise. It is not favored Amien, which is the most critical Suharto opposition at the time. However, Suharto announced his resignation on May 21, 1998. Vice President Habibie became president succeeded Suharto.

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